
Recent Additions (Last 100)   Published In: ALL   For: Univ. of Mass Medical School, Lamar Soutter Library

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  1. A manual of general anatomy, containing a concise description of the elementary tissues of the human body   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  2. A set of anatomical tables, with explanations, and an abridgment of the practice of midwifery, with a view to illustrate a treatise on that subject, and collection of cases   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  3. Adversaria anatomica omnia (Quorum tria posteriora nunc primùm prodeunt) Novis pluribus aereis tabulis, & universali accuratissimo indice ornata. Opus nunc vere absolutum, inventis, & innumeris observationibus, ac monitis refertum, quibus universa humani corporis anatome, & ... res medica, & chirurgica admodum illustrantur   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  4. Adriani Spigelii Brvxellensis Eqvitis D. Marci ... De formato foetv : liber singularis Æneis figvris exornatvs, epistolæ dvæ anatomicæ, tractatvs de arthritide : opera posthvma studio Liberalis Cremae tarvisini philosoph. & medicinæ doctoris edita   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  5. Essays on physiology and hygiene   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  6. Traité de pathologie interne et de thérapeutique v.1   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  7. Traité de pathologie interne et de thérapeutique v.2   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  8. Elements of pathological anatomy v.1   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  9. The anatomy of humane bodies improv'd, according to the circulation of the blood, and all the modern discoveries. Publickly demonstrated at the theater in the Royal Garden at Paris   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  10. The anatomist's vade-mecum : containing the anatomy and physiology of the human body   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  11. Anatomical Remembrancer   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  12. The anatomy of the human body   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  13. A system of anatomy for the use of students of medicine v.1   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  14. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, mit Berucksichtigung der neuesten Physiologie und chirurgischen Anatomie v.1   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  15. Répertoire général d'anatomie et de physiologie pathologiques et du clinique chirurgicale v.5-6   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  16. A treatise on pathological anatomy   (added: 02/22/2010 )
  17. Observations on certain parts of the animal oeconomy : inclusive of several papers from the Philosophical transactions, etc. ; Treatise on the natural history and diseases of the human teeth : explaining their structure, use, formation, growth, and diseases : in two parts   (added: 02/16/2010 )
  18. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen, mit Berucksichtigung der neuesten Physiologie und chirurgischen Anatomie v.2   (added: 02/16/2010 )
  19. Elements of pathological anatomy v.2   (added: 02/16/2010 )
  20. Anatomical investigations, comprising descriptions of various fasciae of the human body ... to which is added an account of some irregularities of structure and morbid anatomy; with a description of a new anatomical table   (added: 02/16/2010 )
  21. A system of anatomy for the use of students of medicine v.2   (added: 02/16/2010 )
  22. An introduction to the study of human anatomy   (added: 02/16/2010 )
  23. A treatise on localized electrization, and its applications to pathology and therapeutics   (added: 11/13/2009 )
  24. An elementary treatise on midwifery, or, Principles of tokology and embryology   (added: 11/13/2009 )
  25. Border lines of knowledge in some provinces of medical science. An introductory lecture, delivered before the medical class of Harvard university, Nov. 6, 1861   (added: 11/13/2009 )
  26. An analytical compendium of the various branches of medical science, for the use and examination of students   (added: 11/13/2009 )