
Recent Additions (Last 25)   Published In: ALL   For: University of California, Davis Libraries

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  1. Preservative fluids for fresh fruits ; The sulphuring of dried fruits   (added: 05/02/2021 )
  2. A handbook on beekeeping in California M15   (added: 10/21/2018 )
  3. A handbook on beekeeping in California M15 rev 1960   (added: 10/21/2018 )
  4. Fundamentals of California beekeeping M42   (added: 10/21/2018 )
  5. The use of hydrocyanic acid against scale insects   (added: 07/17/2016 )
  6. The use of gases against scale insects   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  7. Examinations of miscellaneous vegetable substances   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  8. Commercial production of sturgeon : the economic dimensions of size and product mix No. 335   (added: 08/24/2014 )
  9. Economic evaluation of mosquito control and narrow spectrum mosquitocide development in California No. 330   (added: 08/24/2014 )
  10. The demand for selected deciduous tree fruits with implications for alternative 1980 production levels No. 309   (added: 08/24/2014 )
  11. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1941 No. 76   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  12. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1943 No. 83   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  13. Forage procurement and use by the California dairy industry and selected dairy farms No. 262   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  14. Bulk containers for deciduous fruits : costs and efficiency in local assembly operations No. 237   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  15. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1942 No. 79   (added: 08/17/2014 )
  16. Deciduous tree fruit and pineapple statistics basic to analysis of United States fruit supply and demand, 1924-1954 No. 186   (added: 08/10/2014 )
  17. Cost of producing queen and package bees in California No. 30   (added: 08/10/2014 )
  18. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1939 No. 66   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  19. Economy and accuracy in accounting to growers for fruit received at the packing house No. 149   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  20. Consolidation of citrus packing houses in the Ontario-Cucamonga area No. 154   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  21. Deciduous fruit statistics as of January, 1940 No. 69   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  22. Cost of producing deciduous fruit trees in selected California nurseries : (a progress report) No. 58   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  23. Prices and marketing margins for fruits and vegetables. 2, weekly prices and retail margins-- small, medium, and large stores oranges, lemons, and grapefruit : Denver, August 1948-July 1949 No. 170   (added: 08/03/2014 )
  24. The where and when of California fruit and nut crops M20   (added: 06/16/2013 )
  25. Further studies on the distribution and activities of certain groups of bacteria in California soil columns P4(4)   (added: 09/02/2012 )