
Recent Additions (Last 25)   Published In: ALL   For: UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge

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  1. International Trade in Marine Shells 1980   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  2. Measuring the extent and effectiveness of protected areas as an indicator for meeting global biodiversity targets 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  3. The Japanese role in wildlife trade: a review of the imports to Japan of Appendix II species previously identified as being traded at significant levels 1991   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  4. Models of national parks. A Research Report for Scottish Natural Heritage 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  5. Assessing the conservation status of the world's tropical forest. Part 1: subregional reviews, tropical Asia and Pacific (Sections 2-5) 1992   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  6. Estudios de biodiversidad en el Parque Nacional Laguna San Rafael: revisión del programa y planificación a futuro 1998   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  7. Mangroves of Western and Central Africa. UNEP-WCMC Biodiversity Series 26 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  8. Global Ecological Forest Classification and Forest Protected Area Gap Analysis. Analyses and recommendations in view of the 10% target for forest protection under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  9. Reporting on progress on protected areas management effectiveness; Discussion document for a long term plan for collecting and reporting on progress on protected areas management effectiveness and building capacity for national and regional evaluations 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  10. Prioritisation of Target Areas for Forest Restoration 2000   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  11. Protected areas: an effective tool to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  12. An assessment of the importance of the forests of South-East Viti Levu, Fiji 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  13. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation: global mechanisms, conservation and livelihoods 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  14. Environment on the Edge 2005/6 2006   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  15. The Fall of the Water: Emerging Threats to the Water Resources and Biodiversity at the Roof of the World To Asia's Lowland From Land-Use Changes Associated With Large Scale Settlement And Piecemeal Development 2004   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  16. Achieving Multiple Benefits through a UNFCCC Mechanism on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  17. Elephants d'Afrique Cites et Commerce de l'Ivoire 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  18. The Cost of Policy Inaction: The case of not meeting the 2010 biodiversity target 2008   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  19. Pre-project study on the conservation status of tropical timbers in trade. Final report to International Tropical Timber Organization. Vol 1 1991   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  20. Los Elefantes de Africa Cites y el Comercio de Marfil 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  21. African elephants, CITES and the ivory trade 1986   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  22. Coastal Sensitivity Overview of the Strait of Malacca. Compiled for International Maritime Organisation (IMO) 1994   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  23. Ecosystems and human well-being : biodiversity synthesis 2005   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  24. Cross-roads of Life on Earth — Exploring means to meet the 2010 Biodiversity Target. Convention on Biological Diversity Technical Series 31 2007   (added: 01/29/2012 )
  25. The conservation status of biological resources in the Philippines 1988   (added: 01/29/2012 )