
Recent Additions (Last 250)   Published In: ALL   For: MBLWHOI Library

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  1. Congrès international d'entomologie : [proceedings] 6th, v.1 (1935)   (added: 09/29/2019 )
  2. Bacteriology, general, pathological and intestinal   (added: 09/25/2016 )
  3. Fundamentals of botany   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  4. Plant studies; an elementary botany   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  5. A textbook of botany for colleges and universities 1   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  6. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London v.18=no.114-122 (1869-1870)   (added: 09/14/2014 )
  7. Brotéria. Série botanica v. 19 (1921)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  8. Brotéria. Série botanica Index v.1-15 (1918)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  9. Brotéria. Série botanica v.18 (1920)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  10. Brotéria. Série botanica v.17 (1919)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  11. Brotéria. Série botanica v. 16 (1918)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  12. Brotéria. Série botanica v. 15 (1917)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  13. Brotéria. Série botanica v. 13 (1915)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  14. Brotéria. Série botanica v.12 (1914)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  15. Brotéria. Série botanica v. 11 (1913)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  16. Brotéria. Série botanica v. 14 (1916)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  17. Brotéria. Série botanica v.20 (1922)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  18. The Nautilus v.31 (1917-1918)   (added: 09/07/2014 )
  19. The bird; its form and function   (added: 04/28/2013 )
  20. Plant life and plant uses; an elementary textbook, a foundation for the study of agriculture, domestic science or college botany   (added: 04/21/2013 )
  21. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76 under the command of Captain George S. Nares ... and the late Captain Frank Tourle Thomson, R.N Zoology v.1=pt.1-6 (1880)   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  22. Wissenschaftliche Meeresuntersuchungen. Abt. Kiel n.F. bd. 15:Abt. Kiel (1913)   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  23. Report of the Bureau of Fisheries 1904 (1905)   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  24. Archiv für mikroskopische Anatomie bd. 32   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  25. Manuel de l'histoire naturelle des crustacés, contenant leur description et leurs moeurs; avec figures dessinées d'après nature 1   (added: 01/27/2013 )
  26. Bergey's manual of determinative bacteriology   (added: 05/20/2012 )
  27. Carnegie Institution of Washington publication no.186 (1913)   (added: 12/12/2011 )
  28. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.40 (1934) [Bløddyr II Saltvandsmuslinger]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  29. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.41 (1935) [Polypdyr, Coelenterata I]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  30. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.34 (1930) [Biller VIII Vandkalve og Hvirvlere]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  31. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.53 (1948) [Storkrebs IV Ringkrebs 3]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  32. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.44 (1938) [Biller X Blødvinger, Klannere]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  33. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.27 (1924) [Pighude, Echinodermer]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  34. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.38 (1933) [Havedderkopper]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  35. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.29 (1925) [Biller VI Torbister]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  36. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.28 (1925) [Stankelben]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  37. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.37 (1932) [Frynsevinger Eller Blærefødder]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  38. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.71 (1966) [Insekter Almindelig Del]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  39. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.39 (1934) [Fugle III Maagefugle, Alkefugle og Rovfug]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  40. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.61 (1956) [Sommerfugle VIII Viklere]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  41. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.66 (1960) [Tovinger II Almindelig Del]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  42. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.70 (1965) [Tovinger IV]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  43. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.67 (1962) [Mosskorpioner og Mejere]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  44. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.68 (1963) [Tovinger III Minérfluer, Agromyzidae]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  45. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.33 (1929) [Netvinger og Skorpionfluer]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  46. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.48 (1942) [Sommerfugle VI Pyralider]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  47. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.45 (1939) [Pølseorme (Gephyrea)]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  48. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.58 (1952) [Biller XVI Rovbiller 2 Del]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  49. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.64 (1958) [Biller XX Tillægsbind]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  50. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.55 (1950) [Biller XIII Clavicornia 1 Del]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  51. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.60 (1954) [Lopper]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  52. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.57 (1951) [Biller XV Rovbiller 1 Del]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  53. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.51 (1945) [Polypdyr (Coelenterata) III Koraldyr]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  54. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.43 (1937) [Polypdyr (Coelenterata) II Gopler]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  55. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.35 (1931) [Tusindben]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  56. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.65 (1959) [Skallus, Søtænder, Blæksprutter]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  57. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.56 (1951) [Biller XIV Clavicornia 2 Del]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  58. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.49 (1943) [Myrer]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  59. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.63 (1957) [Biller XIX Almindelig Del]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  60. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.62 (1956) [Biller XVIII Barkbiller]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  61. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.54 (1949) [Bløddyr III. Ferskvandsbløddyr]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  62. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.42 (1936) (Storkrebs III Ringkrebs 2]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  63. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.36 (1931) [Biller IX Vandkærer]   (added: 09/25/2011 )
  64. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.78 (1969) [Biller XXVI Andet Tillægsbind]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  65. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.50 (1945) [Biller XII Heteromerer]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  66. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.79 (1970) [Kakerlakker Græshopper og Ørentvista XXVII]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  67. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.30 (1926) [Fugle II]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  68. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.81 (1974) [Blomster-tæger]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  69. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.74 (1966) [Biller XXIII Smældere og Pragtbiller]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  70. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.77 (1968) [Biller XXV Ådselbiller, Stumpbiller]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  71. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.72 (1966) [Edderkopper Eller Spindlere I]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  72. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.46 (1910) [Mosdyr (Bryozóa Eller Polyzóa)]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  73. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.59 (1954) [Biller XVII Rovbiller 3 Del]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  74. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.73 (1966) [Biller XXII Træbukke]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  75. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.32 (1928) [Storkrebs II Ringkrebs I Tanglopper]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  76. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.75 (1967) [Sækdyr]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  77. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.76 (1968) [Biller XXIV Sandspringere og Løbebiller]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  78. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.47 (1941) [Biller XI Sandspingere og Løbebiller]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  79. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.69 (1965) [Biller XXI Snudebiller]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  80. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.52 (1948) [Sommerfugle VII Fjermøl]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  81. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.31 (1927) [Biller VII Bladbiller og Bønnebiller]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  82. Danmarks fauna; illustrerede haandbøger over den danske dyreverden... Bd.80 (1972) [Edderkopper Eller Spindlere II]   (added: 09/18/2011 )
  83. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.7 (1964)   (added: 09/11/2011 )
  84. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.8 (1965)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  85. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.4 (1960)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  86. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.11 (1968)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  87. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.9 (1966)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  88. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.10 (1967)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  89. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.12 (1969)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  90. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.5 (1961)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  91. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.13 (1969)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  92. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.14 (1970)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  93. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.15 (1970)   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  94. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries Index v.2 (1957-1959)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  95. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.16 (1971)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  96. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries Index v. 1(1958)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  97. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries Suppl. 1 (1959)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  98. Current bibliography for fisheries science v.1: pt.1-6 (1958)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  99. Current bibliography for fisheries science v.1: pt.7-10 (1958)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  100. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.2: pt.1-5 (1959)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  101. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.6 (1963)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  102. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.17 (1971)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  103. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.2: pt.6-10 (1959)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  104. Current bibliography for aquatic sciences and fisheries v.3, Index v.3-4 (1960)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  105. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1876   (added: 07/03/2011 )
  106. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.26 (1880-1881)   (added: 07/03/2011 )
  107. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie t.85=73:t.2 (1921)   (added: 07/03/2011 )
  108. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales t.87=74:t.2 (1922)   (added: 07/03/2011 )
  109. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.101=no.445-448 (1976-1977)   (added: 06/26/2011 )
  110. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie t.76=66:t.1 (1914)   (added: 06/26/2011 )
  111. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.30 (1885-1886)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  112. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.51 (1913)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  113. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.27 (1882-1883)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  114. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.28 (1883)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  115. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.52 (1914)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  116. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.39 (1900)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  117. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.38 (1900)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  118. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.29 (1884)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  119. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.31 (1887-1890)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  120. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie t.78=67 (1915)   (added: 06/19/2011 )
  121. The Nautilus v.122 (2008)   (added: 06/13/2011 )
  122. The Nautilus v.119 (2005)   (added: 06/13/2011 )
  123. The Nautilus v.121 (2007)   (added: 06/13/2011 )
  124. The Nautilus v.120 (2006)   (added: 06/13/2011 )
  125. Veröffentlichungen der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München bd. 13 (1969)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  126. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie t.77=66:t.2 (1914)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  127. The Canadian naturalist and geologist v.2 (1857)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  128. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1864   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  129. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.48 (1910)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  130. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.60;Index=no.2:pt.3 (1922)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  131. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.44 (1906) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  132. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.47 (1909)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  133. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.45 (1907) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  134. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.49 (1911)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  135. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.37 (1900)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  136. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.54;Index=no.1:pt.2 (1916)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  137. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.36 (1897-1898)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  138. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.43 (1905) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  139. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.32 (1890-1892)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  140. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.57 (1920) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  141. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.58;Index=no.2:pt.1 (1920)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  142. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.59;Index=no.2:pt.2 (1921)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  143. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie t.79=68 (1916)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  144. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie t.83=72 (1920)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  145. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie t.81=70 (1918)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  146. Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussische Akademie des Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1865   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  147. Transactions of the San Diego Society of Natural History v.16 (1970-1972)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  148. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie t.82=71 (1919)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  149. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie t.80=69 (1917)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  150. Records of the Indian Museum v.2 (1908-1909)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  151. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie t.75=65:t.2 (1913)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  152. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie et de ses filiales t.86=74:t.1 (1922)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  153. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción t.38 (1963)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  154. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne bd. 56 (1919)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  155. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.50 (1912)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  156. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.40 (1902)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  157. Hardwicke's science-gossip : an illustrated medium of interchange and gossip for students and lovers of nature v.1=[no.1-12] (1865)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  158. Boletin de la Sociedad de Biología de Concepción t.22 (1948)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  159. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.53;Index=no.1:pt.1 (1915)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  160. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.46 (1907-1908) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  161. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.42 (1904) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  162. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.41 (1903)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  163. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne Bd.33 (1892-1893)   (added: 06/12/2011 )
  164. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie t.74=65:t.1 (1913)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  165. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.108=[no.473-476] (1985-1986)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  166. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.109=no.477-480 (1987)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  167. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 194 (1922)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  168. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 195 (1922)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  169. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.64=no.281-286 (1939)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  170. Internationale Monatsschrift für Anatomie und Histologie Bd.2 (1885)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  171. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd.136 (1910)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  172. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin Jahrg. 1865   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  173. Zoologische Annalen bd. 2 (1906-1908)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  174. Zoologische Annalen bd.3 (1908-1910)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  175. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin Jahrg. 1863   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  176. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.51=no.205-209 (1926-1927)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  177. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.75=no.347-352 (1950)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  178. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.47=no.185-189 (1922-1923) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  179. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales Index v.1-v.50 (1929)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  180. Internationale Monatsschrift für Anatomie und Physiologie Bd.17 (1900)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  181. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin Jahrg. 1870   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  182. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 152 (1913)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  183. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 150 (1913)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  184. Internationale Monatsschrift für Anatomie und Physiologie Bd.18 (1901)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  185. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin Jahrg. 1874   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  186. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 159 (1914)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  187. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 133 (1910)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  188. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin Jahrg. 1875   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  189. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 139 (1911)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  190. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 131 (1910)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  191. Zoologische Annalen bd.4 (1911-1912)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  192. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd.134(1910)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  193. Zoologische Annalen bd.6 (1914)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  194. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 137 (1911)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  195. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd.161(1915)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  196. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 151 (1913)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  197. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 160 (1915)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  198. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 162 (1915)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  199. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd.135 (1910)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  200. Archiv für Anatomie, Physiologie und wissenschaftliche Medicin Jahrg. 1867   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  201. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 138 (1911)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  202. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.49=no.195-199 (1924-1925) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  203. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere bd. 196 (1922)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  204. Zoologische Annalen bd.7 (1915-1919)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  205. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.110=[no.481-484] (1988-1989)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  206. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.97=no.429-432 (1972-1973) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  207. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.98=no.433-436 (1973-1974) [Incomplete]   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  208. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie t.64=60:t.1 (1908)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  209. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie t.68=62:t.1 (1910)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  210. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.87=no.398-400 (1962-1963)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  211. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.88=no.401-403 (1963-1964)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  212. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances et mémoires de la Société de biologie t.67=61:t.2 (1909)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  213. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.55=no.227-232 (1930-1931)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  214. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.73=no.335-340 (1948-1949)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  215. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.54=no.221-226 (1929-1930)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  216. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.103=no.453-456 (1979)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  217. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.104=no.457-460 (1980-1981)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  218. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.48=no.190-194 (1923-1924)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  219. Comptes rendus des séances de la Société de biologie t.84=73:t.1 (1921)   (added: 06/05/2011 )
  220. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.79=no.371-376 (1954-1955)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  221. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.57=no.239-244 (1932)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  222. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.90=no.407-409 (1965-1966)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  223. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.66=no.293-298 (1941)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  224. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.65=no.287-292 (1940)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  225. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.70=no.317-322 (1945-1946)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  226. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.63=no.275-280 (1938)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  227. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.94=no.419-421 (1969-1970)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  228. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.69=no.311-316 (1944)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  229. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.61=no.263-268 (1936)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  230. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.93=no.416-418 (1968-1969)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  231. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.85=no.392-393 (1960-1961)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  232. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.95=no.422-424 (1970-1971)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  233. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.86=no.395-397 (1961-1962)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  234. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.78=no.365-370 (1953-1954)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  235. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.58=no.245-250 (1933)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  236. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.96=no.425-428 (1971-1972) [Incomplete]   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  237. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.106=no.465-468 (1982-1983)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  238. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.67=no.299-304 (1942)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  239. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.72=no.329-334 (1947-1948) [Incomplete]   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  240. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.77=no.359-364 (1952-1953) [Incomplete]   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  241. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.105=no.461-464 (1981-1982)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  242. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.50=no.200-204 (1925-1926) [Incomplete]   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  243. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.60=no.257-262 (1935) [Incomplete]   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  244. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.113=no.493-496 (1992)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  245. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.71=no.323-328 (1946-1947)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  246. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.121 (1999)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  247. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.53=no.215-220 (1928-1929) [Incomplete]   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  248. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.117 (1997)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  249. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.122 (2000)   (added: 05/23/2011 )
  250. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales v.123 (2001)   (added: 05/23/2011 )