
Recent Additions (Last 250)   Published In: ALL   For: University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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  1. Diccionario botanico de nombres vulgares cubanos   (added: 06/09/2024 )
  2. Project of law for the taxation of tobacco   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  3. Recherches sur les végétaux fossiles de Meximieux   (added: 03/17/2024 )
  4. Recherches sur les végétaux fossiles de Meximieux   (added: 03/17/2024 )
  5. Portugal nos mares; ensaios de critica, historia e geographia v.1   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  6. Memoria anual de 1924 : precedida de la conmemeoración del primer centenario de la fundación del Museo y del decreto orgánico del mismo ...   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  7. Segunde contribucion al conocimiento de los arlules de le Argentina : Notas sobre el herbario veutini   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  8. Observaciones biológicas sobre las especies Tucumanas de los géneros Dysdaemonia, Rothschildia y Copaxa   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  9. Hādhā kitāb al-ḥayawān v.5-7   (added: 02/04/2024 )
  10. Anales del Museo Nacional de Historia Natural "Bernardino Rivadavia" t.32(1923-1925)   (added: 12/17/2023 )
  11. Portugal nos mares; ensaios de critica, historia e geographia v.2   (added: 11/26/2023 )
  12. Relatorio : Anno de 1919-1922   (added: 10/15/2023 )
  13. Die aquitanische Flora des Zsilthales im Comitate Hunyad   (added: 10/15/2023 )
  14. Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional hecho de orden de S. Mag. para medir algunos grados de meridiano terrestre, y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera figura, y magnitud de la tierra, con otras varias observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas t.1-4   (added: 10/06/2023 )
  15. L'évolution du règne végétal : les cryptogames   (added: 09/24/2023 )
  16. Planterester i Norske torvmyrer : et bidrag til den norske vegetations historie efter den sidste istid   (added: 09/24/2023 )
  17. Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional hecho de orden de S. Mag. para medir algunos grados de meridiano terrestre, y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera figura, y magnitud de la tierra, con otras varias observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas t.1-4   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  18. Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional hecho de orden de S. Mag. para medir algunos grados de meridiano terrestre, y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera figura, y magnitud de la tierra, con otras varias observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas t.1-4   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  19. Planterester i Norske torvmyrer : et bidrag til den norske vegetations historie efter den sidste istid   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  20. Dernières adjonctions à la flore fossile d'Aix-en-Provence : précédée de notions stratigraphiques et paléontologiques appliquées à l'étude du gisement des plantes fossiles d'Aix-en-Provence   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  21. Die Pflanzen des schlesischen Tertiärs   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  22. Relacion historica del viage a la America Meridional hecho de orden de S. Mag. para medir algunos grados de meridiano terrestre, y venir por ellos en conocimiento de la verdadera figura, y magnitud de la tierra, con otras varias observaciones astronomicas, y phisicas t.1-4   (added: 08/27/2023 )
  23. Essais sur l'histoire naturelle des quadrupeds de la province du Paraguay t.1-2   (added: 08/27/2023 )
  24. Essais sur l'histoire naturelle des quadrupeds de la province du Paraguay t.1-2   (added: 08/27/2023 )
  25. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España t.1-3   (added: 08/27/2023 )
  26. Storia antica del Messico : cavata da' migliori storici spagnuoli, e da' manoscritti, e dalle pitture antiche degl' Indiani...e dissertazioni sulla terra, sugli animali, e sugli abitatori del Messico t.4   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  27. Compendio della storia geografica, naturale, e civile del regno del Chile   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  28. Voyages dans l'Amérique Méridionale t.1-4   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  29. Historia natvrale, e morale delle Indie   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  30. Voyages dans l'Amérique Méridionale t.1-4   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  31. De natura Noui Orbis libri duo ; et De promulgatione Euangelij apud barbaros, siue De procuranda Indorum salute libri sex   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  32. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España t.1-3   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  33. Storia antica del Messico : cavata da' migliori storici spagnuoli, e da' manoscritti, e dalle pitture antiche degl' Indiani...e dissertazioni sulla terra, sugli animali, e sugli abitatori del Messico t.3   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  34. Compendio de la historia geografica, natural y civil del reyno de Chile pte.1   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  35. Voyages dans l'Amérique Méridionale t.1-4   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  36. Storia antica del Messico : cavata da' migliori storici spagnuoli, e da' manoscritti, e dalle pitture antiche degl' Indiani...e dissertazioni sulla terra, sugli animali, e sugli abitatori del Messico t.2   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  37. Historia natvral y moral de las Indias, en qve se tratan las cosas notables del cielo, y elementos, metales, plantas, y animales dellas: y los ritos, y ceremonias, leyes, y gouierno, y guerras de los Indios   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  38. Storia antica del Messico : cavata da' migliori storici spagnuoli, e da' manoscritti, e dalle pitture antiche degl' Indiani...e dissertazioni sulla terra, sugli animali, e sugli abitatori del Messico t.1   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  39. Voyages dans l'Amérique Méridionale t.1-4   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  40. Historia general de las cosas de Nueva España t.1-3   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  41. Rat campaign plan : feed people, not rats   (added: 07/02/2023 )
  42. 1963 tobacco information   (added: 07/02/2023 )
  43. Carnegie Institution of Washington publication no.240 (1916)   (added: 12/29/2020 )
  44. The Jukes in 1915 no.240 (1916)   (added: 12/29/2020 )
  45. L︠i︡etopisʹ russkago pchelovodstva : s 912 po 1912 god : materīaly po istorīi pchelovodstva v Rossīi   (added: 08/04/2019 )
  46. Dust-poison method for control of boll weevil   (added: 01/27/2019 )
  47. Thermal belts and fruit growing in North Carolina   (added: 01/27/2019 )
  48. History and status of tobacco culture   (added: 01/27/2019 )
  49. The clavarias of the United States and Canada   (added: 01/27/2019 )
  50. The Saprolegniaceae, with notes on other water molds   (added: 01/27/2019 )
  51. Common birds of southeastern United States in relation to agriculture   (added: 01/27/2019 )
  52. Concerning animals and other matters   (added: 12/09/2018 )
  53. Favorite song birds : a description of the feathered songsters of Britain, with an account of their haunts, habits and characteristic traits   (added: 12/09/2018 )
  54. A tour round North Wales, performed during the summer of 1798: containing not only the description and local history of the country, but also, a sketch of the history of the Welsh bards; an essay on the language; observations on the manners and customs; and the habitats of above 400 of more rare native plants; intended as a guide to future tourists v.2   (added: 11/25/2018 )
  55. A tour round North Wales, performed during the summer of 1798: containing not only the description and local history of the country, but also, a sketch of the history of the Welsh bards; an essay on the language; observations on the manners and customs; and the habitats of above 400 of more rare native plants; intended as a guide to future tourists v.1   (added: 11/25/2018 )
  56. The protection of orchards in the Pacific Northwest from spring frosts by means of fires and smudges no.401-425   (added: 10/14/2018 )
  57. Irrigation of orchards no.401-425   (added: 10/14/2018 )
  58. Canada bluegrass : its culture and uses no.401-425   (added: 10/14/2018 )
  59. The production of cigar-leaf tobacco in Pennsylvania no.401-425   (added: 10/14/2018 )
  60. The Albemarle and Chesapeake canal 1864   (added: 07/30/2017 )
  61. Obras del Excmo. Señor D. Francisco de Arango y Parreño t. 1   (added: 02/01/2015 )
  62. Obras del Excmo. Señor D. Francisco de Arango y Parreño t. 2   (added: 01/25/2015 )
  63. El tabaco en Cuba : apuntes para su historia   (added: 10/05/2014 )
  64. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 16 (1997)   (added: 09/30/2014 )
  65. Kunstformen der Natur 1   (added: 08/10/2014 )
  66. Kunstformen der Natur 2   (added: 08/10/2014 )
  67. The orchid seekers : a story of adventure in Borneo   (added: 06/01/2014 )
  68. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 2004   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  69. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 2000   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  70. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 2002   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  71. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 2001   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  72. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 15 (1996)   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  73. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 1999   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  74. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 1998   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  75. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 14 (1995)   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  76. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 2003   (added: 05/18/2014 )
  77. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 1   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  78. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 2   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  79. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 4   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  80. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 3   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  81. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 5   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  82. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 7   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  83. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 8   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  84. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 11   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  85. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 9   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  86. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 12   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  87. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 10   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  88. Gardens of the South 11   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  89. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 6   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  90. The Fungifile newsletter of the Triangle Area Mushroom Club 13   (added: 03/16/2014 )
  91. My study windows   (added: 01/19/2014 )
  92. Dedication of a memorial to Moses Ashley Curtis blank   (added: 12/22/2013 )
  93. Moses Ashley Curtis, 1808-1872 : teacher, priest, scientist blank   (added: 12/22/2013 )
  94. Our wildlife and its wise use   (added: 11/03/2013 )
  95. Ruchnaia kniga ovtsevodov   (added: 10/27/2013 )
  96. Nachalnyia osnovaniia botanicheskoi filosofii : izdannyia Glavnym pravleniem uchilishch dlia upotrebleniia v gimnaziiakh Rossiiskoi imperii   (added: 10/27/2013 )
  97. Entsiklopedicheskii lechebnik domashnikh zhivotnykh i dvorovykh ptits t. 1   (added: 10/27/2013 )
  98. Entsiklopedicheskii lechebnik domashnikh zhivotnykh i dvorovykh ptits t. 2   (added: 10/27/2013 )
  99. Opyt estestvennoi istorii vsiekh zhivotnykh Rossiiskoi Imperii   (added: 10/27/2013 )
  100. Entsiklopedicheskii lechebnik domashnikh zhivotnykh i dvorovykh ptits t. 3   (added: 10/27/2013 )
  101. Novyi polnyi metodicheskii lechebnik konskoi, skotskoi i drugikh domashnikh zhivotnykh, kak-to: ovets, koz, svinei, sobak, koshek i domashnikh ptits : sobrannyi iz raznykh viernieishikh Sochinitelei s sobstvennymi niekotorymi primiechaniiami, i raspolozhennyi pravilnym obrazom, v kotorom vsie doselie uznannyia vazhnieishiia boliezni pokazany naruzhnyia, i vnutrenniia, prichiny ikh, priznaki i sposob lecheniia kak naruzhnago, tak i vnutrenniago; potom predstavleno kratkoe istoricheskoe opisanie kazhdago iz vsiekh onykh zhivotnago v osobennosti, izobrazhaiushchee ikh svoistva, estestvennoe sostoianie, dobrotu, slozheniia, porodu, sposobnosti, polzu, dostavliaemuiu imi v zhivie i po smerti ne tolko v ekonomii, no i v meditsinie, s prilozheniem k tomu dlia glavnieishikh nerazdielnykh figur, pokazyvaiushchikh po naruzhnosti ikh tiela nazvaniia miest, nuzhnykh k sviedeniiu vsiakago khoziaina, o kotorykh upominaetsia v sem Lechebnikie pri naruzhnykh boliezniakh i v Istorii   (added: 10/27/2013 )
  102. O proiskhozhdenii vidov : v tsarstvakh zhivotnom i rastitelnom putem estestvennago podbora rodichei, ili, O sokhranenii usovershenstvovannykh porod v borbie za sushchestvovanie   (added: 10/20/2013 )
  103. The micrographic dictionary; a guide to the examination and investigation of the structure and nature of microscopic objects 1-2   (added: 02/10/2013 )
  104. The Cherokee physician, or, Indian guide to health   (added: 02/03/2013 )
  105. Lehrbuch der praktischen vergleichenden Anatomie 1   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  106. Lehrbuch der praktischen vergleichenden Anatomie 2   (added: 09/30/2012 )
  107. A sketch of the tobacco interests in North Carolina : an account of the culture, handling and manufacture of the staple : together with some information respecting the principal farmers, manufacturing establishments and warehouses, with statistics exhibiting the growth of tobacco in the western counties, and also in the other tobacco producing regions of the state, as shown by comparison of the crop of 1880 with those of preceding years   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  108. Resources of the southern fields and forests, medical, economical, and agricultural : being also a medical botany of the Confederate States; with practical information on the useful properties of the trees, plants and shrubs   (added: 08/26/2012 )
  109. Geografía de la isla de Cuba 1,2,3,4   (added: 05/06/2012 )
  110. The cotton plant : its history, botany, chemistry, culture, enemies, and uses   (added: 04/08/2012 )
  111. North Carolina forest resources and industries   (added: 04/08/2012 )
  112. The leguminous plants of North Carolina   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  113. Proceedings of the ... Southern Forestry Congress 1916-1920   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  114. Blooded horses of colonial days : classic horse matches in America before the Revolution   (added: 04/01/2012 )
  115. The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands : containing the figures of birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, insects, and plants : particularly, those not hitherto described, or incorrectly figured by former authors, with their descriptions in English and French : to which is prefixed, a new and correct map of the countries, with observations on their natural state, inhabitants, and productions v.1 (1771)   (added: 03/11/2012 )
  116. The natural history of Carolina, Florida, and the Bahama Islands : containing the figures of birds, beasts, fishes, serpents, insects, and plants : particularly, those not hitherto described, or incorrectly figured by former authors, with their descriptions in English and French : to which is prefixed, a new and correct map of the countries, with observations on their natural state, inhabitants, and productions v.2 (1771)   (added: 03/11/2012 )
  117. Primitive paternity; the myth of supernatural birth in relation to the history of the family 2   (added: 10/03/2011 )
  118. Primitive paternity; the myth of supernatural birth in relation to the history of the family 1   (added: 10/03/2011 )
  119. A thousand-mile walk to the Gulf   (added: 07/10/2011 )
  120. Jute in Bengal   (added: 05/08/2011 )
  121. The commercial products of the sea or, : Marine contributions to food, industry and art   (added: 05/08/2011 )
  122. A brief history of Macon County, North Carolina   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  123. S.O.S. v Arktike : ekspeditsiia "Krasina"   (added: 11/15/2009 )
  124. In memoriam, Mrs. James Sprunt   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  125. Biographical sketch of the life and work of the late Rev. Augustus Shepard, D.D., Durham, North Carolina   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  126. The French blood in America   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  127. My Arctic journal : a year among ice-fields and Eskimos   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  128. A memoir of the Rev. Elisha Mitchell ... : together with the tributes of respect to his memory, by various public meetings and literary associations, and the addresses delivered at the re-interment of his remains   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  129. Sketch of the botanical work of the Rev. Moses A. Curtis ...   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  130. The life worth living : a personal experience   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  131. Wild scenes and wild hunters of the world   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  132. Salisbury-Spencer, North Carolina city directory 7 (1922/1923)   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  133. Salisbury-Spencer, North Carolina city directory 6 (1919/1920)   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  134. Salisbury-Spencer, North Carolina city directory 5 (1917)   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  135. Salisbury-Spencer, North Carolina city directory 4 (1915/1916)   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  136. Salisbury-Spencer, North Carolina city directory 3 (1913/1914)   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  137. Salisbury-Spencer, North Carolina city directory 1907/1908   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  138. Fogy days, and now, or, The world has changed : the innovations of the 19th century   (added: 11/13/2009 )