
Recent Additions (Last 50)   Published In: ALL   For: John Carter Brown Library

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  1. Les arts de l'homme d'épée, ou Le dictionnaire du gentilhomme. : Divisé en trois parties, dont la première contient L'art de monter à cheval. La seconde L'art militaire. Et la troisième L'art de la navigation. Dédié à monseigneur le Dauphin   (added: 09/08/2024 )
  2. The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany Bay; with an account of the establishment of the colonies of Port Jackson & Norfolk Island, : compiled from authentic papers, which have been obtained from the several departments. To which are added, the journals of Lieuts. Shortland, Watts, Ball, & Capt. Marshall; with an account of their new discoveries embellished with fifty five copper plates, the maps and charts taken from actual surveys, & the plans & views drawn on the spot   (added: 08/11/2024 )
  3. Causa aestus maris   (added: 07/28/2024 )
  4. Stirpium aduersaria noua, : perfacilis vestigatio luculentaqne [sic] accessio ad priscorum, presertim dioscoridis & recentiorum, materiam medica. Quibus propediem accedet altera pars. Qua coniectaneorum de plantis appendix, de succis medicatis et metallicis sectio, antiquae et nouatae medicine lectiorum remedioru[m] thesaurus opulentissimus, de succedaneis libellus continentur   (added: 07/14/2024 )
  5. Phutobasanos siue Plantarum aliquot historia : in qua describuntur diuersi generis plantae veriores, ac magis facie viribúsque respondentes antiquorum Theophrasti, Dioscoridis, Plinij, Galeni, aliorúmque delineationibus, ab alijs hucusque non animaduersæ   (added: 06/23/2024 )
  6. Storia delle piante forestiere le più importanti nell'uso medico, od economico 1   (added: 06/02/2024 )
  7. Storia delle piante forestiere le più importanti nell'uso medico, od economico 3   (added: 06/02/2024 )
  8. Storia delle piante forestiere le più importanti nell'uso medico, od economico 2   (added: 06/02/2024 )
  9. Storia delle piante forestiere le più importanti nell'uso medico, od economico 4   (added: 06/02/2024 )
  10. Christophori a Costa, medici et cheirurgi Aromatum & medicamentorum in Orientali Jndia nascentium liber : plurimum lucis adferens iis quae à Doctore Garcia de Orta in hoc genere scripta sunt   (added: 03/24/2024 )
  11. Trattato di Christoforo Acosta africano medico, & chirurgo della historia, natura, et virtu delle droghe medicinali, & altri semplici rarissimi, che vengono portati dalle Indie Orientali in Europa, : con le figure delle piante ritratte, & disegnate dal viuo poste a'luoghi proprij   (added: 03/10/2024 )
  12. Tractado delas drogas, y medicinas de las Indias Orientales   (added: 03/10/2024 )
  13. Opuscoli scientifici d'entomologia, di fisica e d'agricoltura 4   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  14. Opuscoli scientifici d'entomologia, di fisica e d'agricoltura 1   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  15. Opuscoli scientifici d'entomologia, di fisica e d'agricoltura 5   (added: 03/03/2024 )
  16. Caroli Clusii Atrebat. Rariorum aliquot stirpium per Hispanias obseruatarum historia, : libris duobus expressa   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  17. De simplicibus medicamentis ex Occidentali India delatis, quorum in medicina vsus est   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  18. Opuscoli scientifici d'entomologia, di fisica e d'agricoltura 2   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  19. Opuscoli scientifici d'entomologia, di fisica e d'agricoltura 3   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  20. Amati Lusitani medici ac philosophi celeberrimi In Dioscoridis Anazarbei De medica materia libris quinque enarrationes eruditissimae. : Quibus etiam tum Simplicium medicamentorum nomenclaturae Graecae, Latinae, Italicae, Hispanicae, Germanicae, & Gallicae proponuntur: tum errores aliorum omnium, qui ad hanc usque diem de hac materia scripserunt, improbantur. Cum rerum de vocum memorabilium indice locupletissimo   (added: 02/25/2024 )
  21. The voyages and adventures of Capt. William Dampier. : Wherein are described the inhabitants, manners, customs, trade, harbours, soil, animals, vegetables, &c. of the principal countries, islands, &c. of Asia, Africa, and America 1   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  22. The voyages and adventures of Capt. William Dampier. : Wherein are described the inhabitants, manners, customs, trade, harbours, soil, animals, vegetables, &c. of the principal countries, islands, &c. of Asia, Africa, and America 2   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  23. Fasciculus plantarum cryptogamicarum Britanniae : lusitanorum botanicorum in usum, celsissimi ac potentissimi Lusitaniae principis regentis domini nostri, et jussu, et auspiciis denuo typis mandatus   (added: 12/31/2023 )
  24. Manual de instrucções praticas : sobre a sementeira, cultura e corte dos pinheiros, e conservação da Madeira dos mesmos; indicando-se os methodos mais proprios para o clima de Portugal   (added: 12/19/2023 )
  25. Memoria economica sobre a plantação, cultura, e preparação do chá   (added: 12/17/2023 )
  26. Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien   (added: 11/19/2023 )
  27. Beschreibung zur Arzeney dienlicher Pflanzen welche in den Reichen des mittägigen America in Peru und Chili vorzüglich im Gebrauche sind, : in dem Lande selbst aus königlichen Befehl aufgesezet 2   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  28. Beschreibung zur Arzeney dienlicher Pflanzen welche in den Reichen des mittägigen America in Peru und Chili vorzüglich im Gebrauche sind, : in dem Lande selbst aus königlichen Befehl aufgesezet 1   (added: 11/05/2023 )
  29. The voyages and adventures of Capt. William Dampier. : Wherein are described the inhabitants, manners, customs, trade, harbours, soil, animals. vegetables, etc. of the principle countries, islands, etc. of Asia, Africa and America; illustrated with maps, &c. To which is added, a discourse on winds, seasons, tides and currents of the torrid zone throughout the world 3   (added: 10/15/2023 )
  30. The voyages and adventures of Capt. William Dampier. : Wherein are described the inhabitants, manners, customs, trade, harbours, soil, animals. vegetables, etc. of the principle countries, islands, etc. of Asia, Africa and America; illustrated with maps, &c. To which is added, a discourse on winds, seasons, tides and currents of the torrid zone throughout the world 1   (added: 10/06/2023 )
  31. The voyages and adventures of Capt. William Dampier. : Wherein are described the inhabitants, manners, customs, trade, harbours, soil, animals. vegetables, etc. of the principle countries, islands, etc. of Asia, Africa and America; illustrated with maps, &c. To which is added, a discourse on winds, seasons, tides and currents of the torrid zone throughout the world 2   (added: 10/01/2023 )
  32. Systema vegetabilium florae Peruvianae et Chilensis, : characteres prodromi genericos differentiales, specierum omnium differentias, durationem, loca natalia, tempus florendi, nomina vernacula, vires et usus nonnullis illustrationibus interspersis complectens   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  33. Respuesta para desengaño del público á la impugnacion que ha divulgado prematuramente el presbítero don Josef Antonio Cavanilles, : contra el Pródromo de la Flora del Perú, é insinuacion de algunos de los reparos que ofrecen sus obras botánicas   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  34. Noticia de varias producciones del Perú   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  35. Memoria sobre las virtudes y usos de la raiz de Purhampuy ó China peruana   (added: 09/17/2023 )
  36. Englands vvay to vvin vvealth, and to employ ships and marriners: or, A plaine description what great profite, it will bring vnto the common-wealth of England, by the erecting, building, and aduenturing of busses, to sea, a fishing. : With a true relation of the inestimable wealth that is yearely taken out of His Maiesties seas, by the Hollanders, by their great numbers of busses, pinkes, and line-boates: and also a discourse of the sea-coast townes of England, and the most fit and commodious places, and harbours that wee haue for busses, and of the small number of our fishermen, and also the true valuation, and whole charge, of building, and furnishing, to sea, busses, and pinks, after the Holland manner   (added: 09/10/2023 )
  37. The defence of trade. : In a letter to Sir Thomas Smith knight, gouernour of the East-India Companie, etc   (added: 09/10/2023 )
  38. The trades increase   (added: 09/10/2023 )
  39. The trades increase   (added: 09/10/2023 )
  40. Simplicium medicamentorum ex novo orbe delatorum, quorum in medicina vsus est, historia   (added: 09/10/2023 )
  41. Aromatum, et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum apud Indos nascentium historia   (added: 08/27/2023 )
  42. Reise nach den Inseln Teneriffa, Trinidad, St. Thomas, St. Crux und Porto-Rico; auf Befehl der franzo¨sischen Regierung, vom 30. Sept. 1796 bis zum 7. Juni 1789, unter der Leitung des Capitain Baudin unternommen 1   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  43. Reise nach den Inseln Teneriffa, Trinidad, St. Thomas, St. Crux und Porto-Rico; auf Befehl der franzo¨sischen Regierung, vom 30. Sept. 1796 bis zum 7. Juni 1789, unter der Leitung des Capitain Baudin unternommen 2   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  44. Manuel des végétaux, ou Catalogue latin et françois de toutes les plantes, arbres & arbrisseaux connus sur le globe de la terre jusqu'à ce jour, : rangés selon le systême de Linné, par classes, ordres, genres & espèces, avec les endroits où ils croissent; les plantes des environs de Paris y sont spécialement indiquées, avec une table françoise. Ouvrage très-utile aux botanistes, pour leur faciliter l'arrangement d'un herbier, d'un grainier & d'un jardin   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  45. Catalogue systématique et raisonné des curiosités de la nature et de l'art, qui composent le cabinet de M. Davila, : avec figures en taille-douce, de plusieurs morceaux qui n'avoient point encore été gravés 3   (added: 07/23/2023 )
  46. Catalogue systématique et raisonné des curiosités de la nature et de l'art, qui composent le cabinet de M. Davila, : avec figures en taille-douce, de plusieurs morceaux qui n'avoient point encore été gravés 2   (added: 07/23/2023 )
  47. Catalogue systématique et raisonné des curiosités de la nature et de l'art, qui composent le cabinet de M. Davila, : avec figures en taille-douce, de plusieurs morceaux qui n'avoient point encore été gravés 1   (added: 07/16/2023 )
  48. Memorias de la Real Academia Médica de Madrid. : Tomo primero 1   (added: 07/16/2023 )
  49. Florae peruvianae, et chilensis, sive, Descriptiones, et icones plantarum peruvianarum, et chilensium, secundum systema Linnaeanum digestae, cum characteribus plurium generum evulgatorum reformatis 1   (added: 07/09/2023 )
  50. Medicus officiosus, : praxi rationali methodico-aphoristica, cum selectis remediorum formulis, instructus. Nunc autem magis limatus, correctus, ac typo & ordine meliori, denuo in lucem editus. Cum duplici, capitum et rerum indice. Illustrissimo ac doctissimo viro Alexandro Cancellario Philos. ac medicinae doctori   (added: 07/09/2023 )