
Recent Additions (Last 500)   Published In: ALL   For: University of Toronto - Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library

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  1. Conférences agricoles   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  2. La pêche aux marsouins dans le fleuve St. Laurent : précis historique, moeurs et capture du marsouin, préparation de ses dépouilles, huiles et cuirs   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  3. Eight report of the Montreal Horticultural Society and Fruit Growers' Association of the Province of Quebec for the year 1881-2   (added: 05/12/2024 )
  4. Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa : jemte en historisk återblick på föregående resor längs gamla verldens nordkust 2   (added: 04/28/2024 )
  5. Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-76 in H.M. ships 'Alert' and 'Discovery' 1   (added: 04/28/2024 )
  6. Narrative of a voyage to the Polar Sea during 1875-76 in H.M. ships 'Alert' and 'Discovery' 2   (added: 04/28/2024 )
  7. Puissance du Canada : les forêts du Canada et leurs produits   (added: 04/28/2024 )
  8. Fauna boreali-americana, or, The zoology of the northern parts of British America : containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under command of Captain Sir John Franklin, R.N 2   (added: 04/28/2024 )
  9. Vegas färd kring Asien och Europa : jemte en historisk återblick på föregående resor längs gamla verldens nordkust 1   (added: 04/28/2024 )
  10. Beverages, cigars and cigarettes   (added: 04/21/2024 )
  11. Our Great Lake fisheries; a vanishing heritage   (added: 04/21/2024 )
  12. Notice sur les plantes de Michaux et sur son voyage au Canada et à la Baie d'Hudson, d'après son Journal manuscrit et autres documents inédits   (added: 04/21/2024 )
  13. Beautiful Joe : an autobiography   (added: 03/24/2024 )
  14. The biography of a grizzly : and 75 drawings   (added: 03/24/2024 )
  15. Discorso apologetico   (added: 03/17/2024 )
  16. Hederleigh farms & nurseries, E. D. Smith, prop., Winona, Ont. No. 58   (added: 03/10/2024 )
  17. Sweet Canada : twelve bird songs and a round   (added: 03/10/2024 )
  18. La forêt   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  19. Pulp wood of Canada   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  20. Black Beauty   (added: 02/11/2024 )
  21. Homing with the birds : the history of a lifetime of personal experience with the birds   (added: 02/04/2024 )
  22. Lives of the hunted, containing a true account of the doings of five quadrupeds and three birds, and, in elucidation of the same, over 200 drawings   (added: 02/04/2024 )
  23. Across the sub-Arctics of Canada : a journey of 3,200 miles by canoe and snowshoe through the barren lands   (added: 01/07/2024 )
  24. Tradvcion de los libros de Caio Plinio Segvndo de la historia natvral de los animales   (added: 06/11/2023 )
  25. The outcasts   (added: 10/25/2020 )
  26. "The average contribution of each several ancestor to the total heritage of the offspring"   (added: 03/23/2020 )
  27. Hereditary genius : an inquiry into its laws and consequences   (added: 03/23/2020 )
  28. Essays in eugenics   (added: 03/23/2020 )
  29. Manual of the botany of the northern United States   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  30. Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des menschen, Keimes- und stammesgeschichte   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  31. Darwiniana: essays and reviews pertaining to Darwinism. By Asa Gray ...   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  32. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  33. Natural selection not inconsistent with natural theology : a free examination of Darwin's treatise On the origin of species, and of its American reviewers   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  34. Für Darwin   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  35. Zellsubstanz, Kern und Zelltheilung   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  36. Anthropogenie; oder, Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. Gemeinverständliche wissenschaftliche Vorträge über die Grundzüge der Menschlichen. Keimes- und Stammes-geschichte   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  37. Scientific papers of Asa Gray 2   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  38. Die Descendenztheorie : gemeinverständliche Vorlesungen über den Auf- und Niedergang einer naturwissenschaftlichen Hypothese   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  39. The man among the monkeys, or, Ninety days in apeland : to which are added: The philosopher and his monkeys, The professor and the crocodile, and other strange stories of men and animals : with illustrations, many of them by Gustave Doré   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  40. Fifty years of Darwinism : modern aspects of evolution ; centennial addresses in honor of Charles Darwin, before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore, Friday, January 1, 1909   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  41. Fashion in deformity; as illustrated in the customs of barbarous & civilised races   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  42. Die Begründung der Abstammungslehre   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  43. Double acrostics, and other trifles   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  44. A long life's work : an autobiography   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  45. Scientific papers of Asa Gray 1   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  46. How to start an audiovisual collection   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  47. Prehistoric Europe, a geological sketch   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  48. Evolution in the light of modern knowledge : a collective work   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  49. The origin of vertebrates   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  50. Ueber verschiedene wege phylogenetischer entwickelung   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  51. Outlines of comparative anatomy; presenting a sketch of the present state of knowledge, and of the progress of discovery, in that science; and designed to serve as an introduction to animal physiology, and to the principles of classification in zoology   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  52. Tabular view of the primary divisions of the animal kingdom, intended to serve as an outline of an elementary course of recent zoology (cainozoology), or the natural history of existing animals   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  53. A catalogue of North American Diptera (or two-winged flies)   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  54. Essays in natural history and agriculture   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  55. Living organisms : an account of their origin & evolution   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  56. Science and scientists   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  57. The wonderland of evolution   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  58. The origin of creation, or, The science of matter and force: a new system of natural philosophy   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  59. Text-book of geology   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  60. On Mr. Spencer's formula of evolution, as an exhaustive statement of the changes of the universe   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  61. Paleontologie und Descendenzlehre : Vortrag gehalten in der allgemeinen Sitzung der naturwissenschaftlichen Hauptgruppe der Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Hamburg, am 26 September, 1901   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  62. Landscape into history, and other essays   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  63. The illustrated story of evolution   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  64. Charles Darwin as geologist : the Rede lecture, given at the Darwin centennial commemoration on 24 June 1909   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  65. Geology in its relation to revealed religion   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  66. Evolution, racial and habitudinal   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  67. Darwinism and the problems of life; a study of familiar animal life   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  68. First lessons in botany and vegetable physiology : illustrated by over 360 wood engravings, from original drawings, by Isaac Sprague, to which is added a copious glossary, or dictionary of botanical terms   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  69. Regeneration und Entwicklung : Rectoratsrede gehalten bei der Stiftungsfeier der Berner Hochschule am 19. november 1898   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  70. On the origin of species by means of organic affinity   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  71. Dawn of creation and of worship : reply to Dr. Réville   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  72. On the origin of the laws of nature   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  73. Zweckmässigkeit und anpassung   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  74. The Lowell lectures on the ascent of man   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  75. Essays on museums and other subjects connected with natural history, by Sir William Henry Flower   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  76. Der Neo-Lamarckismus und seine Beziehungen zum Darwinismus : Vortrag gehalten in der allgemeinen Sitzung der 74. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Karlsbad am 26. Sept. 1902   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  77. Beiträge zur Kritik der Darwin'schen Lehre   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  78. The certainties of geology   (added: 03/22/2020 )
  79. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe 2   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  80. Springtime and other essays   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  81. The pottery and ceramics of David and Hermia Boyd   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  82. The ascent of man   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  83. Corals and coral islands   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  84. The world before the deluge   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  85. The origin of the world according to revelation and science   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  86. Le panier à crabes   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  87. The transformations of the animal world   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  88. Dieu et science; essais de psychologie des sciences. Avec deux planches hors textes et le port. de l'auteur   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  89. Corals and coral islands   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  90. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe 3   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  91. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe 1   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  92. The weather book: a manual of practical meteorology   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  93. Evolution in modern thought   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  94. Darwin, seine Bedeutung im Ringen um Weltanschauung und Lebenswert : 6 Aufsätze ...   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  95. The Darwinian theory examined   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  96. Darwin, Carlyle, Dickens ; The fools, jesters, and comic characters in Shakspeare : with other essays, &c   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  97. Practical physiology of plants   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  98. The childhood of the world; a simple account of man in early times   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  99. Analogies of organized beings   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  100. Unity in variety, as deduced from the vegetable kingdom; being an attempt at developing that oneness which is discoverable in the habits, mode of growth, and principle of construction of all plants   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  101. Organic evolution as the result of the inheritance of acquired characters according to the laws of organic growth   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  102. Natural law in the spiritual world   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  103. A lecture on Mendelism   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  104. Living epistles, or, Christ's witnesses in the world : also, an essay on Christianity and skepticism   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  105. La variabilité des espèces et ses limites   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  106. Darwinisme en democratie : maatschappelijke vooruitgang en de hulp aan het zwakke : academisch proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de staatswetenschap aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam op gezag van den rector-magnificus Dr. P.K. Pel hoogleeraar in de Faculteit der Geneeskunde in het openbaar te verdedigen op woensdag 11 december 1901, des namiddags te 4 uur in de aula der universiteit   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  107. Allgemeine Abstammungslehre : zugleich eine gemeinverständliche Kritik des Darwinismus und des Lamarckismus   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  108. Evolution and its modern critics   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  109. Essays and addresses, by professors and lecturers of the Owens College, Manchester : published in commemoration of the opening of the new College buildings, October 7th, 1873   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  110. Doubts about Darwinism   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  111. Heredity in the light of recent research   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  112. Organic evolution : outstanding difficulties and possible explanations   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  113. Le Darwinisme : leçons professées a l'école d'anthropologie   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  114. Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle, between the years 1826 and 1836, describing their examination of the southern shores of South America, and the Beagle's circumnavigation of the globe 4   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  115. Modern ideas of evolution as related to revelation and science   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  116. The Lowell lectures on the ascent of man   (added: 02/24/2020 )
  117. Darwin and Humboldt: their lives and work   (added: 02/17/2020 )
  118. The creator, and what we may know of the method of creation   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  119. The story of creation : a plain account of evolution   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  120. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  121. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  122. Charles Darwin : memorial notices reprinted from "Nature"   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  123. Fifty years of Darwinism : modern aspects of evolution ; centennial addresses in honor of Charles Darwin, before the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Baltimore, Friday, January 1, 1909   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  124. The origin of the fittest : essays on evolution   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  125. Darwin on trial at the Old Bailey   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  126. Le Darwinisme   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  127. Air-breathers of the coal period; a descriptive account of the remains of land animals found in the coal formation of Nova Scotia, with remarks on their bearing on theories of the formation of coal and of the origin of species   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  128. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  129. The life and letters of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick 2   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  130. Fashions of the day in medicine and science. A few more hints   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  131. The quickening of Caliban : a modern story of evolution   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  132. The philosophical basis of evolution   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  133. Pioneers of evolution, from Thales to Huxley : with an intermediate chapter on the causes of arrest of the movement   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  134. Darwinism, and other essays   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  135. The story of creation; a plain account of evolution   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  136. Christianity and agnosticism : a controversy consisting of papers by Henry Wace ... [et al.]   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  137. Rustic sounds and other studies in literature and natural history   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  138. The life and letters of the Reverend Adam Sedgwick 1   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  139. Darwinism in morals : and other essays   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  140. The primary factors of organic evolution   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  141. The story of "primitive" man : with illustrations   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  142. On coral reefs and islands   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  143. The theories of evolution   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  144. Memories   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  145. Nature versus natural selection : an essay on organic evolution   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  146. Thomas Henry Huxley   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  147. A discourse on the revolutions of the surface of the globe, and the changes thereby produced in the animal kingdom. Translated from the French, with illustrations and a glossary   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  148. The need for eugenic reform   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  149. The future of the human race : some of the latest fruits of Darwinism : the subjects associated therewith treated from a social, logical, political and satirical point of view with notes and references   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  150. Charles Darwin, naturalist   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  151. Experiments establishing a criterion between mucaginous and purulent matter ; and, An account of the retrograde motions of the absorbent vessels of animal bodies in some diseases   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  152. Het Darwinisme   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  153. Vestiges of the natural history of creation. With an introd. by Henry Morley   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  154. The doctrine of evolution; its basis and its scope   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  155. The method of creation. A comparison of the book of nature with the book of Genesis   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  156. A new theory of the origin of species   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  157. The making of species   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  158. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 02/16/2020 )
  159. The naturalist on the River Amazon   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  160. The naturalist on the River Amazons   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  161. The Darwinian theory of the transmutation of species   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  162. Life of Charles Darwin   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  163. Il darwinismo e le specie animali   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  164. La théorie darwinienne et la création dite indépendante : lettre a M. Ch. Darwin   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  165. The methods and scope of genetics : an inaugural lecture delivered 23 October 1908   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  166. Fact against fiction : the habits and treatment of animals practically considered; hydrophobia and distemper; with some remarks on Darwin   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  167. Creative evolution   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  168. The naturalist on the river Amazons. A record of adventures, habits of animals, sketches of Brazilian and Indian life, and aspects of nature under the Equator, during eleven years of travel. With a memoir of the author   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  169. Life of Charles Darwin copy 2   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  170. Memoirs of the life of Dr. Darwin, chiefly during his residence at Lichfield, with anecodotes of his friends, and criticisms on his writings   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  171. Materials for the study of variation treated with especial regard to discontinuity in the origin of species   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  172. Life of Charles Darwin copy 1   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  173. The beginnings of life: being some account of the nature, modes of origin and transformation of lower organisms 2   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  174. Mendel's principles of heredity, by W. Bateson   (added: 01/20/2020 )
  175. Evolution, old and new; or, The theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, as compared with that of Mr. Charles Darwin. Op. 4   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  176. Explanations : a sequel to "Vestiges of the natural history of creation"   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  177. Evolution criticised   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  178. Darwinism tested by language   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  179. The beginnings of life: being some account of the nature, modes of origin and transformation of lower organisms 1   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  180. The evolution of life   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  181. L'évolution créatrice   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  182. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  183. Mendel's principles of heredity; a defence   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  184. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  185. Master minds in art, science, & letters; a book for boys ...   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  186. Thomas H. Huxley   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  187. Luck, or cunning, as the main means of organic modification? An attempt to throw additional light upon Darwin's theory of natural selection   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  188. The foundations of zoölogy   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  189. Louis Agassiz, his life and correspondence 2   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  190. Notes on Darwinism   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  191. Shelley's view of nature contrasted with Darwin's   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  192. Evolution and man's place in nature   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  193. Die Sittenlehre des Darwinismus. Eine Kritik der Ethik Herbert Spencers   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  194. Genetics and eugenics; a text-book for students of biology and a reference book for animal and plant breeders   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  195. Explanations; a sequel to "Vestiges of the natural history of creation."   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  196. Remnancy, or, Evolution's missing link   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  197. The naturalist on the River Amazons   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  198. Some neglected factors in evolution : an essay in constructive biology   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  199. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  200. The further evolution of man : a study from observed phenomena   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  201. Life and habit   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  202. An essay on classification   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  203. A journey in Brazil   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  204. Pater mundi, or, Doctrine of evolution : being in substance lectures delivered in various colleges and theological seminaries   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  205. Charles Darwin, ein Lebensbild   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  206. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  207. Darwin made easy   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  208. Geological sketches   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  209. Approximations to truth : naturae novum organon : Aristotle wrote the organon of science : Bacon wrote the novum organon of positive philosophy : the "organon naturae" is now given to the world   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  210. Primeval man : an examination of some recent speculations   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  211. Darwin and the humanities   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  212. Haeckel's monism false. An examination of 'The riddle of the universe', 'The wonders of life', 'The confession of faith of a man of science' by Professor Haeckel; together with 'Haeckel's critics answered' by Mr. Joseph McCabe   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  213. Studies in the evolution of animals   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  214. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  215. Cursory remarks on the physical and moral history of the human species, and its connection with surrounding agency   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  216. Organic evolution cross-examined : or, Some suggestions on the great secret of biology   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  217. Life and habit   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  218. Charles Darwin and other English thinkers : with reference to their religious and ethical value   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  219. An exposition of fallacies in the hypothesis of Mr. Darwin   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  220. Haeckel : his life and work   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  221. A few words on evolution and creation; a thesis maintaining that the world was not made of matter by the development of one potency, but by that of innumerable specific powers   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  222. Henri Bergson: the philosophy of change   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  223. Thoughts on natural philosophy, with a new reading of Newton's first law, and the origin of life   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  224. Essays on life, art and science   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  225. Methods of study in natural history   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  226. The student's Darwin   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  227. Life and habit   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  228. The evolution of man   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  229. Are the effects of use and disuse inherited? : an examination of the view held by Spencer and Darwin   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  230. Animal life and human progress   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  231. Conférences sur la théorie darwinienne de la transmutation des espèces et de l'apparition du monde organique : application de cette théorie à l'homme ; ses rapports avec la doctrine du progrès et avec la philosophie matérialiste du passé et du présent   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  232. Memoir of the Rev. John Stevens Henslow, late rector of Hitcham, and professor of botany in the University of Cambridge   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  233. Der Wahrheitsgehalt des Darwinismus   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  234. Unconscious memory   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  235. On the phenomena of hybridity in the genus Homo   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  236. Haeckel, his life and work   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  237. Geological sketches   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  238. Medical contributions to the study of evolution   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  239. Luck, or cunning, as the main means of organic modification? : an attempt to throw additional light upon Darwin's theory of natural selection   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  240. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  241. Evolution and disease   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  242. Botany and religion; or, Illustrations of the works of God in the structure, functions, arrangement, and general distribution of plants   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  243. Evolution, old and new; or, The theories of Buffon, Dr. Erasmus Darwin, and Lamarck, as compared with that of Charles Darwin. Op. 4   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  244. The birth of the universe : being a philosophical exposition of the origin, unfoldings and ultimate of creation   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  245. The unity of nature   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  246. Essays on life, art and science   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  247. The survival of the unlike : a collection of evolution essays suggested by the study of domestic plants   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  248. Louis Agassiz, his life and correspondence 1   (added: 01/12/2020 )
  249. The Canadian handbook and tourist's guide : giving a description of Canadian lake and river scenery and places of historical interest, with the best spots for fishing and shooting   (added: 09/02/2019 )
  250. Canadian wild flowers   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  251. Historical view of the progress of discovery on the more northern coasts of America : from the earliest period to the present time   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  252. The science of generation : the anatomy, physiology and hygiene of the generative organs of the human species of both sexes : for the use of physicians, students, parents, teachers, married persons, and those about to marry   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  253. Travels into North America : containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants ... 2   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  254. Travels into North America : containing its natural history, and a circumstantial account of its plantations and agriculture in general, with the civil, ecclesiastical and commercial state of the country, the manners of the inhabitants ... 1   (added: 08/18/2019 )
  255. Melba's gift book of Australian art and literature   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  256. Narrative and recollections of Van Dieman's Land, during a three years' captivity of Stephen S. Wright : together with an account of the Battle of Prescott, in which he was taken prisoner, his imprisonment in Canada, trial, condemnation and transportation to Australia, his terrible sufferings in the British penal colony of Van Dieman's Land, and return to the United States : with a copious appendix embracing facts and documents relating to the patriot war, now first given to the public, from the original notes and papers of Mr. Wright, and other sources   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  257. An island paradise, and Reminiscences of travel   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  258. The British Empire in the nineteenth century : its progress and expansion at home and abroad : comprising a description and history of the British colonies and dependencies   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  259. "Over there" with the Australians   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  260. Atolls of the sun   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  261. Notes d'un condamné politique   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  262. Our tour in Canada   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  263. The study of natural science   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  264. Australia and homeward   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  265. Art of the British Empire overseas : Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  266. Trees and shrubs tested in Manitoba and the North-West Territories   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  267. Scenes in Hawaii, or, Life in the Sandwich Islands   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  268. Cotton in Australia : the possibilities and the limitations of Australia as a cotton-growing country   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  269. Letters from Van Dieman's Land : written during four years imprisonment for political offences committed in Upper Canada   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  270. The sister dominions : through Canada to Australia by the new imperial highway   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  271. Journal d'un exile politique aux terres australes   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  272. The romance of Australian exploring   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  273. Newest England : notes of a democratic traveller in New Zealand, with some Australian comparisons   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  274. The Maoris of New Zealand   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  275. Sunny Australia : impressions of the country and people   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  276. The Anzac book   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  277. The sister dominions : through Canada to Australia by the new imperial highway   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  278. Reminiscences of colonial life and missionary adventure in both hemispheres   (added: 04/14/2019 )
  279. Reis door Noord Amerika   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  280. Handbook of zoology : with examples from Canadian species, recent and fossil   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  281. Énumération des genres de plantes de la flore du Canada : précédée des tableaux analytique des familles et destinée aux élèves qui suivent le cours de botanique descriptive donné à l'Université Laval   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  282. Fishing in American waters   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  283. [Wild flowers of Nova Scotia   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  284. Plants of Manitoba   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  285. The butterfly book : a popular guide to a knowledge of the butterflies of North America   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  286. Nature studies in field and wood   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  287. The sportsman and naturalist in Canada, or Notes on the natural history of the game, game birds, and fish of that country   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  288. The pictorial museum of animated nature ... v.1-2 (1844)   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  289. Shells and pebbles : a story for children   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  290. The natural history review. Vol. II   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  291. A list of British birds   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  292. Nature cared for and nature uncared for; the results upon the hearts of men. A lecture on ornithology, delivered at the Walton Mission Room, on Friday, Feb. 21st, 1879   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  293. On the pleasures and advantages to be derived from the study of natural history. A lecture delivered before the members of the Croydon Literary and Scientific Institution   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  294. Lectures on natural history   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  295. On the principles and management of the marine aquarium   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  296. The object and method of zoological nomenclature   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  297. Catalogue of British Orthoptera, Neuroptera, and Trichoptera   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  298. The great atlas moth of Asia (Attacus atlas, Linn.)   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  299. Catalogue of British Coleoptera   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  300. Additions to the marine fauna of St. Andrews since 1874   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  301. On the earlier notices relative to the natural history of the giraffe   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  302. A synopsis of the families, genera, and species of the British actiniae   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  303. Memoir of the life and works of Edward Newman   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  304. Obituary notice of William Carmichael M'Intosh ... 1838-1931   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  305. The method and aim of natural history studies; being an introd. to a course of lectures on natural history delivered to working men in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  306. List of British Tineina, for labelling cabinets ...   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  307. The Aviary; or, Child's book of birds   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  308. The fauna of Scotland : with special reference to Clydesdale and the western district. Mammalia   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  309. Introductory lecture delivered to the students of the natural history class in the University of Edinburgh on the opening of the winter session 1855   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  310. List of the land and freshwater Mollusca of East Sussex   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  311. The fish-eating birds of Norfolk   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  312. An inaugural lecture on botany : considered as a science and as a branch of medical education   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  313. Label list of British land and freshwater shells   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  314. A synonymic list of British Lepidoptera, including the names and synonymes of all these insects, excepting the family Tineidae. (Printed on one side only, so as to be used for labels)   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  315. A marine aquarium   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  316. Linné och veterinär-vetenskapen. Föredrag, hållet vid Kongl. Veterinär-institutets i Stockholm femtioåriga jubileum   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  317. Common insects, as seen through the microscope. Written to accompany a series of thirty-seven photo-micrographic lantern slides ...   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  318. List of the land and fresh-water Mollusca   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  319. A brief history of a river tank   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  320. An exchange list of British Coleoptera   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  321. Catalogue of British Coleoptera   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  322. A summary of comital plant-distribution, additional to that detailed in topographical botany; being an enumeration of the new county records, published by the Botanical Record Club, 1873-1878. To which are added those appearing in the Botanical Exchange Club Reports, 1867-1877   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  323. Bug-hunting, specially round about Winchester   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  324. Catalogue of British Hemiptera   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  325. Wasps, and how they live; or, British social wasps and the habitations they construct. A paper read before the members of the Hastings & St. Leonards Natural History Society, in the museum, on April 19th, 1894, by the Hon. Secretary, Edward Connold ...   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  326. A systematic catalogue of British vertebrate animals   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  327. On the clasping-organs ancillary to generation in certain groups of the lepidoptera   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  328. On natural history museums; with suggestions for the formation of a central museum in Wales   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  329. Ichneumonidum britannicorum catalogus   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  330. Instructions for the collection & preservation of neuropterous insects   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  331. On the zoology of ancient Europe; a paper read before the Cambridge Philosophical Society, on Monday, 31st March, 1862   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  332. A list of British birds, with, as an appendix, the "Graduates list" for labelling eggs   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  333. On the scope and tendency of botanical study; an inaugural address delivered before the Liverpool Royal Infirmary School of Medicine, May 3, 1858   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  334. A list of the land and fresh-water shells found in the environs of London. Extracted from the "Flora metropolitana"   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  335. Stories about animals   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  336. List of British Tineina, for interchange among collectors   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  337. A brief history of a marine tank   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  338. A list of Macro-Lepidoptera occurring in the neighbourhood of Folkestone   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  339. Catalogue of First Great National Entomological Exhibition, held at the Royal Aquarium, Westminster   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  340. Rules for regulating nomenclature with a view to secure a strict application of the law of priority in entomological work   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  341. List of the British marine invertebrate fauna. For the Dredging Committee of the British Association   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  342. A catalogue of British Coleoptera   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  343. A list of European birds, including all species found in the western palaearctic region   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  344. A summary of the occurrences of the Grey Phalarope in Great Britain during the autumn of 1866   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  345. Town geology   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  346. Pupa digging   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  347. The London catalogue of British mosses   (added: 03/24/2019 )
  348. Animate creation; popular edition of "Our living world" a natural history v.2 (1885)   (added: 03/10/2019 )
  349. Animate creation; popular edition of "Our living world" a natural history v.3 (1885)   (added: 03/10/2019 )
  350. A manual of the sub-kingdom Protozoa : with a general introduction on the principles of zoology   (added: 03/10/2019 )
  351. Animate creation; popular edition of "Our living world" a natural history v.1 (1885)   (added: 03/10/2019 )
  352. The insect   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  353. Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States, and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 and 1824 : with original instructions for the perfect preservation of birds and for cabinets of natural history   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  354. The trees, fruits, and flowers of the Bible   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  355. The geology, natural history and pre-historic antiquities of Craven in Yorkshire   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  356. Earth, sea, and sky : or, The hand of God in the works of nature   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  357. A history of British butterflies   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  358. Flora of Suffolk : a catalogue of the plants (indigenous or naturalized), found in a wild state in the County of Suffolk   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  359. A manual for the park : or, A botanical arrangement and description of the trees and shrubs in the Royal Victoria Park, Bath ; combining its history, with much additional, interesting, useful, and appropriate matter   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  360. A history of British moths v.4 (1903)   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  361. A history of British moths v.3 (1903)   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  362. Glaucus : or, The wonders of the shore   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  363. A history of British moths v.2 (1903)   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  364. Biological atlas; a guide to the practical study of plants and animals. Adapted to the requirements of the London University, Science and Art Department, and for use in schools and colleges. With accompanying text containing arrangement and explanation, equivalent terms, glossary and classification ...   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  365. The rotifera; or, Wheel-animalcules, both British and foreign 1   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  366. The rotifera; or, Wheel-animalcules, both British and foreign 2   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  367. The Manchester flora : a descriptive list of the plants growing wild within eighteen miles of Manchester, with notices of the plants commonly cultivated in gardens ; preceded by an introduction to botany   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  368. The pictorial museum of animated nature ... v.2 (1844)   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  369. The marine invertebrates and fishes of St. Andrews   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  370. Handbook of zoology : with examples from Canadian species, recent and fossil. Part I, Invertebrata   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  371. Diamonds and precious stones : a popular account of germs, containing their history, their distinctive properties, and a description of the most famous germs; gem cutting and engraving, and the artificial production of real and counterfeit gems   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  372. The dovecote and the aviary : being sketches of the natural history of pigeons and other domestic birds in a captive state   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  373. Common objects of the microscope   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  374. Biological atlas : a guide to the practical study of plants and animals : adapted to the requirements of the London University, Science and Art Department, and for use in schools and colleges : with accompanying text containing arrangement and explanation, equivalent terms, glossary and classification ...   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  375. A history of British butterflies   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  376. A treatise on insects, general and systematic; being the article "Entomology", from the 7th ed. of the Encyclopaedia britannica. With five hundred and forty figures   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  377. The pictorial museum of animated nature ... v.1 (1844)   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  378. An introduction to the natural history and classification of insects : in a series of familiar letters, with illustrative engravings   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  379. Essays on natural history, chiefly ornithology   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  380. Old bones : or, Notes for young naturalists, on vertbebrate animals, their fossil predecessors and allies   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  381. How to lay out a garden : intended as a general guide in choosing, forming, or improving an estate, (from a quarter of an acre to a hundred acres in extent,) with reference to both design and execution   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  382. A plain and easy account of British fungi : with descriptions of the esculent and poisonous species, details of the principles of scientific classification, and a tabular arrangement of orders and genera   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  383. A history of British moths v.1 (1903)   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  384. Thirty plates illustrative of natural phenomena, etc. : with a short description annexed to each plate   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  385. Familiar lessons on mineralogy and geology : explaining the easiest methods of discriminating metals, earths, and rocks ... to which is added a practical description of the use of lapidaries' apparatus, shewing and describing the method of cutting, slitting, and polishing precious stones, pebbles, agates, etc. ...   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  386. Curiosities and wonders of the vegetable kingdom   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  387. A dictionary of botanical terms   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  388. Wild flowers worth notice : being a selection from the British flora of some of our native plants, which are most attractive from their beauty, uses, or associations   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  389. Essays on natural history, chiefly orinthology   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  390. Man and beast : here and hereafter   (added: 03/03/2019 )
  391. What is a bird? the forms of birds, thir instincts, and use in creation considered   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  392. The ferns of Britain, and their allies : comprising Equisetaceæ, Filicaceæ, Lycopodiaceæ, & Marsileaceæae : forming the fourth volume of Florigraphia Britannica   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  393. A treatise on the construction, proper use, and capabilities of Smith, Beck, and Beck's achromatic microscopes   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  394. Wood-side and sea-side : illustrated by pen and pencil   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  395. Wodarch's introduction to the study of conchology : describing the orders, genera, and species of shells : with observations on the nature and properties of the animals; and directions for collecting, preserving, and cleaning shells   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  396. Views of nature, or, Contemplations on the sublime phenomena of creation : with scientific illustrations   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  397. Scripture natural history : being an account of animals, trees, plants, and precious stones mentioned in Holy Scripture, given principally in extracts from the works of travellers : together with some remarks on agriculture, climate, &c. : with an appendix : published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education, appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  398. Wanderings in South America : the North-west of the United States and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820, & 1824   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  399. Things not generally known, familiarly explained :. a book for old and young   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  400. A natural history for young people   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  401. Zoological recreations   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  402. A hand-book to the order Lepidoptera 3   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  403. A handy-book to the collection and preparation of freshwater and marine algae, diatoms, desmids, fungi, lichens, mosses and other of the lower cryptogamia : with instructions for the formation of an herbarium   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  404. Curiosities of natural history   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  405. Curiosities of natural history : second series   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  406. A hand-book to the order Lepidoptera 4   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  407. A guide to the scientific knowledge of things familiar   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  408. Sacred streams : the ancient and modern history of the rivers of the Bible   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  409. Fishes, particularly their structure and economical uses   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  410. Rust, smut, mildew, & mould : an introduction to the study of microscopic fungi   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  411. Playing at botany   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  412. Popular British ornithology : containing a familiar and technical description of the birds of the British Isles   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  413. The letters of Rusticus on natural history   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  414. Bird-architecture   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  415. The taxidermist's manual, or, The art of collecting, preparing, and preserving all kinds of animals, birds, reptiles, insects, etc. : designed for both experts and amateurs : liberally illustrated   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  416. A hand-book to the order Lepidoptera 5   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  417. Our woodlands, heaths, and hedges : a popular description of trees, shrubs, wild fruits, etc. : with notices of their insect inhabitants   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  418. One thousand objects for the microscope   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  419. Nature's wonders : pictures of remarkable scenes in foreign lands   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  420. Cage and chamber-birds : their natural history, habits, food, diseases, management, and modes of capture   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  421. The busy hives around us : a variety of trips and visits to the mine, the workshop and the factory   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  422. British birds' eggs and nests, popularly described   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  423. Beautiful birds in far-off lands : their haunts and homes   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  424. Cassell's book of birds : from the text of Dr. Brehm 3   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  425. British butterflies   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  426. The microscope and its revelations   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  427. How to work with the microscope   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  428. Insects at home : being a popular account of all those insects which are useful or destructive, and minutely describing their structure, habits, and transformations ...   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  429. Fungi : their nature, influence, and uses   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  430. Cassell's book of birds : from the text of Dr. Brehm 4   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  431. The preparation and mounting of microscopic objects   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  432. Town geology   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  433. The microscope and its revelations   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  434. A hand-book to the order Lepidoptera 1   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  435. A hand-book to the order Lepidoptera 2   (added: 12/16/2018 )
  436. Second supplement to the History of British birds. being also a first supplement to the 2d ed   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  437. Sea-fishing as a sport; being an account of the various kinds of sea fish, how, when, and where to catch them in their various seasons and localities   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  438. Botany for young people and common schools : how plants grow, a simple introduction to structural botany : with popular flora, or an arrangement and description of common plants, both wild and cultivated : illustrated by 500 wood engravings   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  439. Amphibious carnivora   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  440. Deer, antelopes, camels, &c 2   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  441. Thick-skinned quadrupeds   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  442. A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day : for the use of schools and young persons   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  443. A popular handbook to the microscope   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  444. A popular handbook to the microscope   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  445. Life and her children : glimpses of animal life from the amoeba to the insects   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  446. Glaucus, or, The wonders of the shore   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  447. Supplement to the History of British fishes   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  448. Fishes of the perch family   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  449. The observing eye; or, Letters to children on the three lowest divisions of animal life: the radiated, articulated, & molluscous   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  450. Sea mosses : a collector's guide, and an introduction to the study of marine algae   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  451. Cassell's book of birds : from the text of Dr. Brehm 1-2   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  452. A short history of natural science and of the progress of discovery from the time of the Greeks to the present day : for the use of schools and young persons   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  453. I fiori dei giardini : descrizione, storia, coltura e significato simbolico   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  454. The fairy-land of science   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  455. A history of British birds v.2 (1876-1882)   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  456. A history of British birds v.4 (1884-1885)   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  457. A history of British ferns   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  458. Dogs 1   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  459. The flora of Switzerland for the use of tourists and field-botanists   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  460. Fairyland science   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  461. British dogs : their varieties, history, characteristics, breeding, management, and exhibition : illustrated with portraits of dogs of the day   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  462. Deer, antelopes, camels, &c 1   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  463. Nature readers. Sea-side and way-side. No. 1   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  464. A Plain and easy account of the British ferns : together with their classification, arrangement of genera, structure, and functions : and a glossary of technical and other terms   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  465. Ocean-work, ancient and modern; or, Evenings on sea and land   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  466. A history of British fishes 2   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  467. A history of British birds v.1 (1843)   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  468. Fishes of British Guiana 1   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  469. British quadrupeds   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  470. British fishes 2   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  471. Supplement to the History of British birds 2   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  472. Insects and their habitations : a book for children   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  473. A history of British fishes 1   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  474. A history of British fishes v.2   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  475. A history of British birds v.3 (1882-1884)   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  476. A history of British birds v.3 (1843)   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  477. A history of British birds v.1 (1871-1874)   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  478. Curiosities of the microscope; or, Illustrations of the minute parts of creation, adapted to the capacity of the young ...   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  479. Dogs 2   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  480. Marsupialia, or pouched animals   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  481. The herb of the field. Reprinted from "Chapters on flowers" in the "Magazine for the young"   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  482. A history of British fishes v.1   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  483. The natural history of the raw materials of commerce. Illustrated by synoptical tables and a folio chart; a copious list of commercial products and their synonymes in the principal European and Oriental languages; a glossary and an index. With an industrial map printed in colours   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  484. Horses   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  485. In the woods : a book for the young   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  486. A history of British birds v.2 (1843)   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  487. Essays on natural history   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  488. A history of British quadrupeds : including the Cetacea   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  489. The life of Philip Henry Gosse   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  490. Gleanings in natural history : with local recollections   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  491. Monkeys   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  492. Life in the sea; or, The nature and habits of marine animals   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  493. British fishes 1   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  494. Lions, tigers, &c. &c   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  495. Introduction to mammalia   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  496. Whales, etc   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  497. Fishes of British Guiana 2   (added: 12/02/2018 )
  498. The wonders of nature and art : comprising nearly three hundred of the most remarkable curiosities and phenomena in the known world; with an account of the recent improvements in locomotive travelling, steam navigation, &c. &c   (added: 11/25/2018 )
  499. The child's guide to knowledge; being a collection of useful and familiar questions and answers on every-day subjects   (added: 11/25/2018 )
  500. The common shells of the sea-shore   (added: 11/25/2018 )