
Recent Additions (Last 500)   Published In: ALL   For: National Library of Medicine

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  1. Brain preservation, with a résumé of some old and new methods   (added: 10/06/2023 )
  2. The Guernsey County (Ohio) metereorites : a complete account of the phenomena attending their fall, with a chemical analysis of them   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  3. Milk ordinance and code : recommended by the United States Public Health Service, 1939   (added: 08/20/2023 )
  4. Dissection of a Spermaceti whale and three other cetaceans   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  5. The placenta and generative apparatus of the elephant   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  6. Outlines of lectures on invertebrate zoology : given before the students of Cornell University   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  7. The microscope and microscopical methods   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  8. On morphology and teleology, especially in the limbs of mammalia   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  9. The microscope and microscopical methods   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  10. Report to the Surgeon General of the United States Army, on the magnesium and electric lights : as applied to photo-micrography   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  11. The microtomist's vade-mecum : a handbook of the methods of microscopic anatomy   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  12. The microscope and histology. Part I, The microscope and microscopical methods   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  13. Sketch of the geology and palaeontology of the valley of Mackenzie River   (added: 07/30/2023 )
  14. Memoir of George Engelmann, 1809-1884   (added: 07/16/2023 )
  15. Form, endings and relations of striated muscular fibers in the muscles of minute animals (mouse, shrew, bat and English sparrow)   (added: 05/21/2023 )
  16. History of the American bison : Bison americanus   (added: 05/21/2023 )
  17. A catalogue of scientific and technical periodicals, 1665-1895 : together with chronological tables and a library checklist   (added: 05/16/2021 )
  18. Carnegie Institution of Washington publication no.323 (1923)   (added: 12/29/2020 )
  19. Diabetic metabolism with high and low diets no.323 (1923)   (added: 12/29/2020 )
  20. Selections from the scientific correspondence of Cadwallader Colden with Gronovius, Linnaeus, Collinson, and other naturalists   (added: 08/25/2020 )
  21. The doctrine of descent and Darwinism   (added: 05/03/2020 )
  22. Description of the Balænoptera musculus in the possession of the Boston Society of Natural History   (added: 03/15/2020 )
  23. Poisonous insects   (added: 03/15/2020 )
  24. Fusion of hands   (added: 03/15/2020 )
  25. Contributions to the history of the vertebrata of the Lower Eocene of Wyoming and New Mexico made during 1881   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  26. Notice of a memoir by C.G. Ehrenberg, on the extent and influence of microscopic life in North and South America   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  27. Facts and fallacies in veterinary science, or what the farmers should know about diseases of animals : an address delivered before the Connecticut Board of Agriculture   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  28. On the so-called biogen liquid   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  29. Description of a rare squirrel, new to the Territory of Arizona   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  30. Notice of a collection of fishes from the southern bend of the Tennessee River, Alabama   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  31. On the systematic position of the Brachiopoda   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  32. Notes on Triassic plants from New Mexico   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  33. Extracts from the Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, of papers   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  34. The vegetable individual : in its relation to species   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  35. Description of a new mollusk from the red sandstone, near Pottsville, Pa   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  36. Descriptions of American Limacidæ   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  37. Report upon vertebrate fossils discovered in New Mexico : with descriptions of new species   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  38. On a new genus and species of fossil Ruminantia, Poebrotherium wilsoni   (added: 02/02/2020 )
  39. Botany in Essex County : a paper read before the Essex Institute, at Topsfield, June 18, 1884, the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of the Essex County Natural History Society   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  40. Diagnoses of some undescribed wood rats (genus Neotoma) in the National Museum   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  41. Description of a new species of wood-rat from Cerros Island, off Lower California : Neotoma bryanti sp. nov   (added: 01/26/2020 )
  42. The crystalline rocks of the Northwest   (added: 12/08/2019 )
  43. Report of the Committee on Medical Topography, Meteorology, Endemics, etc. : made to the Medical Society of the State of California at the annual session, held at San Francisco, in April, 1883 : forest preservation and timber cultivation   (added: 12/08/2019 )
  44. On some Mammalia of the Lowest Eocene beds of New Mexico   (added: 12/08/2019 )
  45. Constitution   (added: 12/08/2019 )
  46. On the extinct cats of America   (added: 12/08/2019 )
  47. Some original investigations upon the Python molurus   (added: 12/08/2019 )
  48. On the young stages of osseous fishes. with 8 plates. II, Development of the flounders   (added: 12/08/2019 )
  49. Circular y cuestionario relativos al azafrancillo de México   (added: 11/17/2019 )
  50. The anatomical uses of the cat   (added: 11/17/2019 )
  51. The life and letters of Charles Darwin : including an autobiographical chapter   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  52. Illustrated catalogue of microscopes, objectives, and accessories manufactured by Bausch & Lomb Optical Co   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  53. Field notes on birds observed in Dakota and Montana along the forty-ninth parallel during the seasons of 1873 and 1874   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  54. Notes on the herpetology of Dakota and Montana   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  55. The poison of serpents   (added: 11/10/2019 )
  56. The cerebellar cortex of the dog   (added: 10/20/2019 )
  57. The cerebellar cortex of the dog   (added: 10/20/2019 )
  58. Notes on American Hemiptera Heteroptera   (added: 10/20/2019 )
  59. Notes on American Hemiptera Heteroptera   (added: 10/20/2019 )
  60. The cerebellar cortex of the dog   (added: 10/20/2019 )
  61. Partial synopsis of the fresh water fishes of North Carolina   (added: 05/12/2019 )
  62. Histoire de la création des êtres organisés d'après les lois naturelles   (added: 05/12/2019 )
  63. The amphibians and reptiles of Indiana   (added: 05/12/2019 )
  64. A study of experimental pneumonitis in the rabbit : induced by the intratracheal injection of dead tubercle bacilli   (added: 05/12/2019 )
  65. Fossil mammals of the Wahsatch and Wind River beds : collection of 1891   (added: 10/28/2018 )
  66. The microtomist's vade-mecum : a handbook of the methods of microscopic anatomy   (added: 10/14/2018 )
  67. The anatomy, physiology and pathology of the human teeth : with the most approved methods of treatment including operations, and the method of making and setting artificial teeth   (added: 07/10/2018 )
  68. A series of anatomical plates : with references and physiological comments, illustrating the structure of the different parts of the human body   (added: 07/10/2018 )
  69. Manual of botany, for the Northern and Middle States of America : containing generic and specific descriptions of the indigenous plants and common cultivated exotics, growing north of Virginia ; to which are prefixed, the natural and artificial classes and orders of Linneus ; and the natural orders of Jussieu, with the medicinal properties of each order   (added: 01/14/2018 )
  70. Botanical grammar and dictionary   (added: 10/22/2017 )
  71. A synopsis of the genera of American plants, according to the latest improvements on the Linnaean system: with the new genera of Michaux and others. Intended for the use of students in botany ...   (added: 10/15/2017 )
  72. Final report on the geology of Massachusetts   (added: 10/08/2017 )
  73. An experimental dissertation on the rhus vernix, rhus radicans and rhus glabrum : commonly known in Pennsylvania by the names of poison-ash, poison-vine and common sumach   (added: 03/19/2017 )
  74. Medicina Britannica, or A treatise on such physical plants, as are generally to be found in the fields or gardens in Great-Britain : containing a particular account of their nature, virtues, and uses ; together with the observations of the most learned physicians, as well ancient as modern, communicated to the late ingenious Mr. Ray, and the learned Dr. Sim. Pauli ; adapted more especially to the occasions of those, whose condition or situation of life deprives them, in a great measure, of the helps of the learned   (added: 02/06/2017 )
  75. Celebration at Flushing, of the birth-day of Linnaeus by the New York Branch of the Linnaean Society of Paris, as reported for the New-York Statesman   (added: 01/09/2017 )
  76. Diagnoses of new North American mammals   (added: 08/07/2016 )
  77. On the sanitary value of forests   (added: 08/07/2016 )
  78. A fragment of a guide to practical work in elementary entomology : an outline for the use of students in the Entomological Laboratory of Cornell University   (added: 08/07/2016 )
  79. A synopsis of a course of lectures on the elements of historical paleontology : delivered at Cornell University, 1885-86   (added: 08/07/2016 )
  80. Observations on the size of the brain in various races and families of man   (added: 05/09/2016 )
  81. Isthmia nervosa : a study of its modes of growth and reproduction   (added: 03/13/2016 )
  82. Revision of the large, stylated, fossorial crickets   (added: 03/13/2016 )
  83. Hortus Elginensis, or A catalogue of plants, indigenous and exotic, cultivated in the Elgin Botanic Garden, in the vicinity of the city of New-York : established in 1801   (added: 02/07/2016 )
  84. Observations relative to lymphatic hearts   (added: 01/10/2016 )
  85. Comparative surgery : with illustrative cases   (added: 01/10/2016 )
  86. C.E. Hobb's botanical hand-book of common local, English, botanical and pharmacopoeial names arranged in alphabetical order, of most of the crude vegetable drugs, etc., in common use : especially designed as a reference book for druggists and apothecaries   (added: 01/10/2016 )
  87. The new American pocket farrier and farmer's guide : in the choice and management of horses, neat cattle, sheep and swine : including a description of their internal structure, their digestive system, the diseases to which they are liable, with their causes, symptoms, and most approved methods of cure   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  88. Explanations : a sequel to "Vestiges of the natural history of creation"   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  89. Vestiges of the natural history of creation   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  90. Tratado de la arboricultura cubana y lleva agregada la de Isla de Pinos y Puerto-Rico : especificación de cada uno ...   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  91. Descriptions of extinct batrachia and reptilia from the Permian Formation of Texas   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  92. Methods of study in natural history   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  93. The horse   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  94. List of skeletons and crania in the Section of Comparative Anatomy of the United States Army Medical Museum : for use during the International Exhibition of 1876 in connection with the representation of the Medical Department, U.S. Army   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  95. Martin's Natural history   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  96. Systematic catalogue of vertebrata of the eocene of New Mexico : collected in 1874   (added: 07/09/2015 )
  97. Food for the tropics, being a short description of native produce suitable for food in tropical countries   (added: 11/14/2009 )
  98. Journal of anatomy and physiology v. 35 (1901)   (added: 11/13/2009 )