By: Goyet, Mme.Edition:Publication info: Châlon-sur-Saône, Chez J. B. Goyet, 1816Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Chicago Botanic Garden, Lenhardt LibrarySubjects: Flower language Flowers in art French language materialsBHL Collections: Language of Flowers | Women in Natural History
By: Jacquemart, Albert,Edition:Publication info: Paris, P.J. Loss, 1840Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Chicago Botanic Garden, Lenhardt LibrarySubjects: Botany French language materialsBHL Collections: Language of Flowers
By: Martin, Aimé,Edition: Douzième édition.Publication info: Bruxelles, Sociétè Typographique Belge, Adolphe Wahlen et Compagnie, 1842Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Chicago Botanic Garden, Lenhardt LibrarySubjects: Flower language Flowers Flowers in literature French language materials Symbolic aspectsBHL Collections: Language of Flowers