
53 Pages in Charles Darwin's Library associated with "places - Cape of Good Hope"

  1. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of North America
    By: Agassiz, Louis,
    Publication info: [s.n.], [s.n.], n.d
    Pages: Page 45  
  2. De l'espèce et des races dans les êtres organisés et spécialement de l'unité de l'espèce humaine
    By: Godron, (Dominique Alexandre), M.
    Publication info: Paris, J.B. Baillière et Fils, 1859
    Volume: v.1
    Pages: Page 67  Page 67  
  3. Essais de zoologie générale
    By: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore,
    Publication info: Paris, Roret, 1841
    Volume: Zoologie générale (1841)
    Pages: Page 384  
  4. Essay on the physiognomy of serpents
    By: Schlegel, H. (Hermann),
    Publication info: Edinburgh, Maclachlan, Stewart & Co, 1843
    Pages: Page 212  Page 212  
  5. Histoire générale et particulière des anomalies de l'organisation chez l'homme et les animaux
    By: Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Isidore,
    Publication info: Paris, J.B. Baillière, 1832-1837
    Volume: v.1
    Pages: Page 222  Page 222  
  6. A history of British birds
    By: Yarrell, William,
    Publication info: London, John Van Voorst, 1839
    Pages: Page 38  Page 38  Page 50  Page 50  Page 83  Page 83  
  7. Introductory essay to the flora of New Zealand
    By: Hooker, Joseph Dalton,
    Publication info: London, Lovell Reeve, n.d
    Pages: Page xxv  Page xxviii  Page xxxiv  
  8. Mammalogie ou description des espèces des Mammifères
    By: Desmarest, A.-G. (Anselme-Gaëtan),
    Publication info: Paris, Veuve Agasse, 1820
    Pages: Page 233  
  9. Manual of mineralogy
    By: Jameson, Robert.
    Publication info: Edinburgh, Archibald Constable & Co, 1821
    Pages: Page 136  Page 136  
  10. Die Naturgeschichte der nutzbaren Haussäugethiere
    By: Veith, Johann E.
    Publication info: Wien, W. Braumüller, 1856
    Pages: Page 81  Page 81  
  11. On the classification and geographical distribution of Crustacea
    By: Dana, James Dwight,
    Publication info: Philadelphia, C. Sherman, 1853
    Pages: Page 1569  Page 1574  Page 1581  Page 1584  Page 1585  
  12. On the domesticated animals of the British islands
    By: Low, David.
    Publication info: London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1845
    Pages: Page lx  
  13. On the varieties of wheat
    By: Le Couteur, John,
    Publication info: Jersey--London, H. Payn & H. Wright, 1836
    Pages: Page 70  
  14. Ornamental and domestic poultry: their history and management
    By: Dixon, Edmund Saul,
    Publication info: London, The Gardeners' Chronicle, 1848
    Pages: Page 120  
  15. Principles of geology
    By: Lyell, Charles, Sir,
    Publication info: London, John Murray, 1837
    Volume: v.1
    Pages: Page 146  Page 153  Page 153  Page 398  Page 398  Page 339  
  16. The regions of vegetation, being an analysis of the distribution of vegetable forms over the surface of the globe in connection with climate and physical agents
    Publication info: London, G.J. Palmer, 1843
    Pages: Page 94  Page 94  front slip   
  17. Researches into the physical history of mankind
    By: Prichard, James Cowles.
    Publication info: London, Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1836
    Volume: v.1
    Pages: Page 24  Page 25  Page 35  Page 58  Page 355  
  18. Sheep
    By: Youatt, William,
    Publication info: London, Baldwin & Cradock, 1837
    Pages: Page 120  
  19. Traité du citrus
    By: Gallesio, Georges.
    Publication info: Paris, Louis Fantin, 1811
    Pages: Page 240  Page 240  
  20. Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich
    By: Gärtner, Carl Friedrich von,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, [s.n.], 1849
    Pages: Page 377  Page 377  Page 747  Page 747  
  21. Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunaechst am Schweineschaedel
    By: Nathusius, Hermann von,
    Publication info: Berlin, Wiegandt & Hempel, 1864
    Pages: Page 139  Page 139