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Papillons : vingt planches en phototypie coloriées au patron donnat 81 papillons et 16 compositions décoratives
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Thoreau's complete works v.2
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Thoreau's complete works v.5
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Plant names
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Thoreau's complete works v.4
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Walden : or, Life in the woods
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Hydrostatic-pneumatic system of certain trees: movements of liquids and gases. by D.T. MacDougal, J.B. Overton and Gilbert M. Smith
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Animal and vegetable physiology, considered with reference to natural theology 2
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Manual of the vertebrate animals of the northeastern United States inclusive of marine species
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The chrysanthemum; its culture for professional growers and amateurs
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Cauliflower and broccoli culture; principles and practices involved in the growing and marketing of these important vegetables including soil and climatic requirements, soil management, plant growing, pest control, marketing, yields and values, production costs, varieties, and seed growing
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Evenings at the microscope
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The birds of the neotropical genus Deconychura
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Streblomastix strix, morphology and mitosis
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Oranges; world production and trade. Memorandum prepared in the Statistics and intelligence branch of the Empire marketing board, April, 1929
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Minerals in pastures and their relation to animal nutrition
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Thoreau's complete works v.1
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Forests and mankind
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Thoreau's complete works v.3
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Elogio de Charles Fuller Baker (1872-1927)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Report on insect infestation of stored cacao, prepared for the Empire marketing board's Committee on infestation of stored products
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Mittelalterliche Pflanzenkunde
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Engineering for forest rangers in tropical countries, with special reference to Burma
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Panama disease of bananas. Reports on scientific visits to the banana growing countries of the West Indies, Central and South America
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Roses in the little garden
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Proceedings of the Linnean Society of London 1864-1870
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Our familiar island trees
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Nihonsan senrui sosetsu
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The problems of applied entomology
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana v.68-69 (1936-1937)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Birds of Massachusetts and other New England states 3
(added: 01/12/2025 )
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Flowers and flowering plants; an introduction to the nature and work of flowers and the classification of flowering plants
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Field notebooks, 1975-1977 : 2-13-76 to 5-11-76
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Tennessee warbler : newsletter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society August 2024
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Field notebooks, 1975-1977 : 7-13-75 to 10-7-75
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Field notebooks, 1961-1965 : 1-11-65 to 4-24-65
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Memorie della Società entomologica italiana v.47 (1968)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Field notebooks, 1969-1973 : 4-13-70 to 9-25-70
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.22:no.2 (2002)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin of the Washburn College Laboratory of Natural History v.1-2=no.1-11 (1884:Sept.-1890:Mar.)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The festivus v.54:no.4 (2022:Nov.)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Canadian field-naturalist v.134:no.4 (2020)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Maryland naturalist v.43:no.3-4 (1999)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.24:no.4 (2004)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Madroño; a West American journal of botany v.68:no.3 (2021:July-Sept.)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Tennessee warbler : newsletter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society August 2023
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Canadian field-naturalist v.134:no.3 (2020)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.24:no.2 (2004)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.22:no.3 (2002)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society v.36:no.1 (2003)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.24:no.1 (2004)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
List of specimens of St Domingo Flora
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.22:no.4 (2002)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The mycophile Apr/May/June (2024)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.24:no.3 (2004)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Field notebooks, 1975-1977 : 5-12-76 to 7-26-76
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The mycophile Oct/Nov/Dec (2024)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bonn zoological bulletin v.72:issue 2 (2023:Dec.)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society v.34:no.2 (2001)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Trudy Imperatorskago s.-peterburgskago obshchestva estestvoispytateleĭ = Travaux de la Société impériale des naturalistes de St.-Pétersbourg v.39 (1908-1909)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Animal kingdom v.45-46 (1942-1943)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Field notebooks, 1969-1973 : 4-18-71 to 8-18-71
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Catalogo dei fiori dei giardino di Firenze dell'Illm?o: Sig: Conte Piero de Bardi di Vernio
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Field notes, specimen no. 1-1545, 1893-1902
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society v.35:no.1 (2002)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Madroño; a West American journal of botany v.68:no.1 (2021:Jan.-Mar.)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana v.98-101 (1968-1969)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Field notebooks, 1969-1973 : 9-26-70 to 4-17-71
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.22:no.1 (2002)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Tennessee warbler : newsletter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society December 2022
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.43:no.2 (2023)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Canadian field-naturalist v.134:no.1 (2020)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.23:no.1 (2003)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Malacologia v.59-60 (2015-2017)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.23:no.3 (2003)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Canotia v.16 (2020)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.23:no.4 (2003)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society v.34:no.1 (2001)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.22:no.5 (2002)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.23:no.5 (2003)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Tennessee warbler : newsletter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society April 2023
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society v.37:no.1 (2004)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bollettino della Società entomologica italiana v.70-71 (1938-1939)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Hall, Jefferson, field book, Cameroon, 1992, JH080/92 to JH125/92
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin international. Resumés des travaux présentés. Classe des sciences mathématiques, naturelles et de la médecine Annee 15 (1910)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Tennessee warbler : newsletter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society April 2022
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Personal narrative of travels to the equinoctial regions of the New Continent, during the years 1799-1804, by Alexander de Humboldt, and Aimé Bonpland 4
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin international. Resumés des travaux présentés. Classe des sciences mathématiques, naturelles et de la médecine Annee 14 (1909)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.23:no.2 (2003)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society v.36:no.2 (2003)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Madroño; a West American journal of botany v.68:no.2 (2021:Apr.-June)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.43:no.3 (2023)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Tennessee warbler : newsletter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society December 2021
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Madroño; a West American journal of botany v.68:no.4 (2021:Oct.-Dec.)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Tennessee warbler : newsletter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society December 2023
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Bulletin of the Texas Ornithological Society v.35:no.2 (2002)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The mycophile Jul/Aug/Sept (2024)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
The Maryland yellowthroat v.43:no.1 (2023)
(added: 01/12/2025 )
Hall, Jefferson, field book, Cameroon, 1992, JH032/92 to JH079/92
(added: 01/12/2025 )