
Recent Additions (Last 50)

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  1. Manuel forestier et portatif : contenant les descriptions, qualités, usages & cultures particulieres des différentes essences de bois qui composent le massif général des forêts du Royaume, les semis & plantations, l'aménagement général des bois, la décoration des parcs, les balivages, estimations, ventes & exploitations des coupes annuelles, extrait en grande partie du Traité général des fôrets de M. Duhamel du Monceau ...   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  2. Wild life and the camera   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  3. Memories of the months. Second series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  4. Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares et des serpens v.1   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  5. Das Holz, dessen Benennungen, Eigenschaften, Krankheiten und Fehler : ein Leitfaden zum leichten Erkennen einzelner Holzarten und eines schadhaften Holzes für Eisenbahn-, Gruben-, Forst-, Holz-, und Civiltechniker sowie Bau- und Zimmermeister   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  6. Memories of the months. Third series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  7. A treatise on forest-trees   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  8. Our forests and the timbers they contain. Louisiana's invitation   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  9. Traité pratique de la culture des pins à grandes dimensions; de leur aménagement, de leur exploitation, et des divers emplois de leurs bois   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  10. Flowers and ferns in their haunts   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  11. Country rambles in England; or, Journal of a naturalist   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  12. Memories of the months. Sixth series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  13. Memories of the months. Fourth series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  14. The rambles of a dominie   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  15. Memories of the months, being pages from the notebook of a field-naturalist and antiquary   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  16. Studies of nature on the coast of Arran   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  17. The timber-tree improved, or, The best practical methods of improving different lands with proper timber : and those fruit-trees whose woods make the most probitable returns to their owners, according to the newest inventions, by the plough, harrow, and other methods most approved of ...   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  18. Nature study leaflet. .... no. 1-2, Biology series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  19. A treatise on the manner of raising forest trees, &c. in a letter from the Right Honourable the Earl of -- to his grandson. : To which are added two memoirs; the one on preserving and repairing forests; the other on the culture of forests   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  20. Memories of the months. Fifth series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  21. The prairie and the sea   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  22. Arbores mirabiles, or, A description of the most remarkable trees, plants, and shrubs, in all parts of the world : illustrated with several curious anecdotes of their wonderful properties, and at the same time manifesting infinite wisdom in the formation of those valuable productious, so beneficial to all mankind, taken from the journals of eminent travellers, historians and naturalists   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  23. Traité de la physique végétale des bois : et des principales opérations forestières, avec le modèle des actes à rédiger ; terminé par le tableau des proportions que doivent avoir les bois de construction pur la marine rapportées au calcul décimal   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  24. Outings at odd times   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  25. Spaziergänge eines naturforschers   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  26. Memories of the months. 7th series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  27. L'art de passer son temps au bord de la mer ...   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  28. Souvenirs d'un voyage dans l'Inde exécuté de 1834 à 1839   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  29. Life and sport in Hampshire   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  30. Thoughts from the writings of Richard Jefferies   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  31. Traité des arbres résineux coniferes   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  32. Histoire naturelle des quadrupèdes ovipares et des serpens v.2   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  33. Georg Wilhelm Constantin von Wilcke ... Versuch einer anleitung die wilden bäume und sträucher unsrer deutschen wälder und gehölze auf ihren blossen anblick und ohne weitere mündliche belehrung mit sicherheit erkennen und unterscheiden, auch ihren nuten beurtheilen zu lernen   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  34. Memories of the months. First series   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  35. Herrn Guiot Oberaufsehers der Wälder zu Rambouillet kurzgefaßtes Forst-Handbuch, in welchem die Beschreibung, Eigenschaften, Nutzen, und besondere Erziehung der verschiedenen Holz-Arten, die Säung, Pflanzung, auch gute Unterhaltung der Hölzer enthalten : ingleichen das Bezeichnen der Gränz- und Laßbäume, die Schätzung, Verkaufung und Niederschlagung der jährigen Hiebe c. gröstentheils aus des Herrn dü Hamel du Monceau allgemeinen Abhandlung von den Wäldern, herausgezogen   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  36. Theoretisch-praktisches Handbuch der Naturgeschichte der Holzarten für den Forst- und Landwirth : in welchen ausser einer systematischen Eiuntheilung, vollständigen Anführung der Haupt- und Trivialnamen und genauen Beschreibung, sowohl der inn- als besonders nussbaren ausländischen Bäume und Sträuche, vorzüglich auf deren Benutzung und Cultur Rücksicht genommen worden   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  37. In beaver world   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  38. Dansk ornithologisk forenings tidsskrift årg.1-2 (1906:Nov.-1908:Sept.)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  39. Natural history of Vermont   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  40. Latrobe Valley Naturalist no.595 (Mar-Ap:2018)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  41. Latrobe Valley Naturalist no.603 (Jul-Aug:2019)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  42. Ohio Biological Survey notes v.10 (2021)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  43. Latrobe Valley Naturalist no.605 (Nov-Dec:2019)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  44. The Kingbird v.69:no.1-4 (2019)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  45. Southeastern biology v.68 (2021)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  46. Latrobe Valley Naturalist no.611 (Mar-Apr:2021)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  47. Zoological Society bulletin v.27-28 (1924-1925)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  48. Southeastern biology v.69 (2022)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  49. Latrobe Valley Naturalist no.608 (May-Jun:2020)   (added: 09/15/2024 )
  50. A second century of orchidaceous plants. Selected from the subjects published in 'Curtis' botanical magazine' since the issue of the 'First century.'   (added: 09/15/2024 )