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63 Pages in Charles Darwin's Library associated with "conditions, environmental: poor/productive terrain"

  1. Die Bastardbefruchtung im Pflanzenreich
    By: Wichura, Max.
    Publication info: Breslau, E. Margenstern, 1865
    Pages: Page 65  Page 65  
  2. Botanische Mittheilungen
    By: Nägeli, Carl,
    Publication info: München, F. Staub, 1866
    Pages: Page 404  
  3. Cattle: Their breeds, management, and diseases
    By: Youatt, William,
    Publication info: London, Baldwin & Cradock, 1834
    Pages: Page 49  Page 88  Page 184  Page 525  
  4. De l'espèce et des races dans les êtres organisés et spécialement de l'unité de l'espèce humaine
    By: Godron, (Dominique Alexandre), M.
    Publication info: Paris, J.B. Baillière et Fils, 1859
    Volume: v.2
    Pages: Page 58  Page 58  
  5. Éléments de tératologie végétale
    By: Moquin-Tandon, Alfred.
    Publication info: Paris, P.-J. Loss, 1841
    Pages: Page 42  Page 47  Page 61  Page 65  Page 85  Page 132  Page 191  End Slip 1  End Slip 1  
  6. Elements of physiology
    By: Müller, Johannes, - Baly, William,
    Publication info: London, Taylor & Walton, 1838-1842
    Volume: v.2
    Pages: Page 1500  
  7. The fruits and fruit trees of America
    By: Downing, Andrew Jackson.
    Publication info: London, Wiley & Putnam, 1845
    Pages: Page 340  Page 447  Page 493  Page 524  
  8. Die Getreidearten und Wiesengräser
    By: Metzger, Johann,
    Publication info: Heidelberg, C.F. Winter, 1841
    Pages: Page 116  Page 116  
  9. Leçons de botanique
    By: Saint-Hilaire, Auguste de,
    Publication info: Paris, P.J. Loss, 1841
    Pages: Page 570  Page 571  
  10. On the domesticated animals of the British islands
    By: Low, David.
    Publication info: London, Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1845
    Pages: Page 39  Page 40  Page 174  Page 175  Page 264  Page 265  Page 300  Page 357  Page 441  
  11. Pomologie physiologique
    By: Sageret, Michel.
    Publication info: Paris, Hizard, 1830
    Pages: Page 137  Page 137  
  12. Principles of geology
    By: Lyell, Charles, Sir,
    Publication info: London, John Murray, 1837
    Volume: v.2
    Pages: Page 402  Page 402  
  13. Production et fixation des variétés dans les végétaux
    By: Carrière, E.-A. (Elie-Abel),
    Publication info: Paris, Libraire agricole de la Maison Rustiane, 1865
    Pages: Page 69  Page 69  Page 72  Page 72  
  14. Researches into the physical history of mankind
    By: Prichard, James Cowles.
    Publication info: London, Sherwood, Gilbert & Piper, 1836
    Volume: v.1
    Pages: Page 15  Page 344  
  15. Sheep
    By: Youatt, William,
    Publication info: London, Baldwin & Cradock, 1837
    Pages: Page 22  Page 23  Page 24  Page 69  Page 70  Page 111  Page 144  Page 267  Page 287  Page 312  Page 318  Page 325  
  16. über den Bau und das Winden der Ranken und Schlingpflanzen
    By: Mohl, Hugo von,
    Publication info: Tübingen, Heinrich Laupp, 1827
    Volume: Supplementary material in Darwin's copy
    Pages: End Slip 3, side 1  
  17. Versuche und Beobachtungen über die Bastarderzeugung im Pflanzenreich
    By: Gärtner, Carl Friedrich von,
    Publication info: Stuttgart, [s.n.], 1849
    Pages: Page 567  Page 567  
  18. Vorstudien für Geschichte und Zucht der Hausthiere zunaechst am Schweineschaedel
    By: Nathusius, Hermann von,
    Publication info: Berlin, Wiegandt & Hempel, 1864
    Pages: Page 147  Page 147