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Americae nona & postrema pars
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Americae nona & postrema pars. : Qua de ratione elementorum: De novi orbis natura: de huius incolarum superstitiosis cultibus: deq[ue] forma politicae ac Republ. ipsorum copiosè pertractatur: catalogo regum Mexicanorum omnium, à primo usq[ue] ad vltimum Motec̦umam

Title Variants

Alternative: Americae nona et postrema pars

Related Titles

Series: Great voyages, pt. 9


Theodor de Bry (Firm)

Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598
Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623
Bry, Johann Israel de, 1611
Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-
Heyns, Zacharias, 1566-1638
Acosta, José de, 1540-1600 , Historia natural y moral de las Indias
Potgieter, Barent Jansz, 1574- , Wijdloopigh verhael van tgene de vijf schepen
Noort, Olivier van, 1558 or 1559-1627 , Beschryvinghe vande voyagie om den geheelen werelt cloot




Published material

Publication info

Francof[urt], Apud Matth. Beckerum, 1602


[First edition]


"Additamentvm, nonae partis Americae. Hoc est, vera et accvrata descriptio longinqvae, divtvrnae ac pericvlosissimae nauigationis, quam Olevier à Noort, classis quatuor nauium & 248. hominum generalis praefectus constitutus, ac rebus necessariis aliis vberrimè instructus per aestuosum Fretum Magellanicum confecit: qui triennij spatio velis vniuersum terrae globum intrepidus obiuit, eoque in cursu varia, ac scitu necessaria admodum iucundaq[ue] notauit. E Germanico Latinitate donata, & figuris seu iconibus aeneis pulcherrimis ornata, editaque opera ac sumptibus Theodori de Bry P.M. vidvae ac filiorum binorum Ioan. Theodori & Ioan. Israelis ciuium Francofurtensium", p. [1]-100, 6th count, has separate dated title page with imprint: Francofvrti, excvdebat Matthaevs Beckervs. M. DCII.

"Idaea vera et genvina, praecipvarvm historiarvm omnivm, vt et variorvm ritvvm, ceremoniavm, consvetvdinuḿque gentis Indicae: sicut & primariarum ciuitatum, insularumque & arcium seu propugnaculorum: de quibus in hac nona Americae seu Indiae Occidentalis historiarum parte pertractatur. Cvilibit historicae designationi, facilioris intellectus, maiorisq[ue] oblectationis causa, icones aliquammultae, artificiossimè in aes incisae, annexae appositaeq[ue] sunt, sumptibus, studio & industria Theodori de Bry, P.M. relictae viduae, & Ioann. Theodori ac Ioann. Israel. filiorum", p. [1-2], 5th count, has separate dated title page with imprint: Francofvrti, excvdebat Matthaevs Becker. M. DCII, and is followed by plates numbered I-XXV, printed on recto only, and which are signed 2a2-4 through 2f1-6.

"Relatio historica, siue Vera, et genvina consignatio ac descriptio illivs navigationis, qvam V. naves, mense Ivnio anno 1598. Amstelredamo solventes, fretum Magellanicum in Moluccanas insulas transmittendi instituto susceperunt: quid nimirum ipsis vsque ad 7. Septembr [sic] ann[o] 1599. acciderit, quo tempore frementium tempestatum ac procellarum vi dissipatis his nauibus, duo capitanei Sebalt de Weert, & Balthasar de Cordes, cum binis tantum nauibus, soli iuncti manserunt: qui & ipsi tandem mensibus quatuor integris in freto dicto infandis laboribus ac periculis infinitis iactati sunt tamdiu, donec capitaneus de Weert, dispulsa sibi socia naue iam solus vna faltem anchora, paucoque commeatu, instructus, relinqueretur: qui post biennium illi itineri impensum, tandem infecta re in Hollandiam an[no] 1600. reuersus est. Omnia per Mr. Bernhardvm Jansz cirurgni, qui nauigationibus huius pars fuit, congesta sunt & descripta: ac elegantibvs figvris tabvlisqve in aes incisis expressa, & edita à Theod. de Bry P.M. vidua, & binis filiis", p. [1]-56, 4th count, has separate dated title page with imprint: Francofvrti, excvdebat Matthaevs Beckervs. M. DCII.

"Vera et genvina, sed brevis tamen et compendiaria designatio insvlarvm, civitatvm, locorvmqve aliorum maritimurum, quae Hollandi instituta nauigatione magna ex parte adiuerunt: vbi simul, quae durante eo itinere singularia ipsis acciderunt aut notata sunt, paucis explicantur edunturq[ue]. Haec narratio figvris sev schematibus artificiosissimis aeneis expressa, ac edita est à Theod. de Bry P.M. relicta vidua, & binis filijs Ioan. Theodorico & Ioan Israele, ciuibus Francofurtensibus", p. [1-2], 7th count, has separate dated title page with imprint: Francofvrti, excvdebat Matthaevs Becker. M. DCII, and is followed by plates numbered I-XIV, printed in recto only, and which are signed 3a2-4 through 3d1-3.

Constitutes the ninth part, sole issue of the first Latin edition of Theodor de Bry's Great voyages, printed in fourteen parts, in Latin, German, French, and English, in Frankfurt am Main, Oppenheim, and Hanau from 1590-1644, and the Elenchus, an outline of the thirteen Latin parts, published by Matthias Merian in Frankfurt am Main in 1634.

Contains plates numbered I-XXV, printed on recto only, and bound following p. [1-2], 5th count, plates numbered I-XIV, printed on recto only, and bound following p. [1-2], 7th count; also contains a map of the Straits of Magellan bound between p. [2] and 3, 4th count.

Errors in paging: p. 268, 2nd count, is misnumbered 286; p. 46 and 55, 4th count, are misnumbered 48 and 56.

Fully engraved title page proper; two title pages have engraved printer's vignettes, one with a fleet of ships, the other with a portrait of Olivier van Noort; the other two title pages have printer's ornaments; engraved head and tail pieces; initials.

Signatures: )(⁴ ()(1, )(2 versos blank) A-2X⁴ 2Y⁶ (2Y6 blank) ²2A-²2G⁴ (²2A1 verso blank) 2a-2e⁴ (2a verso blank) 2f⁶ 3A-3L⁴ (3A1 verso blank) 3M⁶ 3a-3d⁴ (3a1 verso, 3d4 blank)

The sole issue of the first edition of Latin part nine can be identified by plates I-XXV, bound following p. [1-2], 5th count, having folio numbers in Arabic numerals referring to references in the text, although plate XIV has this as well though it is not mentioned by Church.

This part of the Great Voyages contains Acosta's Historia natural y moral de las Indias, published in Seville in 1590 [sic, actually translated, by J. Humberger, from Historie naturael ende morael van de Westersche Indien, printed Haarlem, 1598]. Then follows the voyage of Sebald de Weert made in a vessel which was part of the fleet sent to the Moluccas by way of the Straits of Magellan in June, 1598. The project was disastrous and de Weert's vessel was the only one to return. The narrative was written by Zacharias Heyns [sic, actually attributed to Barent Jansz Potgieter] and was first published at Amsterdam in 1600. It was translated into German and then into Latin by the de Brys [actually both translated into both languages by Gotthard Arthus]. This is followed by the Additamentum, which contains a narration of the voyage of Olivier van Noort, understaken with the same object as that of de Weert's. An account of this voyage was published in 1602 by Cornelis Claesz. It was afterwards translated into German, and it was from this translation that the de Bry's version was made. Cf. Church.

This work has been identified as the sole issue of part nine of the first Latin edition of the Great voyages by Church.

Church, E.D. Discovery, | 168.

Alden, J.E. European Americana, | 602/72.

JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675, | I: p. 407-408.

Alden, J.E. European Americana, | 602/1.

Streit, R. Bib. missionum, | II:1340.

JCB Lib. cat., pre-1675, | I: p. 406-408.


America , Description and travel , Discovery and exploration , Imprint 1602 , Indians of Mexico , Indians of South America , Latin America , Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina) , Maluku (Indonesia) , Natural history , Peru , Spanish , Weert, Sebald de




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.103136


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