Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931 [actually 1932]
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Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931 [actually 1932]. volume II, Explorations, Episodes and Adventures, Expositions and Congresses

Title Variants

Alternative: Random records, vol. 2

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Series: Random records of a lifetime, 1846-1931 [that is, 1932] Cullings, largely personal, from the scrap heap of three score years and ten, devoted to science, literature and art, v.2


Holmes, William Henry, 1846-1933 , creator

Hayden, F. V. (Ferdinand Vandeveer), 1829-1887
Peale, A. C. (Albert Charles), 1849-1914




Archival material

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Devised title.

Binder's title: Random records.

Typewritten manuscript.

This is the second of sixteen volumes compiled by William Henry Holmes in 1931 or 1932 to document his life and work. The volume contains original correspondences, documents, ephemera, watercolors, and photographs throughout. It is divided into four sections. | The first contains a list of descriptions of his explorations from 1872 to 1920. Section two describes episodes and adventures from 1872-1920. This begins with a list of stories, which he describes using portions of letters, original field note books, news clippings, photographs (also with colleagues), and original drawings including a field drawing of a flower. This includes work completed with A. C. Peale and geological notes from Hayden expedition. Field work locations include Yellowstone, Colorado, and Mexico. Section three describes expositions between 1876-1916 across the United States in which U.S. Geological Survey and Smithsonian Institution took part. Section four documents the second Pan American Congress in Washington, D.C., during December 1915- January 1916; Fourteenth International Congress in Stutgart, August 1904; and the nineteenth International Congress during December 1915 - January 1916.

William Henry Holmes (1846-1933) was an anthropologist, archaeologist, artist, and geologist, who spent much of his career affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution. He studied art under Theodore Kauffman, and went on to work as a scientific illustrator with Smithsonian staff. In 1872, he was appointed artist-topographer to the United States survey of the territories under Ferdinand V. Hayden, and in 1874 was appointed assistant geologist. He went on to work with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), the Bureau of American Ethnology (BAE), until returning to the Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum (USNM). Holmes eventually became head curator of the Smithsonian Institution's Department of Anthropology and Director of the National Gallery of Art.


1846-1933 , Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territor , Geological Survey (U.S.) , History , Holmes, William Henry, , Smithsonian Institution , Yellowstone National Park

BHL Collections

Smithsonian Field Books collection

Call Number

CT275.H75 A1 v. 2




OCLC: 951781390


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