Botanical description and medical, culinary & other uses of the plants in the first volume of my American herbarium
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Botanical description and medical, culinary & other uses of the plants in the first volume of my American herbarium / principally compiled from the latest & most approved writers on botany and materia medica by Stephen W. Williams


Moody, D. W.,
Williams, Stephen W. (Stephen West), 1790-1855 , author

Negus, Caroline, 1814-1867 , artist
Whitefield, Edwin, 1816-1892 , artist
Williams, Harriet Godhue, 1799-1874 , artist
Lewis & Brown, , lithographer




Archival material

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The Stephen West Williams Herbarium and the accompanying "Botanical description and medical, culinary & other uses of the plants in the first volume of my American herbarium" are the property of Historic Deerfield, Deerfield, MA. The materials were digitized in collaboration with Historic Deerfield, the New England Botanical Club, and the Harvard University Herbaria.

Williams dates the title page 1817, but the botanical prints at the end of the volume were added later, some after William's death.

Includes index.

The index references the specimens he collected in his Herbarium to their medicinial and culinary uses in this book.

Contains material copied by Stephen West Williams from various sources; watercolors of plants by his wife, Harriet Goodhue Williams; and botanical prints by several artists and lithographers, including Caroline Negus, D.W. Moody, E. Whitefield, and Lewis and Brown (from a journal titled, "Monthly flora").


Botanical illustration

BHL Collections

Women in Natural History




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.120147


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