Jacob Bigelow and John Torrey correspondence, 1820-1824
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Jacob Bigelow and John Torrey correspondence, 1820-1824

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Related/Analytical: New York Botanical Garden Archives
Series: John Torrey papers, series 1, correspondence


Bigelow, Jacob, 1786-1879




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Correspondence from Jacob Bigelow to John Torrey, dated 1820-1824, discussing specimens and publications they sent to one another. The letter dated 1820 touches on a packet of plants to be sent by Torrey to Francis Boott in England, in care of William Hooker. Correspondence is lightly sprinked with bits of gossip regarding various colleagues. Obsolete and unresolved plant names mentioned include Andromeda hypnoides, Arenaria peploides, Erigeron integrifolius, Eriophorum alpinum, Eupatorium ovatum, Holcus monticola, Neottia gracilis, Orchis grandiflora, Pisum maritimum, Poa maritima, Poa geniculata, Prenanthes alba, Rubus sempervirens, Rubus villorus, Scirpus bracteatus, Scirpus obtusus, Solidago cambrica, Spergulastrum lanceolatum, and Xylosteon vollosum.

In English.


Arethusa bulbosa , Betula nana , Bigelow, Jacob, 1786-1879 , Boott, Francis, 1792-1863 , Botanical specimens , Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de, 1778-1841 , Classification , Correspondence , Cryptogamia , Eleocharis obtusa , Eragrostis cylindriflora , Eupatorium rotundifolium , Florula Bostoniensis , Harrimanella hypnoides , Hierochloe alpina , Honckenya peploides , Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, 1785-1865 , Juncus filiformis , Lathyrus japonica , Lonicera caerulea , Massachusetts , Nabalus albus , Plants , Platanthera grandiflora , Puccinellia maritima , Rhododendron , Rubus , Rubus frondosus , Rubus hispidus , Rubus setosus , Rubus villosus , Scirpus , Smith, James Edward, 1759-1828 , Solidago macrophylla , Solidago virgaurea , Spiranthes lacera , Stellaria borealis , Torrey, John, 1796-1873 , Trichophorum alpinum , Trichophorum cespitosum , Vaccinium

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John Torrey Papers




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