Alaska, 1965
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Alaska, 1965

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Contained In: National Museum of Natural History, Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program, records, circa 1961-1973, with data from 1923
Series: Biodiversity Heritage Library Field Notes Project
Series: SIA RU000245


Thompson, Max C.
DeLong, Robert L.




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This volume is a collection record of bird specimens collected in Alaska by Max C. Thompson and R. L. DeLong in 1965. Fields include field no., species, locality, date, wgt., sex, and collector and catalogue number. Field numbers begin at 110101 and end at 110360. This field also includes information on type of preparation, such as alc., skel, skull, skin. Dates begin at June 20, 1965 and end at October 16, 1965. Two specimens collected in 1964 by other collectors are also included in the catalog. In the collector and catalogue number field, numbers for Max C. Thompson range from 4107 to 4242 and numbers for R. L. DeLong range from 63 to 158. This field also contains notes on how specimens were collected, parasites, fat, testis measurements, etc. Collections were made on St. George Island, St. Paul Island, and an area of the Pacific Ocean bounded approximately by 45¡ to 52¡ N and 173¡ to 174¡ E. The folder includes a photocopy of the pages of the catalog that list collections made on the Pacific Ocean in October 1965; information written on the photocopy indicates that these collections were made on Cruise 16 aboard research vessel George B. Kelez.


Alaska , Field notes , George B. Kelez (Ship) , National Museum of Natural History (U.S.) Pacific , Ornithology , Pacific Ocean , Saint George Island , Saint Paul Island , United States

BHL Collections

BHL Field Notes Project
Smithsonian Field Books collection




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.139696


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