Miguel Domingo Fuertes Lorén diary
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Miguel Domingo Fuertes Lorén diary

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Series: Biodiversity Heritage Library Field Notes Project

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Collection guide: Miguel Domingo Fuertes Lorén diary, 1914. Harvard University Botany Libraries


Fuertes Lorén, Miguel Domingo, 1871-1926




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The Fuertes collection consists of a small leather-bound notebook. The first 9 pages are a daily diary of a portion of the 1914 revolution (written in English). Most of the rest of the contents consists of miscellaneous memoranda about name and addresses, books, and finances, largely in Spanish. There are a few sketch maps of the southern Barahona peninsula and the Neyba valley. The greater part of the book is blank.

Miquel Domingo Fuertes Lorén was born in Daroca, in the province of Zaragoza, Spain, on August 4, 1871. After studying philosophy and theology he became a priest at the age of 24. His career took him over a large part of South America. He served the church in Argentina, visited Brazil and Uruguay, administered a professorship in Peru, carried out mineralogical investigations in the Andes, and then took charge of the parish of Barahona, Santo Domingo, on July 27, 1909. In December 1909 he met Hans von Türckheim who was encouraged by Ignatz Urban in Santo Domingo to collect plants. Fuertes helped von Türckheim in his botanical collecting and continued his work after a leg injury forced von Türckheim to return to Germany at the end of 1910. In 1911 and the spring of 1912 Fuertes continued to explore the coastal areas south and west of Barahona; in June, July and August 1912, he explored the island's central mountains, the area Urban had originally hoped von Türckheim would explore. His collections were described in Urban's "Symbolae Antillanae." Fuertes died in 1926 in Ciudad Trujillo, Dominican Republic.


1871-1926 , Diaries , Fuertes Lorén, Miguel Domingo, , Hispaniola , History , Maps , Plant collectors

BHL Collections

BHL Field Notes Project




OCLC: 41078412
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q51413542


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