Marshall and Gilbert Islands cruises, 1964
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Marshall and Gilbert Islands cruises, 1964

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Contained In: National Museum of Natural History, Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program, records, circa 1961-1973, with data from 1923
Series: Biodiversity Heritage Library Field Notes Project
Series: SIA RU000245


National Museum of Natural History (U.S.) Pacific Ocean Biological Survey Program




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This folder contains maps, graphs, and tables compiling hydrographic data from Marshall and Gilbert Island cruises, collected October 2 - November 27, 1964. Data were collected on the Pacific Ocean in an area approximately bounded by 0∞ to 21∞ N and 158∞ to 180∞ W. More than half of the data points are along a linear transect that extends southwest from Hawaii toward, but not as far as, the Gilbert Islands [Gilbert Group], passing to the south of Johnston Atoll. Other data points are along shorter transects in that vicinity. Individual hand-drawn maps plot BT stations, surface salinity (â), 20∞ isotherm (m), surface temp (∞C), corrected surface temp. (∞C), and depth of the mixed layer (m). Graphs plot various data (surface temperature (∞C), surface salinity (â), isotherm depth (meters), and depth of the mixed layer(meters)) by longitude for different transects. Tables in the folder are compilations of hydrographic data for the Marshall and Gilbert Island cruises. Also included is a set of datasheets completed December 10-18, 1964 that provide corrected salinity for samples numbered 1 through 91, as determined by inductive salinometer.


Field notes , Hydrographic surveying , Hydrography , Pacific Ocean

BHL Collections

BHL Field Notes Project
Smithsonian Field Books collection




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.148238


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