Jacobi Petiveri Opera, historiam naturalem spectantia or, Gazophylacium
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Jacobi Petiveri Opera, historiam naturalem spectantia or, Gazophylacium : containing several thousand figures of birds, beasts, fish, reptiles, insects, shells, corals, and fossils : also of trees, shrubs, herbs, fruits, fungus's, mosses, sea-weeds, &c. from all parts, adapted to Ray's History of Plants, on above three hundred copperplates, with English and Latin names

Title Variants

Alternative: Opera, historiam naturalem spectantia

Related Titles

Related/Analytical: Jacobi Petiveri Opera, historiam naturalem spectantia : containing several thousand figures of birds, beasts ... to which is now added seventeen curious tracts
Related/Analytical: Papilionum Britanniae icones, nomina, & c. [...] 80 English butter-flies / James Petiver


Petiver, James, 1663 or 1664-1718

Ray, John, 1627-1705
Empson, James




Published material

Publication info

London, printed for John Millan, Bookseller, 1767


[Another ed.] to which are now added seventeen curious tracts ... which completes all he ever wrote upon Natural History /


Practically this edition consists, like the previous one, of original copies of the several works bound together, but the old 8 ĚŠtext has been reprinted in folio, and incorporated with the new matter in Vol. 1 as shown below. The sheet of "Brief Directions" has been transferred to the beginning of Vol. 1; otherwise Vol. 2 is unchanged, save that the figures of the insects are coloured.

Most of Petiver's shorter papers appeared either in the "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society", or in "The Monthly Miscellany; or Memoirs for the Curious", 3 vols., 1707-09, of which the first two vols. were re-issued in 1710 under the title of "A compleat volume of the Memoirs for the Curious, from Jan. 1707 to Dec. 1708". - (See also the account of Petiver in Trimen & Dyer's "Flora of Middlesex", pp. 379-385).

Contents of Vol. 1: [Title page, with contents of the two volumes and Announcements on the reverse]. - [1.] Brief Directions, &c. -- [2.] Gazophylacii ... decas prima (secunda - quinta), &c. pp. 12 [This is a reprint in fol. of the 8 ĚŠedition]. -- [3.] ... decas sexta (septima - decima), &c. -- [4.] [Explanations to pls. ci-clv]. -- [5.] ... Catalogus ... omnium rerum ... in primo (- secundo) volumine, &c. -- [6.] Musei Petiveriani centuria prima (secunda - decima), &c., pp. 1-11 [This is a reprint in fol. of the 8 ĚŠedition]. -- [7.] De Scarabaeis & Bombyliis Anglicanis: or, an account of English beetles and bees.-De Piscibus fluviatilibus Anglicanis.-De Cochleis terrestribus ac fluviatilibus Britannicis.-De Cochleis Marinis Britannicis.-De Pectinibus, Pectunculis, Ostreis, &c., Britain.-Fossilia Cantiana, &c.-Fossilia Sheppeiana, &c.-Fossils found at Pyrton Passage, on the Severn, in Gloucestershire.-Madam M. Sybilla Merian's History of Surinam Insects, methodized, with remarks, by J. Petiver.-M. Du Verney's discourse on the generation of snails and worms.-Ray's method of English plants illustrated.-Mr. Ray's method of trees and shrubs.-Some attempts to prove, that herbs of the same class, or make, generally have the like virtue, &c.-Some observations on wasps, bees, &c. by Mr. J. Banister, in Virginia, 1680, with remarks by Mr. Petiver, pp. 12-30. -- [8.] [Plates 1-156 of the Gazophylacium]. -- [9.] Aquatilium Animalium Amboinae, &c., icones, &c. [with supplement and rudiments of Botany].

Also known as Petiver's Gazophylacium (cf. Wood, 517).




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.148319


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