The romance of the Colorado River
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The romance of the Colorado River : the story of its discovery in 1540, with an account of the later explorations, and with special reference to the voyages of Powell through the line of the great canyons


Dellenbaugh, Frederick Samuel, 1853-1935




Published material

Publication info

New York, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1903, [1902]


2d ed.


Includes index.

Contents: The secret of the Gulf. Ulloa, 1539, one of the captains of Cortes, almost solves it, but turns back without discovering ; Alarcon, 1540, conquers -- The unknown river. Alarcon ascends it eighty-five leagues and names it the Rio de Buena Guia ; Melchior Diaz arrives at its banks later and calls it the Rio del Tizon ; Cardenas discovers the Grand Canyon -- The Grand Canyon. Character of the Colorado River ; The water-gods; erosion and corrasion ; The Natives and their highways ; The "Green River Valley" of the old trappers ; The strange vegetation and some singular animals -- O~nate, 1604, crosses Arizona to the Colorado. A remarkable ancient ruin discovered by Padre Kino, 1694 ; Padre Garces sees the Grand Canyon and visits Oraibi, 1776 ; The great Entrada of Padre Escalante across Green River to Utah Lake, 1776 ; Death of Garces ends the Entrada Period, 1781 -- Breaking the wilderness. Wanderings of the trappers and fur traders ; General Ashley in Green River Valley, 1824 ; Pattie along the Grand Canyon, 1826 ; Lieutenant Hardy, R.N., in a schooner on the lower Colorado, 1826 ; Jedediah Smith, Salt Lake to San Gabriel, 1826 ; Pattie on the lower Colorado in canoes, 1827-28 -- Fremont, the pathfinder. Ownership of the Colorado ; The road of the gold seekers ; First United States military post, 1829 ; Steam navigation ; Captain Johnson goes to the head of Black Canyon -- Lieutenant Ives explores to Fortification Rock. By trail to Diamond Creek, Havasupai Canyon, and the Moki towns ; Macomb fails in an attempt to reach the mouth of Grand River ; James White's masterful fabrication.

Contents: The one-armed knight. A bold attack on the canyons ; Powell and his men ; The wonderful voyage ; Mighty walls and roaring rapids ; Capsizes and catastrophes -- A canyon of cataracts. The imperial chasm ; Short rations ; A split in the party ; Separation ; Fate of the Howlands and Dunn ; The monster vanquished -- Powell's second attack on the Colorado. Green River City ; Red Canyon and a capsize ; The grave of Hook ; The Gate of Lodore ; Cliff of the Harp ; Triplet Falls and Hell's Half-mile ; A rest in Echo Park -- An island park and a split mountain. The White River runaways ; Powell goes to Salt Lake ; Failure to get rations to the Dirty Devil ; On the rocks in Desolation ; Natural windows ; An ancient house ; On the back of the dragon at last ; Cataracts and cataracts in the wonderful Cataract Canyon ; A lost pack-train ; Naming the Echo Peaks -- Into the jaws of the dragon. A useless experiment ; Wheeler reaches Diamond Creek going up-stream ; The Hurricane Lodge ; Something about names ; A trip from Kanab through unknown country to the mouth of the Dirty Devil -- A canyon through marble. Multitudinous rapids ; Running the Sockdologer ; A difficult portage, rising water, and a trap ; The Dean upside down ; A close shave ; Whirlpools and fountains ; The Kanab Canyon and the end of the voyage -- A railway proposed through the canyon. The Brown Party, 1889, undertakes the survey ; Frail boats and disasters ; The dragon claims three ; Collapse of the expedition ; Stanton tries the feat, again, 1889-90 ; A fall and a broken leg ; Success of Stanton ; The dragon still untrammeled.


Colorado River (Colo.-Mexico) , Grand Canyon

Call Number

F788 .D35




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.149004
LCCN: https://lccn.loc.gov/22009425
OCLC: 14143206


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