Martyn Paine and John Torrey correspondence, 1856
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Martyn Paine and John Torrey correspondence, 1856

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Related/Analytical: New York Botanical Garden Archives
Series: John Torrey papers, series 1, correspondence


Paine, Martyn, 1794-1877




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Correspondence from Martyn Paine to John Torrey, dated 1856. Paine writes at length in condolence to Torrey for the death of his wife Eliza Shaw Torrey the previous year: "[P]robably none can understand your sorrows better than myself"-- Paine's wife Mary Ann Weeks Paine died in 1852-- "Time alone can never assuage them in a sensitive mind. Constant and useful employment will banish them for a time; but when night comes we find it powerless. We then take up the Bible, and there, through the eye of faith, we discover remedy of the most wonderful healing virtues. This, however, I need not commend to yourself. I allude to it only to bear my testimony along with yours. 'It seems,' you say, 'as if she would return ere long & all that has occurred will appear like a dream.' And so will it be, -- only you will go to her instead of her return to this world of troubles... " Later in the letter Paine makes reference to "the Swedish Professor," which might be a reference to Carl Adolf Agardh, or his son Jacob Georg Agardh.

In English.


Correspondence , Laning, Enoch, active 1848-1860 , Paine, Martyn, 1794-1877 , Torrey, John, 1796-1873

BHL Collections

John Torrey Papers




OCLC: 1038800479


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