Gleanings of natural history : exhibiting figures of quadrupeds, birds, insects, plants &c., most of which have not, till now, been either figured or described : with descriptions of seventy different subjects
Title Variants
Edwards' Natural history
Glanures d'histoire naturelle, consistant en figures de quadrupédes, d'oiseaux, d'insectes, de plantes &c...
Related Titles
Preceded by:
A natural history of birds : most of which have not been figur'd or describ'd, and others very little known from obscure or too brief descriptions without figures, or from figures very ill design'd ...
Edwards, George, 1694-1773
, author, illustrator
Edwards, George, 1694-1773
, author, illustrator, Gleanings of natural history
Edwards, George, 1694-1773
, Natural history of birds
Barker, Edmond, 1721-1780
, translator
Du Plessis, J.,
, translator
Bevere, Pieter Cornelius de, 1733-1781
, illustrator
Miller, John, 1715-1790
, engraver
Linné, Carl von, 1707-1778
, Catalogue of the birds, beasts, fishes, insects, plants, &c. contained in Edwards's Natural history in seven volumes
Published material
Publication info
London Printed for the author at the Royal College of Physicians MDCCLVII-MDCCLXIV [1758-1764]
French translation by J. Du Plessis for volumes 1 and 2, and by Edmond Barker for volume 3.
Issued in parts.
Considered as a continuation (volumes 5, 6 and 7) of the author's "A natural history of birds," which was published from 1743-1751 in four parts, and with general title "A natural history of uncommon birds."
"In common with many other publications of the same period many copies of this work were made up from assorted stock, giving rise to considerable difficulty in the identification and collation of ideal copies of the various editions and issues" --Lisney, page 128.
The leaves of plates continue the numbering from the 1743-1751 edition of A natural history of birds, with plates numbered 211-260 in the first volume; plates numbered 261-310 in the second volume; and plates numbered 311-362 in the third volume.
"For some of the plates ... use was made of pictures from the collection of drawings of Indian animals and plants which Gideon Loten had had executed in India, nearly all of which are due to the native artist P.C. de Bevere" --Anker.
Head- and tail-pieces (some are engraved). The half-title engraved vignette in volume 1, featuring a facsimile of the Copley Medal awarded to Edwards by the Royal Society in 1750, is signed: J.S. Müller sculpt.
Carl von Linné issued a list of the species appearing in the seven parts of Edwards' Natural history in 1776.
Anker, J. Bird books and bird art, | 126
Nissen, C. Nissen, C. Illustrierten Vogelbücher, | 288
Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer Ornithological Library | pages 198-200
Lisney, Arthur A. A bibliography of British Lepidoptera, 1608-1799, | 205, 209, 211
Text in English and French in parallel columns, with added title page in French.
Early works
Early works to 1800
Natural history
Pictorial works
Pre-Linnean works
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Call Number
QH41 .E38 1758
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