James Franklin Collins correspondence. Senders Grout-International Institute of Agriculture
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Contained In:
Papers of James Franklin Collins
Global Plants Initiative Field Notes Collections
External Resources
Collection guide:
James Franklin Collins papers, 1883-1942. Harvard University Botany Libraries
Collins, J. Franklin (James Franklin), 1863-1940
, addressee
Grout, A. J. (Abel Joel), 1867-1947
, correspondent
Hadley, Sarah B.,
, correspondent
Halsted, Byron D. (Byron David), 1852-1918
, correspondent
Handy, Benjamin Jones,
, correspondent
Handy, Louise Holmes, 1876-1956
, correspondent
Handy, Susan Elizabeth,
, correspondent
Harshberger, John W. (John William), 1869-1929
, correspondent
Hartwell, Marjorie B.,
, correspondent
Harvey, F. L. (Francis Leroy), 1850-1900
, correspondent
Hay, G. U. (George Upham), 1843-1912
, correspondent
Haynes, Caroline Coventry, 1858-1951
, correspondent
Heller, Amos Arthur, 1867-1944
, correspondent
Hervey, E. W. (Eliphalet Williams), 1834-1925
, correspondent
Hill, J. Irving,
, correspondent
Hitchcock, A. S. (Albert Spear), 1865-1935
, correspondent
Holden, Isaac
, correspondent
Holzinger, J. M. (John Michael), 1853-1929
, correspondent
Hood, Samuel Clarke,
, correspondent
Hope, Thomas,
, correspondent
Horr, Ella Louise,
, correspondent
Howe, Reginald Heber, Jr. 1875-1932
, correspondent
Howell, Thomas, 1842-1912
, correspondent
Hoxie, Nellie H. M.,
, correspondent
Hull, S. E.,
, correspondent
Hunt, Ellen G.,
, correspondent
Huntington, John Warren,
, correspondent
Husnot, T. (Tranquille), 1840-1929
, correspondent
Archival material
Publication info
Consists of letters written to James Franklin Collins by 28 correspondents with surnames starting with Gro-I, regarding botany and/or personal matters. Includes letters, picture postcards, circular letters, and receipts. Correspondents are: Abel Joel Grout, Sarah B. Hadley, Byron David Halsted, Louise H. Handy, Benjamin Jones Handy, Susan Elizabeth Handy (née Holmes), John William Harshberger, Marjorie B. Hartwell, Francis LeRoy Harvey, George Upham Hay, Caroline Coventry Haynes, Amos Arthur Heller, Eliphalet Williams Hervey, J. Irving Hill, Albert Spear Hitchcock, Isaac Holden, John Michael Holzinger, Samuel Clarke Hood, Thomas Hope, Ella Louise Horr (née Brown), Reginald Heber Howe, Jr., Thomas Howell, Nellie H.M. Hoxie, S.E. Hull, Ellen G. Hunt, John Warren Huntington, Pierre Tranquille Husnot, and Institut International d'Agriculture.
(James Franklin),
Circular letters
Collins, J. Franklin
Picture postcards
Receipts (financial records)
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