Utah and California, 1914 : field diaries, 15 July - 10 December, 1914, two volumes
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Utah and California, 1914 : field diaries, 15 July - 10 December, 1914, two volumes

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Alternative: Utah and California, 1914, Field diaries

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Contained In: Alexander Wetmore Papers, circa 1848-1979 and undated
Series: SIA RU007006
Series: Smithsonian Field Book Project : an initiative to improve access to field book content that documents natural history


Wetmore, Alexander, 1886-1978




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Two notebooks document Alexander Wetmore's efforts to investigate the nature and origin of duck disease and feeding habits of waterfowl in California and Utah for the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Bureau of Biological Survey in 1914. The first notebook covers Utah, California, Colorado, Kansas during October 22 - December 10, 1914. There is significant graphite transfer on the first few pages. Appears to include information entered before the date on the cover. Subsequent entries include birdlists (with common name) listed by date, notes about research done, samples taken, and specimens. Most of the notebook is blank. There are two pages at back with notes. Second notebook covers Utah during July 15 to October 19, 1914. These entries include some that are journal style. All are listed by date. He describes observed appearance and behavior of diseased ducks; also includes birdlists (with common names); counts of dead; descriptions of specimens; and transcribed texts from scientific resources on chemistry, organic analysis, and physiology. July 29 entry includes illustration and measurements for bird trap.


California , Colorado , Ducks , Field notes , Great Salt Lake , Kansas , Ornithology , San Joaquin Valley , United States , United States Dept. of Agriculture , Utah

BHL Collections

Smithsonian Field Books collection




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.155745


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