Herrn von Buffons Naturgeschichte der Vögel
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Herrn von Buffons Naturgeschichte der Vögel

Title Variants

Uniform: Histoire naturelle générale et particulière

Related Titles

Related/Analytical: Naturgeschichte der Vögel


Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc, comte de, 1707-1788

Bexon, Gabriel-Léopold-Charles-Amé, 1747-1784
Guéneau de Montbéliard, Philibert, 1720-1785
Martini, Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm, 1729-1778
Otto, Bernhard Christian, 1745-1835




Published material

Publication info

Berlin 1772, Bey Joachim Pauli, Buchhändler, [1772-1809]


Translation, by Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm Martini (v.1-6) and Bernhard Christian Otto (v.7-35), of the volumes on birds of: Histoire naturelle générale et particulière. Paris and Liége, 1769, and (for later volumes) of the original edition. Paris, 1770-1783.

Coauthors (of the volumes on birds) are Philibert Guéneau de Montbeillard and Gabriel Léopold Charles Amé Bexon.

Edited by Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm Martini (v.1-6) and Bernhard Christian Otto (v.7-35)

Title for v.2-24 and 29 reads: Herrn von Büffons Naturgeschichte der Vögel.

Subtitle for v. 7-35 reads: Aus dem Französischen übersetzt, mit Anmerkungen, Zusätzen und vielen Kupfern vermehrt, durch Bernhard Christian Otto, ... Siebenter [- Fünf und dreyssigster] Band.

Volume 2 dated 1774; v.3, 1775; v.4, 1776; v.5-6, 1777; v.7, 1781; v.8, 1782; v.9-10, 1784; v.11, 1785; v.12, 1786; v.13, 1787; v.14, 1788; v.15, 1789; v.16-18, 1790; v.19, 1792; v.20, 1793; v.21, 1794; v.22, 1795; v.23-24, 1796; v.25-27, 1797; v.28, 1798; v.29, 1800; v.30, 1802; v.31, 1804; v.32, 1806; v.33, 1807; v.34, 1808.

Imprint v.21-35: In der Buchhandlung des Geh. Commerzien-Raths Pauli.

Vignette on title pages. Vignette v.5 signed: "D: Chodowiecki"; vignettes v.6-7, 18, 23, 25-29 signed: "F. Gürsch sc."

Numerous errors in paging.

Last leaf in v.6 (chi1, p.[1-2]) folded; its format is quarto.

Last leaf in v.8 (chi1, p.[1-2]) published in 1783, together with v.8 of: Herrn von Büffons Naturgeschichte der vierfüssigen Thiere.

Plates mostly unnumbered; exceptions: I.-IV., V./VI., VII.-XVII.; XVIIb.; XVIII.-XLV., XLVa.; XLVI.-LIX.; LXI.-CI. (v.1-4) and 47.-48. (v.7). Plates CII.-CXCIX. (v.5-6) numbered in lists of plates, but not on the plates themselves.

Some plates published later than corresponding text. According to Engelmann, one volume of supplementary plates was published under the title:Erste Sammlung von 36 Abbildungen der Vögel, deren Nachlieferung versprochen worden. Zum 1.-12. Bande. Berlin, 1801. Nissen reports 2 supplementary volumes.

Number of plates reported for various copies varies; perhaps a few plates were never published; on the other hand, many additional plates, not mentioned in the enumeration of plates in each volume, have been published and are inserted at the appropriate places of the text.

Errata (v.3: p.v-viii; v.7: p.[i]-iii; v.8: p.[1] at end; v.10: p.[i]-ii, third count; v.11: p.[1-2] at end; v.12: p.[1-4] at end; v.16: p.[7] at front, footnote; v.23: p.vii, footnotes; v.24: p.viii; v.30: p.[1] at end)

Bookseller's advertisements (v.1: p.[7-8] at front; v.2: p.[13-16] at front; v.3: p.[253]-256; v.6: p.[1-2] at end (folded leaf); v.8: p.[1]-18, second count; v.20: p.[1-2] at end; v.23: p.viii; v.28: p.[9-10] at front)

This translation enriched with much additional information not found in the original French text (including American birds)

Dippel, H. Americana Germanica, | 31.

Engelmann, W. Bib. historico-naturalis, | 387.

Grässe | 1:568.

Nissen, C. Illustrierte Vögelbücher, | 159.


1772-1802 , Birds , Booksellers' catalogs , Germany

Call Number

QL673 .B92




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.156852
LCCN: https://lccn.loc.gov/06009969


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