"Door to drawer" costs of curation, installation, documentation, databasing, and long-term care of mammal voucher specimens in natural history collections
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"Door to drawer" costs of curation, installation, documentation, databasing, and long-term care of mammal voucher specimens in natural history collections

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Series: Occasional papers / Museum of Texas Tech University, number 323


Baker, Robert J. , author
Bradley, Lisa C , author
Bradley, Robert D. , author
Garner, Heath J., , author
Texas Tech University. Museum,
Texas Tech University. Natural Science Research Laboratory.




Published material

Publication info

Lubbock, TX, Museum of Texas Tech University, 2014


"Texas Tech University, Natural Science Research Laboratory"--Cover.

"17 April 2014"--Cover.

Natural history specimens and their associated data are a valuable resource to the scientific and educational communities, with each specimen representing a unique sample from a specific locality and a specific point in time. Given this intrinsic value to research and education, a few studies have attempted to assign a monetary value or worth to specimens and their associated data. For example, a recent study determined the costs associated with collecting and preparing a mammal voucher specimen in the field; however, little information is available for costs associated with incorporating these specimens and their data into a natural history collection and providing access to these data by the scientific community and society. Herein, we review the costs required for curating, installing, documenting, databasing, and caring for a representative sample of 3,356 mammal voucher specimens, associated genetic resources, and accompanying data in the Natural Science Research Laboratory, Museum of Texas Tech University. The average cost for curation, installation, documentation, and databasing is conservatively estimated to be $17.51 per specimen, with additional costs of $0.25 per year per specimen for long-term care.


Catalogs and collections , Collection and preservation , Cost of operation , Costs , Mammals , Natural history , Type specimens , Zoological specimens

Call Number

QL1 .O213 No. 323




OCLC: 894355834
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q109807387


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