Small mammal community from an isolated, remnant cloud forest in Guatemala
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Small mammal community from an isolated, remnant cloud forest in Guatemala

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Series: Occasional papers / Museum of Texas Tech University, number 324


Bulmer, Walter, 1942- , author
Eckerlin, Ralph P. , author
Greiman, Stephen E., , author
Matson, John O. , author
Ordóñez-Garza, Nicté , author
Texas Tech University. Museum,
Texas Tech University. Natural Science Research Laboratory.




Published material

Publication info

Lubbock, TX, Museum of Texas Tech University, 2014


"Texas Tech University, Natural Science Research Laboratory"--Cover.

"15 May 2014"--Cover.

Results are reported for a mammal survey in a remnant, isolated, mixed-hardwood cloud forest (2,640 m elevation) in Cerro Cucurucho, Sacatepéquez, Guatemala. Removal trapping for five nights (4-9 January 2013) with a total of 968 trap nights and 620 pitfall nights resulted in 46 captures representing 10 species of marsupials, shrews, and rodents. This study reports the abundance and reproductive activity of these small mammals. The small mammal community was dominated by Peromyscus guatemalensis. Marmosa mexicana, Cryptotis goodwini, Sorex veraepacis, Heteromys desmarestianus, Peromyscus beatae, Reithrodontomys mexicanus, R. sumichrasti, Handleyomys rhabdops, and Nyctomys sumichrasti were much less abundant. The diversity reported for this remnant forest was similar to that reported in other cloud forest habitats throughout Guatemala and highlights that, although Cerro Cucurucho represents a disturbed cloud forest habitat, the species diversity in the community is relatively high. Endoparasites (hymenolepid tapeworms), various ectoparasites, and mutualistic beetles (Amblyopinus schmidti) were collected from the small mammals and are reported herein.


Cloud forest animals , Cloud forests , Guatemala , Mammal surveys , Mammals , Sacatepéquez

Call Number

AS36 .T4955 no. 324




OCLC: 894505001
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