Coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from small mammals of the southwestern sandhills in Nebraska, USA
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Coccidia (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) from small mammals of the southwestern sandhills in Nebraska, USA

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Contained In: Occasional papers (Texas Tech University. Museum), no:337
Series: Occasional papers / Museum of Texas Tech University, number 337


Thomas, Kaleb J., , author

Gardner, Scott Lyell, 1956- , author
Texas Tech University. Museum,
Texas Tech University. Natural Science Research Laboratory.




Published material

Publication info

Lubbock, TX, Museum of Texas Tech University, [2015]


Title from caption.

"Texas Tech University, Natural Science Research Laboratory."

"2 December 2015."

Coccidian parasites of the genus Eimeria (Apicomplexa: Eimeriidae) were prepared and studied from small mammals collected from late July through early August during 2012 and 2013 on and around the area of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Cedar Point Biological Station, north of Ogallala, Nebraska. Habitats from which mammals were sampled included riparian, great-plains grasslands, and sandhills-grasslands. Twelve species representing 11 genera of small mammals were studied to begin to understand diversity of parasites in the area. Rodents of the following species were examined: Geomys lutescens Merriam, 1890; Dipodomys ordii Woodhouse, 1853; Perognathus flavescens Merriam, 1889; Chaetodipus hispidus (Baird, 1858); Peromyscus leucopus (Rafinesque, 1818); Peromyscus maniculatus (Wagner, 1845); Reithrodontomys megalotis (Baird, 1857); Onychomys leucogaster (Wied-Neuwid, 1841); Microtus ochrogaster (Wagner, 1842); Zapus hudsonius (Zimmerman, 1780); and Spermophilus tridecimlineatus (Mitchill, 1821). One species of shrew, Blarina brevicauda (Say, 1823), also was examined. Eimeria was found in 22 of 165 small mammals for an overall prevalence of 13%. A multivariate statistical analysis performed on measurement variables of the oocysts and sporocysts revealed reasonable separation of species of Eimeria.


Apicomplexa , Coccidia , Eimeria , Mammals , Nebraska , Parasites , Sandhills (Neb.)




OCLC: 933917911
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q109807400


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