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kenya Kenya Wildlife Service 2012




EXECUTIVE SUMMARY THE STRATEGIC PLAN AT A GLANCE This 5th edition of the conservation and management strategy for the black rhino in kenya builds on the considerable achievements of the previous strategies. It is also aligned and contributes to the current 2012 - 2017 KWS's Strategic Plan 2.0 that is founded on passion, innovation and quality; and pillared by conservation stewardship, people excellence and collaborative partnerships. This 5th edition of Rhino Strategic Plan re-focuses efforts on rhino conservation despite the ever increasing conservation challenges. This Strategic Plan has maintained Kenya's vision to conserve at least 2000 black rhinos in the wild. This edition, unlike previous ones, introduces a mission and a value statement for the rhino programme as declared by stakeholders (Figure 1). The Strategic Plan defines a revised overall goal of conserving at least 750 black rhinos by the end of 2016, achieving at least 5% national growth rate and less than 1% man-induced and disease-related deaths. Six strategic objectives (SOs) are listed with their rationales, measurable outcomes and activities. Emphasis is placed on: 1. protection and law enforcement; 2. monitoring for management; 3. biological management; 4. population expansion; 5. awareness and public support and; 6. coordination and capacity. The revised SOs emphasise population expansion, awareness and public support, and enhancement of coordination by introducing a steering committee whose main role will be to monitor the implementation of this Strategic Plan. These SOs will address the urgent need for additional secure conservation areas for rhinos, the increasing illegal demand for rhino horn and the increasing rhino poaching, and the effective implementation of the Strategic Plan through shared responsibilities. This Strategic Plan is designed to provide a solid framework with flexibility for individual rhino conservation areas to develop their own annual work plans.


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