The second ural centrum in Siluriformes and its implication for the monophyly of superfamily Sisoroidea (Teleostei, Ostariophysi)
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The second ural centrum in Siluriformes and its implication for the monophyly of superfamily Sisoroidea (Teleostei, Ostariophysi)

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Alternative: Ural centrum in Siluriformes

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Series: American Museum novitates, no. 3437


Pinna, Mário C. C. de

Ng, Heok Hee




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New York, NY American Museum of Natural History c2004


Title from caption.

"May 14, 2004."

"A well-developed second ural half-centrum is a peculiar characteristic of the caudal skeleton of certain siluriforms, not seen in other Recent ostariophysans. Although the character has been previously recorded in the literature, its exact taxonomic distribution, structure, ontogeny, and phylogenetic meaning within siluriforms are not yet determined. In this paper, the degree of development of the second ural half-centrum is surveyed across the order. The ontogeny of the relevant axial structures in the posterior region of the vertebral column is reported in representative siluriform taxa. The condition where the second ural centrum is well formed and forms a complete intervertebral joint anteriorly with the compound caudal centrum is considered derived within siluriforms, a character state homoplastic with the primitive state in more distant teleostean outgroups. Various catfishes display that derived condition, which is informative about relationships at different levels within the group. The most inclusive of those clades is the superfamily Sisoroidea, including the families Amblycipitidae, Akysidae, Sisoridae, Erethistidae, and Aspredinidae. The placement of the neotropical Aspredinidae into an otherwise exclusively Asian clade has important biogeographical implications and the structure of the second ural centrum provides additional support to that hypothesis. Based on the currently available knowledge on the relationships among catfishes, a well-developed second ural centrum is hypothesized to be a result of six different events in siluriforms"--P. [1].


Anatomy , Catfishes , Classification , Phylogeny , Skeleton , Tail

Call Number

QL1 .A436 no.3437, 2004




DOI: https://doi.org/10.1206/0003-0082(2004)437<0001:TSUCIS>2.0.CO;2
OCLC: 55129200


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