Galianemys, a new side-necked turtle (Pelomedusoides, Bothremydidae) from the late Cretaceous of Morocco
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Galianemys, a new side-necked turtle (Pelomedusoides, Bothremydidae) from the late Cretaceous of Morocco

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Series: American Museum novitates, no. 3379


Gaffney, Eugene S.

Tong, Haiyan
Meylan, Peter A. (Peter Andre)




Published material

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New York, NY American Museum of Natural History c2002


Caption title.

"August 16, 2002."

The Cenomanian redbeds of southern Morocco have yielded skulls of a new genus and two new species of side-necked turtles, Galianemys whitei and Galianemys emringeri. The genus is based on a series of nine well-preserved skulls and three partial skulls. Galianemys is a pelomedusoid pleurodire belonging to the family Bothremydidae Baur, 1891, because it has: (1) precolumellar fossa absent, (2) foramen stapedio-temporale facing anteriorly, (3) eustachian tube separated from stapes by bone, and (4) exoccipital-quadrate contact. Within the Bothremydidae Galianemys is best resolved as the sister group to Cearachelys because both have the jugal retracted from the orbital margin and a small, slitlike fenestra postotica. Galianemys emringeri has a deep fossa pterygoidei, ventrally exposed prootic, foramen nervi facialis and foramen nervi vidiani, a thicker labial ridge, and the jugal not exposed on the triturating surface, while Galianemys whitei has a shallow fossa pterygoidei, covered prootic and foramen nervi facialis and vidiani, a thinner labial ridge, and a jugal exposed on the triturating surface.


Cretaceous , Galianemys emringeri , Galianemys whitei , Morocco , Paleontology , Reptiles, Fossil , Turtles, Fossil

Call Number

QL1 .A436 no.3379 2002




DOI: https://doi.org/10.1206/0003-0082(2002)379<0001:GANSNT>2.0.CO;2
OCLC: 50498987


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