Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good
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Culpeper's last legacy: left and bequeathed to his dearest wife, for the publick good. : Being the choycest and most profitable of those secrets which while he lived were lockt up in his breast, and resolved never to be publisht till after his death. Containing sundry admirable experiences in several sciences, more especially in chyrurgery and physick: viz. Compounding of medicines, making of waters, syrups, oyles, electuaries, conserves, salts, pills, purges, and trochischs. With two particular treatises; the one of feavers, the other of pestilence: as also rare and choyce aphorismes and receipts, fitted to the understanding of the meanest capacities. The fourth impression; whereunto is added 200 choyce receipts, lately found, never publisht before in any of his other works; with a compleat table


Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654




Published material

Publication info

London, Printed by Tho. Ratcliffe for Nath. Brooke at the Angel in Gresham-Colledge; and for Ben. Billingsley and Obadiah Blagrave at the printing press in Broadstreet, 1668


The fourth impression.


Each of the 6 parts has a separate title-page dated 1667.

Error in page numbering: p. 51 misnumbered 57.

Error in pagination: pp. 177-178 omitted.

Error in page numbering: p. 274 misnumbered 247.

Includes index.

Final leaf headed: An advertisement of books worth buying, sold at the printing press in Broadstreet, London, by B. Billingsley, and O. Blagrave.

ESTC, | R227436.

Wing, | C7520.

ESTC | R227436.

Wing (CD-Rom, 1996), | C7520.


Electronic books , Herbal Medicine , Herbs , Medicine




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