Chemical reports and memoirs
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Chemical reports and memoirs ...

Related Titles

Series: Works of the Cavendish Society
Series: Works of the Cavendish Society


Graham, Thomas, 1805-1869

Bunsen, R. (Robert), 1811-1899
Chevreul, M. E. (Michel Eugene), 1786-1889
Day, George Edward, 1815-1872
Filhol, E. 1814-1883
Graham, Thomas, 1805-1869
Kopp, Emil, 1817-1875
Otto, Friedrich Julius, 1809-1870
Regnault, V. 1810-1878
Vogel, Julius, 1814-1880
Cavendish Society.




Published material

Publication info

London, Printed for the Cavendish Society, by T.R. Harrison, 1848


Translated by G.E. Day.

"Report of the first anniversary meeting of the Cavendish Society, held on Monday, July 17th, 1848": p. [1]-15 at end.

Contents: On the relation of the volumes of bodies in the solid state to their equivalents or atomic weights / by Professor Otto.-- Studies on the connection existing between the atomic weights, crystalline form and density of bodies / by M. Filhol.-- On the laws, according to which the mixing of fluids and their penetration into permeable substances occur ... / by Julius Vogel.-- Upon isomorphism / by Professor Otto.-- Physical investigations on dyeing ... / by M. Chevreul.-- On the latent heat of steam at different pressures / by M. Regnault.-- On the artificial formation of alkaloids / by M.E. Kop.-- On the intimate connection existing between the pseudo-volcanic phenomena of Iceland / by Professor Bunsen.--


Cavendish Society , Chemistry, Physical and theoretical , Color , Geysers , Iceland , Osmosis , Steam

Call Number

Q113 .G74 1848




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.44495
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q51455818


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