Washington H. Ochsner Galapagos expedition journal of conchology
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Washington H. Ochsner Galapagos expedition journal of conchology

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Contained In: Washington Henry Ochsner papers, Oschner, Washington Henry, 1879-1927, Box 2
Series: Connecting content : a collaboration to link field notes to specimens and published literature
Series: National leadership grant/ Institute of Museum and Library services


Ochsner, Washington Henry, 1879-1927



Archival material

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Field notebook detailing the collecting activities of Alban Stewart during his participation in the California Academy of Sciences expedition to the Galapagos Islands from 1905-1906. The field notes include information regarding collected botanical specimens including locality and distribution. Field notes also contain air and water temperature readings. Specimen card file was turned over to the Academy Archives on Sept. 24, 1971 by J.T. Howell. Card files relate specifically to botanical specimens. They are arranged taxonomically. Librarian's note about the notebook and card file is included at the back of the file.

In English.


(1905-1906) , 1879-1927 , Archives , California Academy of Sciences , Clipperton Island , Collection and preservation , Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences t , Field notes , Fieldwork , Galapagos Islands , Mollusks , Ochsner, Washington Henry, , Scientific Expeditions , Shells , South America




OCLC: 788564483


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