Plant lists, notes, and correspondence : Frémont expeditions, 1843-1853
Title Variants
Frémont expeditions
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Connecting content : a collaboration to link field notes to specimens and published literature
Torrey, John, 1796-1873
Bigelow, John M. 1804-1878
Gray, Asa, 1810-1888
Frémont, John Charles, 1813-1890
Archival material
Publication info
Contents: Folder 9.65. List of plants for 1843 -- Folder 9.66. Localities of plants for 1844 -- Folder 9.67. Plant lists and notes, 2nd expedition, 1843-1844 -- Folder 9.68. List of plants of Frémont collections 1845-1846, sent by Torrey to Engelmann Fall 1848 -- Folder 9.69. Numbers corresponding to labels on the plants commencing with the first plant gathered in California, 1845-1846 -- Folder 9.70. Explorers & travellers who have collected plants in California, Oregon, Washington Territory & Nevada, n.d. -- Folder 9.71. List of camps of an exploration from Fort Smith Ark. to San Pedro Cal. by Dr. Bigelow commenced July 15, 1853 -- Folder 9.72. Asa Gray lists and letters regarding Frémont's expeditions, n.d.
Plant lists, notes, and correspondence, chiefly by John Torrey, for 1843-1853. The lists and notes relate to plants collected on Frémont's 2nd and 3rd expeditions to the American West and Torrey's work identifying and describing the plants. Also included are Asa Gray's notes and correspondence from Asa Gray to John Torrey regarding Frémont's expeditions, a list of explorers who collected plants in the American West, and a list of camps during an exploration for a railroad route from Arkansas to California in 1853 by John Milton Bigelow.
Upon close examination of the 36 page manuscript entitled "Numbers corresponding to labels on the plants commencing with the first plant gathered in California 1845-1846" [NYBG John Torrey Papers series 4; box 9] it can be shown that this was written by John C. Frémont while in the field on his third expedition of 1845-1846. This list probably accompanied Frémont's plant collection which was sent to John Torrey's Princeton home on June 29, 1846. The list appears to be annotated by Torrey in several places.
In English.
Bigelow, John M. (John Milton), 1804-1878
Discovery and exploration
Engelmann, George, 1809-1884
Frémont Expedition (2nd :1843-1844)
Frémont Expedition (3rd :1845-1847)
Frémont, John Charles, 1813-1890
Gray, Asa, 1810-1888
Scientific Expeditions
Torrey, John, 1796-1873
West (U.S.)
BHL Collections
John Torrey Papers
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