Drawings/prints associated with USPRR reports & photographs/archival material
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Drawings/prints associated with USPRR reports & photographs/archival material

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Related/Analytical: Connecting content : a collaboration to link field notes to specimens and published literature
Series: Connecting content : a collaboration to link field notes to specimens and published literature
Series: National leadership grant/ Institute of Museum and Library services


Sprague, Isaac, 1811-1895
Schott, Arthur, 1814-1875




Archival material

Publication info


Contents: Amblirion pudicum / Arthur Schott -- Asclepias macrophylla (2 sketches) -- Batis maritima -- Carex sartwellii -- Carpenteria californica -- Chaenactis achilleaefolia / Arthur Schott -- Cowania stansburiana / Arthur Schott -- Crepis acuminata / Arthur Schott -- Eddya hispidissima / Isaac Sprague -- Eriogonum lachnogynum / A.S. Ric... -- Fremontia californica / A. Hochstein -- Gayophytum / Isaac Sprague -- Heuchera rubescens / Arthur Schott -- Holacantha emoryi / Isaac Sprague -- Hulsea nana -- Hymenoclea salsola -- Larrea mexicana / E.A. Hunt -- Monothrix stansburiana / Arthur Schott -- Nemopanthes canadensis -- Nepenthes distillatoria -- Opuntia rafinesque (4 sketches) / Paulus Roetter -- Opuntia vulgaris (2 sketches) / Paulus Roetter -- Phaca mollissima / Arthur Schott -- Ptilocalyx gregii / Isaac Sprague -- Salviastrum texanum / Isaac Sprague -- Sequoia gigantea / N.R. Moll... -- Sequoia sempervirens / N.L. Moll... -- Selenia dissecta / Isaac Sprague -- Spirea dumosa / Arthur Schott -- Stegnocarpus canescens / Isaac Sprague -- Streptanthus crassicaulis (3 sketches) / Arthur Schott -- Strombocarpa pubescens / E.A. Hunt -- Stylocline gnaphaloides / Isaac Sprague -- [2 unlabelled, unsigned drawings].

42 original drawings by Isaac Sprague, Arthur Schott, and others for United States Pacific Railroad and other reports authored by John Torrey. Drawings are pencil, pen & ink, pencil & ink, or pencil & watercolor on paper. Many are undated, those that have dates range from 1825-1859. The collection is from the library of Judge Addison Brown, and was presented to NYBG by Mrs. Brown on May 15, 1915.

In English.


1796-1873 , 1811-1895 , 1814-1875 , 19th century , Botanical illustration , Discovery and exploration , Drawings (visual works) , Explorers , Pictorial works , Plants , Schott, Arthur, , Scientific Expeditions , Sprague, Isaac, , Torrey, John, , United States Pacific Railroad Expeditions and Sur , West (U.S.)




OCLC: 782973970
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q51466596


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