Novus orbis seu Descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis, libri XVIII
Title Variants
Descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis, libri XVIII
Joannis de Laet Americae utriusque descriptio
Novus orbis
Novus orbis seu Descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis, libri XVIII
Novvs orbis
Uniform: Nieuwe Wereldt
Laet, Joannes de, 1581-1649
Published material
Publication info
Lugd. Batav. [i.e. Leiden], Apud Elzevirios, A[nn]o. 1633
Contents: (From table on contents) De Insulis Oceanicis -- Nova Francia -- Virginia -- Florida -- Nova Hispania -- Nova Galaecia -- Guatimala -- Terra Firma -- Novum Regnum Granatae -- Peruvia -- Peruvia sive Charcae -- Chile -- Magallanica -- Rio de La Plata -- Brasilia -- Brasilia Septentrionalis -- Guaiana -- Nova Andaluzia.
Contents: [Maps]: Americae sive Indiae Occientalis tabula generalis -- Maiores minores qve insvlae hispaniola, Cvba Lucaiae et Caribes -- Nova Francia et regiones adiacentes - Nova Anglia, Novvm Belgivm et Virginia -- Florida et regiones vicinae -- Nova Hispania, Nova Galicia, Gvatimala -- Tierra firma item Nvevo Reyno de Granada atque Popayan -- Perv -- Chili - Provincia de Brasil cum adiacentibvs provinciis -- Paragvay, ó Prov. de Rio de La Plata cum adiacentibus provinciis quas vocant Tvcvman et S. Cruz de La Sierra -- Provinciae sitae ad Fretvm Magallanis itemque Fretvm le Maire -- Gvaiana siue provinciae intra Rio de las Amazonas atque Rio de Yviapari siue Orinoqve -- Venezvela atque occidentalis pars Novae Andalvsiae.
Latin translation of: Nievve wereldt, ofte, Beschrijvinghe van West Indien, first printed Leiden, 1625.
Includes various specimens of indigenous language vocabularies: Book 2, chapters XII and XVI include a small list of vocabulary on p. 48-49 and p. 53, 2nd counts, in the Huron language as spoken in Hochelaga, which was the indigenous name for Montréal; also includes music with Wyandot text on p. 53, 2nd count; Book 3, chapter XI gives a list of numbers and parts of the body in the "sankikan" language [cannot identify the language] on p. 75-76; Book 5, chapter X gives a vocabulary of words and glyphs in Nahuatl on p. 241-242; Book 11, chapter XVIII gives "De peruvianorum idiomate atque poësi" on p. 477-478, which contains 2 specimens of Quechua copied from Garcilaso de la Vega, who himself cites and copies from Blas Valera; a 4 line love song with Latin translation, printed in 2 columns; and a 17 line sample of devotional verse with 2 Latin translations, a word-for-word calque copied from Vega and a second version, printed in 3 columns; the longer Quechua text includes minor spelling variants and omits lines 11 and 12 of Garcilaso's version; Book 16, chapter I gives vocabulary in the Tupi language from Brazil copied from Jean de Léry on p. 599; and Book 17, chapter XII gives vocabulary in the Arawak language from Guiana on p. 642-643.
Signatures: * (*1, *2 versos blank) **-*** A-3D 3E
Engraved title page; woodcut head and tail pieces; initials.
Errata: p. [18], 4th count.
Includes index.
Rahir, E. Elzevier, | 367.
Willems, A.C.J. Les Elzevier, | 382.
Vail, R.W.G. Old frontier, | 84.
Rodrigues, J.H. Domínio holandês no Brasil, | 84.
Moraes, R.B. de. Bib. Brasiliana (1983 ed.), | I: p. 451.
Streit, R. Bib. missionum, | II:1619.
Alden, J.E. European Americana, | 633/65.
JCB Lib. cat. pre-1675, | II:246.
Arawak language
Discovery and exploration
Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Imprint 1633
Indian linguistics
Nahuatl language
Natural history
Quechua language
Tupi language
West Indies
Wyandot language
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