Compendio de la historia geografica, natural y civil del reyno de Chile
Title Variants
Uniform: Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chili
Molina, Giovanni Ignazio, 1740-1829
Published material
Publication info
En Madrid, por Don Antonio de Sancha. Año M. DCC. LXXXVIII. Se hallará en su librería en la Aduana Vieja, [1788]
Translation, by Domingo José de Arquellada Mendoza, of: Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chili. Bologna, 1782.
Original work in Italian is an extended version of the natural history section of the author's: Compendio della storia geografica, naturale e civile del regno del Chile. Bologna, 1776 (published anonymously)
The title of this edition in Spanish includes "civil history." However, that section of text was published, as a companion volume, under the title: Compendio de la historia civil del reyno de Chile. Madrid, 1795, translated by Nicolás de la Cruz y Bahamonde from the Italian of Molina's: Saggio sulla storia civile del Chili. Bologna, 1787.
Text in Spanish; diagnoses of taxa of animals, plants and minerals in Latin.
Signatures; *-2* 3*² A-3F 3G² (3G2 blank)
Map unnumbered; legends and names in Spanish.
Text divided into four books: "Libro primero. Situacion, meteoros y temperamento de Chile." (p. 1-42); "Libro segundo. Aguas, tierras, piedras, sales, betunes y metales del reyno de Chile." (p. 43-124); "Libro terceo. Yerbas, arbustos y arboles del reyno de Chile." (p. 125-212); "Libro quarto. Gusanos, insectos, reptiles, peces, páxaros y quadrúpedes de Chile." (p. 213-418)
Book IV includes two catalogs: "Catalogo I. Nuevas especies descriptas en este compendio, y dispuestas segun al sistema de Linnéo." (p. 388-4407); "Catalogo II. De algunos vocabulos chileños perteneciente á la historia natural." (p. 407-418)
Includes, on p. 307-418, over 300 terms in Spanish with equivalents in Araucanian [Mapuche].
Brown, J.C., 1493-1800, | 3: 3210.
Medina, J.T. Bib. hispano-chilena, | 597.
Backer-Sommervogel | 5: col. 1166 (no. 5)
Palau y Dulcet (2nd ed.) | 174563.
Stafleu & Cowan | 6206.
Description and travel
Indian linguistics
Mapuche language
Natural history
BHL Collections
Publicaciones en Español
Call Number
F3058 .M77
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