Correspondence : Gray (Asa) and Engelmann (George)
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Correspondence : Gray (Asa) and Engelmann (George), 1841-1883


Gray, Asa, 1810-1888




Archival material

Publication info


Incoming correspondence to George Engelmann from Asa Gray, for 1841-1845. The correspondence relates to Karl Geyer's Illinois and Oregon collections; Melines Leavenworth's Louisiana and Texas collections; Nicollet's collections; Geyer's dishonesty; Thomas Nuttall's paper and determinations; Texas collections of Gambell, Lindheimer and Drummond; discussions of methods of shipping live plants; shipping practices; Post Office Law; techniques of mounting plants; western seed distribution for cultivation in eastern and European gardens; Oregon bill and Lindheimer; discussions of name changes; species differences; writing genera and manual of flora; collections, exchanges, accounts, subscriptions and distributions of various collections; collaboration of Engelmann and Gray.

Folder contains original letters.


19th century , Abies , Agassiz, Louis, , Araceae , Asclepiadaceae , Asclepias , Bigelow, John M , Bignoniaceae , Bolander, Henry N , Boott, William, , Botanical specimens , Braun, Alexander, , Brunet, Ovide, , Buckley, S. B , Cactaceae , Callitrichaceae , Callitriche , Candolle, Alphonse de, , Catalpa , Classification , Collection and preservation , Compositae , Coniferae , Correspondence , Darwin, Charles, , Depressions , Description and travel , Eaton, Daniel Cady, , Effect of environment on , Eggert, Henry , Emory, William H , Endlicher, Stephan, , Engelmann, George J , Engelmann, George, , Erigeron , Euphorbia , Euphorbiaceae , Europe , Fagaceae , Fendler, Augustus, , Frémont, John Charles, , German Emperor, , Geyer, Karl Andreas, , Goodale, George L , Gray Herbarium , Gray, Asa, , Greene, Edward Lee, , Gregg, Josiah, , Hall, Elihu, , Harvard University , Harvey, William H , Herbarium , Human beings , Human evolution , Identification , Isoetaceae , Isoetes , Juncaceae , Juncus , Jussieu, Antoine Laurent de, , Kellogg, A , Law and legislation , Leavenworth, Melines Conklin, , Lemna , Lemnaceae , Letters , Lincoln, Abraham, , Lindley, John, , Loranthaceae , Meyer, Ernst Heinrich Friedrich, , Milkweeds , Missouri , Moquin-Tandon, Alfred, , Mueller, Ferdinand von, , National Academy of Sciences (U.S.) , Nicollet, J. N , Nuphar , Nuttall, Thomas, , Nymphaeaceae , Oakes, William, , Olney, Stephen T , Orchidaceae , Parlatore, Filippo, , Peck, Charles H , Pinaceae , Pinus , Planchon, Jules-Emile, , Plants , Postal service , Pringle, Cyrus G , Quercus , Redfield, John Howard, , Ringgold, Cadwalader, , Rocky Mountain States , Rocky Mountains , Rothrock, Joseph T., , Saint Louis (Mo.) , Sargent, Charles Sprague, , Seeds , Shaw, Henry, , Smithsonian Institution , Solidago , Sprengel, Christian Konrad, , Succulent plants , Texas , Thuret, Gustave, , Torrey, John, , Tuckerman, Edward, , Tulasne, Louis-ReneĢ, , United States , United States Exploring Expedition , Vitaceae , Vitis , Vries, Hugo de, , Watson, Sereno, , William , Wine and wine making , Wislizenus, F. A , Wright, Charles,

BHL Collections

Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden

Call Number

Archives Collection 1 RG 4/1/5/1




OCLC: 843780383
OCLC: 843959689


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