Correspondence : Salm-Reifferscheidt (Joseph) and Engelmann (George)
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Correspondence : Salm-Reifferscheidt (Joseph) and Engelmann (George), 1846-1858


Salm-Reifferscheidt, Joseph, Graf zu, 1773-1861




Archival material

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Incoming correspondence to George Engelmann from Joseph Franz Maria Anton Hubert Ignatz Fürst und Altgraf zu Salm-Reifferscheidt-Dyck, for 1846-1858. The correspondence relates to an exchange of cacti specimens. Comments on German politics. Discussion of classification of cactus. Method of packing cacti for shipping. Cholera epidemic in Europe. Description of his book Cacteae in Horto Dyckensi cultea. Opinions of German and Irish American immigrants. Opinions on the culture of cacti. A defense of his organization of the cacti. Discussion of the definition of species vs. variety. Comments on American politics.

Folder contains original letters.

Original material in German, with typewritten English translation.


(Frederick), , (Heinrich), , (Philipp August Friedrich), , 1773-1861 , 1792-1868 , 1802-1879 , 1803-1891 , 1809-1884 , 1818-1883 , 1825-1871 , 19th century , Aloe , America , Cactaceae , Cacteæ in horto dyckensi cultæ anno 1844 , Cereus , Cholera , Classification , Correspondence , Coryphantha , Cupressaceae , Echinocactus , Echinocereus , Echinopsis , Engelmann, George, , Epiphyllum , Europe , Ficus , fl. 1840-1854 , German Americans , Germany , Graf zu, , Irish Americans , Labouret, J , Letters , Liliaceae , Lindheimer, Ferdinand, , Melocactus , Moraceae , Mühlenpfordt, F , Opuntia , Packing , Pelecyphora , Politics and government , Poselger, H , Potts, John , Rhipsalis , Salm-Reifferscheidt, Joseph, , Scheer, Fred , Seemann, Berthold, , Sequoia (Genus)

BHL Collections

Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden

Call Number

Archives Collection 1 RG 4/1/5/1




OCLC: 872653058


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