In hoc volumine continentur insignium medicorum : Ioan. Serapionis Arabis De simplicibus medicinis opus praeclarum & ingens, Averrois Arabis, De eisdem liber eximius, Rasis filii Zachariae, de eisdem opusculum perutile, incerti item autoris de centaureo libellus hactenus Galeno inscriptus, dictionum arabicarvm iuxta atq[ue] latinarum index valde necessarius, in quorum emendata excusione, ne quid omnino disyderaretur Othonis Brunfelsii singulari fide & diligentia cautum est
Serapion, the Younger.
Averroës, 1126-1198
Rāzī, Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā, 865?-925?
Brunfels, Otto, 1488-1534
Geldenhauer, Gerard, 1482-1542
Georg Ulricher.
Published material
Publication info
[Argentorati [Strasbourg], Excudebat Georgius Ulricher, 1531, mensis Septembri
In his note to the reader Brunfels acknowledges the editorial assistance of Gerard Geldenhauer.
This Latin version, by Abraham ben Shem-tob and Simon Genuensis, of the De simplici medicina by Ibn Serapion, was published with the Practica by Yu¯h?anna¯ ibn Serapion in Lyons in 1525. There too it was accompanied by the Latin text of the pseudo-Galenic De virtute centaureae.
The Latin translation, by Jacob Bonacosa, of the Colliget of Averroës, book 5 of which is here published under the title "De simplicibus," was published in Venice (i.e. Ferrara) in 1482.
The Latin translation, by Gerardus Cremonensis, of the Liber ad Almansorem by Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā, Abū Bakr, al-Rāzī, book 3 of which is here published under the title "De simplicibus ad Almansorem," was published in Milan in 1481.
Numerous errors in paging.
Includes index.
Early works to 1800
Materia medica
Medicine, Arab
Medicine, Medieval
BHL Collections
Missouri Botanical Garden's Materia Medica
Call Number
R128.3.S47165 1531 [#758]
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