Horti medici amstelodamensis rariorum tam Orientalis
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Horti medici amstelodamensis rariorum tam Orientalis : quàm Occidentalis Indiæ, aliarumque peregrinarum plantarum, magno studio ac labore, sumptibus Civitatis amstelodamensis, longâ annorum serie collectarum, descriptio et icones ad vivum æri incisæ


Commelin, Johannes, 1629-1692 , Nederlantze Hesperides.

Commelin, Caspar, 1667?-1731
Ruysch, Frederik, 1638-1731
Kiggelaer, Franz, 1648-1722
Moninckx, Maria.
Moninckx, Johan.
Someren, Abraham.
Blaeu, Pieter, 1637-1706
Blaeu, Joan, 1596-1673




Published material

Publication info

Amstelodami, apud P. & J. Blaeu, nec non Abrahamum à Someren, 1697-1701


Title-page of v. 2 reads: Horti medici amctelædamensis rariorum tam aficanarum, qua`m utriusque Indiæ ... plantarum ... descriptio ... Amstelædami, apud P. & J. Blaeu. nec non viduam Abrahami a` Someren.

Titles in red and black.

Added title-pages, engr.

Each volume has added t.-p. in Dutch : Beschryvinge en curieuse afbeeldingen van rare vreemde ... gewassen vertoont in den Amsterdamsche kruyd-hof ...

Latin and Dutch in parallel columns.

Includes index.

"First edition of both volumes. The first volume, on the plants of the East and the West Indies, was Jan Commelin's most important contribution to botanical knowledge. The second volume was by Caspar

"The original paintings were mainly the work of Johan and Maria Moninckx and may be seen in the library of Hortus Botanicus."-Hunt.

Hunt Botanical Cat. | 399.

Stafleu (2nd) | 1187.

Pritzel (2nd) | 1833.


1701 , Botany , Copper engraving , Early works to 1800 , Graphic media : , Hortus Botanicus (Amsterdam, Netherlands) , Indonesia , Netherlands , Plants , Pre-Linnean works , Uncolored , West Indies

Call Number

QK41.C7 1697-1701




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.820
OCLC: 8548540


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