Johannis Sperlingii, Scient. Natural. quondam Prof. P. celeberrimi, Zoologiam physicam
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Johannis Sperlingii, Scient. Natural. quondam Prof. P. celeberrimi, Zoologiam physicam

Title Variants

Alternative: Iohan Sperlingi Zoologia Phys: posthuma
Alternative: Zoologiam physicam


Sperling, Johann, 1603-1658

Kirchmayer, Georg Kaspar, 1635-1700 , De basilisco, unicornu, phoenice, behemoth, leviathan, dracone, araneo, tarantula et ave paradisi, dissertationes aliqvot




Published material

Publication info

Wittebergae [Wittenberg (Saxony-Anhalt)], Impensis haeredum Joh. Bergeri, literis Joh. Haken, a M. DC. LXIX. [1669]


Editio altera, priori longè emendatior.


Additional, folded engraved title page reads: Iohan Sperlingi Zoologia Phys: posthuma, and has imprint: Wittebergae. Impensis haered: Iohann: Bergeri. Bibl: Anno M.D.CLXIX.

First printed posthumously in Leipzig, 1661.

"Georgii Casp. Kirch. Majeri, Eloqv. Prof. Publ. Wittenbergensis, De basilisco, unicornu, phoenice, behemoth, leviathan, dracone, araneo, tarantula et ave paradisi, dissertationes aliqvot. Editio altera locupletior correctiorqve", p. [1-8], 1-168, 3rd and 4th counts, has separate dated title page with imprint: Wittenbergae: Impensis haeredum Joh. Bergeri, in officina Finceliana excudebat Michael Meyer, Anno M D C LXIX (with roman numeral date made with reverse c's)

Georg Kaspar Kirchmayer's "De Leviathan", p. 95-104, 4th count, contains references to the West Indies, Greenland, and Iceland; "De draconum varietate", p. 116-124, 4th count, mentions Ferdinand Magellan and Pigafetta as well as the natural history of the West Indies and Brazil.

Signatures: )o(⁸ (-)o(8)) b⁴ A-2D⁸ (D5 missigned D4; K5 missigned K3) )a(⁴ ²A-²K⁸ ²L⁴

Engraved head and tail pieces.


-1521 , approximately 1480-approximately 1534 , Brazil , Greenland , Iceland , Imprint 1669 , Magalhães, Fernão de, , Natural history , Pigafetta, Antonio, , West Indies , Whales




DOI: https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.title.98166
Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q51496718


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