This collection contains 74 volumes from 75 titles, containing 25717 pages.
By: Cuvier, Georges, baron, - Latreille, P. A. (Pierre André), - McMurtrie, Henry,Edition:Publication info: London G. Henderson 1834-1837Volume: v.3 (1837) [Plates]Series:Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, LondonSubjects:BHL Collections: Blog Features | Color Our Collections | Top BHL Partner Content
By: Cuvier, Georges, baron, - Bull, - Gray, George Robert, - Gray, John Edward - Griffith, Edward, - Pidgeon, Edward. - Smith, Charles Hamilton, - Westwood, J. O. (John Obadiah),Edition:Publication info: London Printed for G.B. Whittaker 1827-1835Volume: v.4 (1827) [Mammalia]Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Women in Natural History
By: Cuvier, Georges, baron, - Bull, - Gray, George Robert, - Gray, John Edward - Griffith, Edward, - Pidgeon, Edward. - Smith, Charles Hamilton, - Westwood, J. O. (John Obadiah),Edition:Publication info: London Printed for G.B. Whittaker 1827-1835Volume: v.11 (1830) [Fossils]Series:Holding Institution: California Academy of SciencesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Lucas, Frederic A. (Frederic Augustus),Edition:Publication info: New York, McClure, Phillips & Co, 1901Volume: (1901)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Blog Features | Color Our Collections | Unearthed! Smithsonian Libraries' Paleo Collection
By: Université de Lyon.Edition:Publication info: Lyon, G. Masson, 1891-1898Volume: fasc.26 (1896)Series:Holding Institution: Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel University, Library and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Westwood, J. O. (John Obadiah), - Bradbury & Evans.Edition:Publication info: London, William Smith, 1845 [i.e. 1841-1845]Volume: v.1-2 (1844-1845)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Magnus, P. (Paul),Edition:Publication info: Berlin, 1870Volume: 1870Series:Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, LondonSubjects:BHL Collections: Charles Darwin's Library | Color Our Collections
By: Chenu, Jean-Charles, - Conrad, T. A. (Timothy Abbott), - Donovan, E. (Edward), - Leach, William Elford, - Martyn, Thomas, - Montagu, George, - Rafinesque, C. S. (Constantine Samuel), - Say, Thomas,Edition:Publication info: Paris, A. Franck, 1845-6Volume: t.2Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Frohawk, Frederick William,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by order of the Trustees of the British museum, 1919Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Blackburn, Jemima,Edition:Publication info: Edinburgh, David Douglas, 1895Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of California LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Women in Natural History
By: Bailey, Florence Merriam,Edition:Publication info: Boston, Houghton, Mifflin and company, 1898Volume:Series:Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Women in Natural History
By: Shuckard, William Edward, - Spry, W.,Edition:Publication info: London, W. Crofts, 1840Volume:Series:Holding Institution: California Academy of SciencesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, - Walker-Arnott, George Arnott,Edition:Publication info: London, 1855Volume: 1855Series:Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, LondonSubjects:BHL Collections: Charles Darwin's Library | Color Our Collections
By: New Zealand Geological Survey. - Miers, Edward J. (Edward John), - Colonial Museum (N.Z.)Edition:Publication info: London, E.W. Janson, 1876Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Jatta, Giuseppe. - Stazione zoologica di Napoli.Edition:Publication info: Berlin, R. Friedländer & Sohn, 1896Volume: no.23:plates (1896)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Blog Features | Color Our Collections
By: Verrill, A. E. (Addison Emery),Edition:Publication info: New Haven, Conn, Connecticut Academy of Sciences, 1879-1881Volume: Pt. 2Series:Holding Institution: MBLWHOI LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Monsters Are Real
By: Nakai, Takenoshin, - Hyŏndae Hwarang (Korea. - Chōsen Sōtokufu Ringyō Shikenjō.Edition:Publication info: [Keijō, [Chōsen Sōtokufu], Taishō 4-Shōwa 14 [1915-1939]Volume: pars 11 (1921)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Rodrigues, J. Barbosa (João Barbosa), - Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro.Edition:Publication info: Rio de Janeiro, L'Etoile du Sud, 1901-1907Volume: no.1-4 (1901-1907)Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany LibrariesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Bloch, Marcus Elieser, - Berger, D. (Daniel), - Berger, Friedrich Gottlieb, - Bodenehr, George, - Krüger, junior, - Darchow, C., - Gursch, C. F., - Hesse, - Krüger, Jr. - Rosenberg, F. C. W., - Schmidt, A. F., - Schmidt, F. G., - Schmidt, Friedrich Wilhelm, - Schmidt, Johann Gottlieb, - Schmidt, Ludwig (Engraver), - Realschulbuchhandlung (Berlin, Germany)Edition:Publication info: Berlin Auf Kosten des Verfassers und in Commission bei dem Buchhändler Hr. Hesse 1782-1795Volume: pt.2:[Atlas 3] (1785-1795)Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Fuchs, Leonhart, - Füllmaurer, Heinrich - Füllmaurer, Heinrich - Holbein, Hans, - Meyer, Albert, - Meyer, Albrecht, - Specklin, Veit Rudolph, - Specklin, Veit Rudolph,Edition:Publication info: Basileae, In officina Isingriniana, anno Christi MDXLII [1542]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Ellwanger & Barry. - Mount Hope Nurseries. - Ellwanger & Barry. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition: 22nd ed.Publication info: Rochester, N.Y, Ellwanger & Barry, 1876Volume: 1876Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Desfontaines, René Louiche, - Newton, Alfred, - Willughby Society.Edition:Publication info: London, 1880Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Reichenbach, H. G. Ludwig (Heinrich Gottlieb Ludwig),Edition:Publication info: Leipzig, Verlag von Wagner'schen Buchhandlung, 1839Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Field Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Hoefnagel, Jacob,Edition:Publication info: [Amsterdam], Typis[que] mandatæ a Nicolao Ioannis Visscher, 1630Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research InstituteSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Henry A. Dreer (Firm) - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: Philadelphia, Pa, Henry A. Dreer, 1884Volume: 1875Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Burrow, E. J. (Edward John),Edition: New ed.Publication info: London, J. Duncan, 1844Volume:Series:Holding Institution: California Academy of SciencesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Ellwanger & Barry. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: Rochester, N.Y, Ellwanger & Barry, 1866Volume: 1866Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Hutchinson, H. N. (Henry Neville), - Knight, Charles Robert, - Smit, Joseph, - Woodward, Alice B.,Edition: New and enl. ed.Publication info: London, Chapman & Hall, 1910Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Curious and Bizarre Creatures
By: Gray, George Robert, - Swainson, William,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed by Taylor and Francis, 1871Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Dominion Museum (N.Z.) - Hutton, Frederick Wollaston, - Hector, James, Sir, - New Zealand Geological Survey.Edition:Publication info: Wellington, N.Z, J. Hughes, printer, 1872Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Jordan, David Starr, - Evermann, Barton Warren,Edition:Publication info: Washington, Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, 1896-1900Volume: v.4Series:Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Seubert, Moritz, - Hochstetter, Christian Ferdinand, - Hochstetter, Karl Christian Friedrich,Edition:Publication info: Bonnae, Apud A. Marcum, 1844Volume:Series:Holding Institution: United States Geological Survey Libraries ProgramSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von, - Eichler, August Wilhelm, - Urban, Ignaz, - Endlicher, Stephan, - Fenzl, Eduard, - Mary, Benj. - Oldenburg, R.Edition:Publication info: Monachii et Lipsiae [Munich & Leipzig], R. Oldenbourg, 1840-1906Volume: v.3,pt.6Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Beddome, R. H. (Richard Henry), - Bentham, George,Edition:Publication info: Madras, Printed by Gantz Brothers, [1869-73]Volume: v. 2Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Mantell, Gideon Algernon, - Mantell, Mary AnnEdition:Publication info: London, L. Relfe, 1822Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Fossil Stories | Women in Natural History
By: Saville-Kent, WilliamEdition:Publication info: London, W.H. Allen, [1893]Volume: [Plates (1893)]Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Olaus, Magnus, Archbishop of Uppsala, - Grapheus, Cornelius Scribonius. - Beller, Jean,Edition:Publication info: Antverpiae, Apud Ioannem Bellerum, [ca. 1557]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Monsters Are Real
By: Jonstonus, Joannes, - Castelli, Pietro, - Jonstonus, Joannes, - Jonstonus, Joannes, - Jonstonus, Joannes, - Jonstonus, Joannes, - Jonstonus, Joannes, - Jonstonus, Joannes, - Marggraf, Georg, - Merian, Matthaeus, - Merian, Matthaeus,Edition:Publication info: Amstelodami, Apud Ioannem Iacobi Fil. Schipper, MDCLVII [1657]Volume: pt.1;3;2 (1657) [Incomplete]Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Curious and Bizarre Creatures
By: Kielsen, F. C. (Frederik Christian), - Steen, Christianus, - Bianco Luno & Schneider.Edition:Publication info: Hafniae, Sumptibus Christiani Steen, typis Bianco Luno & Schneider, 1835Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Sagra, Ramón de la, - Montagne, Jean François Camille, - Richard, Achille,Edition: Edita excerptae.Publication info: Parisiis, Baillière, 1863Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Field Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Goodrich, Samuel G. (Samuel Griswold),Edition:Publication info: New-York, Derby & Jackson, 1859Volume: 2Series:Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Gerstein Science Information CentreSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Vallentin, E. F., Mrs. - Cotton, E. M., Mrs.Edition:Publication info: London, L. Reeve & Co, 1921Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Field Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Cheeseman, T. F. (Thomas Frederick), - Hemsley, W. Botting (William Botting), - Smith, Matilda,Edition:Publication info: Wellington, John Mackay, Govt. Printer, 1914Volume: v.1 (1914)Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Women in Natural History
By: Cheeseman, T. F. (Thomas Frederick), - Hemsley, W. Botting (William Botting), - Smith, Matilda,Edition:Publication info: Wellington, John Mackay, Govt. Printer, 1914Volume: v.2 (1914)Series:Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Women in Natural History
By: Walker, Francis,Edition:Publication info: London, Reeve and Benham, 1851-56Volume: v.1 (1851)Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: J. Bolgiano & Son. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: Baltimore, Md, Bolgiano, 1902Volume: 1902Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Spratt, G., Mrs.Edition:Publication info: London, Saunders and Otley, 1837Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Field Museum of Natural History LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Clapp, Cornelia M.Edition:Publication info: [n.p.], 1899Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Women in Natural History
By: Huquier, Gabriel, - Huquier, Gabriel,Edition:Publication info: Paris?, s.n, 173-?Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Seba, Albertus, - Boerhaave, Herman, - Gaubius, Hieronymus David, - Massuet, Pierre, - Jancourt, L. - Musschenbroek, Petrus van, - Artedi, Peter, - Tanjé, P.,Edition:Publication info: Amstelaedami, Apud J. Wetstenium, & Gul. Smith, & Janssonio-Waesbergios, 1734-1765Volume: t.1 (1734)Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Objects of Wonder
By: Workman, ThomasEdition:Publication info: Belfast, T. Workman, 1896-1900Volume:Series:Holding Institution: National Library Board, SingaporeSubjects:BHL Collections: BHL Singapore | Color Our Collections
By: Suter, HenryEdition:Publication info: Wellington, N. Z, J. Mackay, govt. printer, 1913-1915Volume: atlasSeries:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By:Edition:Publication info: Perth, Printed by R. Morrison Junior, 1792Volume:Series:Holding Institution: University of Pittsburgh Library SystemSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: McCoy, Frederick, - Ferguson, J. M., - MacGillivray, P. H. (Paul Howard), - Wild, John James - Hamel & Co., - Trübner & Co.Edition:Publication info: Melbourne, By authority: J. Ferres, government printer, 1885-1890Volume: v.1:Decade 6-10 (1885)Series:Holding Institution: MBLWHOI LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Art of Science | Color Our Collections
By: Shaw, George - Nodder, Frederick Polydore - Nodder, Elizabeth R. - Nodder, Richard Polydore - McMillan, Buchanan, - Leach, William Elford,Edition:Publication info: London, Printed for Nodder & Co, 1789-1813Volume: v.1 [1789-1790]Series:Holding Institution: Museums VictoriaSubjects:BHL Collections: BHL Australia | Color Our Collections | Museums Victoria
By: Herrich-Schäffer, G. A. W. (Gottlieb August Wilhelm),Edition:Publication info: Regensburg, F. Pustet, 1835-40Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Goode, G. Brown (George Brown), - Bean, Tarleton H. (Tarleton Hoffman), - Smithsonian Institution - United States National MuseumEdition:Publication info: Cambridge, U.S.A, Printed for the Museum, 1896Volume: v.22 (1896) atlasSeries:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Séguy, E. A. (Emile-Allain),Edition:Publication info: Paris, Tolmer, [ca. 1925]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Peter Henderson & Co. - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.Edition:Publication info: New York, Peter Henderson & Co, 1875Volume: 1875Series:Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: Belon, Pierre, - Fischer, P.-H.Edition:Publication info: Parisiis, Apud C. Stephanum, 1553Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Curious and Bizarre Creatures | Monsters Are Real | Under the Sea: World Oceans Day
By: United States. Army. Corps of Topographical Engineers - Sitgreaves, Lorenzo,Edition:Publication info: Washington, R. Armstrong, public printer, 1853Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Library of CongressSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Günther, Albert C. L. G. (Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf),Edition:Publication info: London, Pub. for the Ray society by R. Hardwicke, 1864Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Bateman, Jas. (James),Edition:Publication info: London, L. Reeve & co, 1867Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Missouri Botanical Garden's Orchid Folios
By: Gray, John EdwardEdition:Publication info: London, Treuttel, Wurtz, and Co, 1831Volume: 1831Series:Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, LondonSubjects:BHL Collections: Charles Darwin's Library | Color Our Collections
By: Schimper, Wilhelm-Philippe,Edition:Publication info: Paris, J.B. Baillière et fils, 1869-1874Volume:Series:Holding Institution: United States Geological Survey Libraries ProgramSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Aldrovandi, Ulisse, - Ambrosini, Bartolommeo,Edition:Publication info: Bononiæ, apud C. Ferronium, 1640Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Curious and Bizarre Creatures | Monsters Are Real
By: Mueller, Ferdinand von,Edition:Publication info: Melbourne, J. Ferres, 1864Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections | Ferdinand von Mueller Collection
By: Descourtilz, M. E. (Michel Etienne),Edition:Publication info: Paris, Dufart, père, 1809Volume: t.1 (1809)Series:Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana ChampaignSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Descourtilz, M. E. (Michel Etienne),Edition:Publication info: Paris, Dufart, père, 1809Volume: t.2 (1809)Series:Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana ChampaignSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Descourtilz, M. E. (Michel Etienne),Edition:Publication info: Paris, Dufart, père, 1809Volume: t.3 (1809)Series:Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana ChampaignSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Sharpe, Richard Bowdler,Edition:Publication info: New York, Frederick A. Stokes company, [1921]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Cornell University LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Stopendael, Daniel,Edition:Publication info: T'Amsteldam, By de Wed, 1719Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Chicago Botanic Garden, Lenhardt LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Adams, Arthur, - Gray, John Edward - Hawkins, B. Waterhouse (Benjamin Waterhouse), - Marryat, Frederick, - Reeve, Lowell Augustus - Richardson, John, Sir, - Sowerby, G. B. (George Brettingham), - White, Adam, - Wing, William - Great Britain. Admiralty. - Linnean Society of London.Edition:Publication info: London, Reeve and Benham, 1850 [i.e. 1848-1850]Volume:Series:Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and ArchivesSubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections
By: Richardson, John, Sir, - Gray, John Edward - Ross, James Clark, Sir, - Erebus (Ship). - Terror (Ship).Edition:Publication info: London, E. W. Janson, 1844-1875Volume: 2Series:Holding Institution: MBLWHOI LibrarySubjects:BHL Collections: Color Our Collections