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über den Einfluss der Isolirung auf die Artbildung. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 13—8 score
lines 15—4 annotation see t Forbes Case
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink p. 8 «p 12 p. 41» on th Hilgendorf case of Planorbis — periods of Variability succeeded by Constancy — (Mem. Forbes case in Purbeck Beds) «p. 137» good argumnts M. Wagner

line 18 score [`bookmark']

line 11 score [`bookmark']

line 12 score [`bookmark']

line 4 score [`bookmark']

line 3 score [`bookmark']

lines 1—6 score
lines 1—6 annotation slowness of chng [ie `change']
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink p. 8 «p 12 p. 41» on th Hilgendorf case of Planorbis — periods of Variability succeeded by Constancy — (Mem. Forbes case in Purbeck Beds) «p. 137» good argumnts M. Wagner

[continues overleaf] lines 6—3 double score
lines 2—1 double score
lines 8—4 annotation most important
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink p. 8 «p 12 p. 41» on th Hilgendorf case of Planorbis — periods of Variability succeeded by Constancy — (Mem. Forbes case in Purbeck Beds) «p. 137» good argumnts M. Wagner

[continuation] 1—2 double score
lines 13—19 score in pale pencil
top-marginline 19 annotation different individuals vary in different ways & all lead to the same end — like what I have said of Giraffe in the Descent.

line 15 score [`bookmark']

[continues overleaf] lines 13—12 underline "vollzieht ... werden"
lines 3—1 underline "sondern ... aus"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink p. ‹20› 42— on manner in which these forms of Planorbis become constant.

line 12 underline "sehr ... Individuen"
lines 10—16 annotation thinks cause of constancy lies in colonies consisting of several individuals
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink p. 45 In a «variable» colonist to remain constant mny individuals must immigrate

lines 7—3 score
line 5 annotation (a)
bottom-margin annotation (a) Thinks individual differences overstated    (?)

lines 4—2 score
lines 4—3 annotation (a)
line 2 underline in pale pencil "Apus"
line 1 underline "Beiträge ... Arthropoden"
bottom-margin annotation abut th dryng of eggs of Apus
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink 47.    Abut drying of eggs of Apus & revival.

lines 8—7 underline "als ... besitzt"
lines 18—6 annotation Islands where some forms changed & some identical shows isolation by itself does nothng.
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink 48 Isolation by itself does nothing

line 18 score [`bookmark']

lines 8—6 score

lines 3—8 score
line 5 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation a    species remain constant till som cause induces variation—
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink 51. Periods of variability long, yet shorter than those of constancy .

lines 15—9 score
lines 4—1 score
lines 18—8 annotation Evidence of Periods of variation long, yet shorter than those of constancy

top-margin annotation A difference in result whether a variable or constant form in the colonist is new
lines 4—26 annotation The species which remain for long periods & in mny countries (& whole genera) variable are opposed to periods of variability
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink 52.    My argument: M.S. against periods of variability.

line 12 score [`bookmark']

lines 1—8 score
top-marginline 3 annotation i.e. without selection or any new tendency t variation, supposing th new arriver to be already variable—
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink ― «p 54» Lays greatest stress on difference in results when a variable or constant species is a Colonist

lines 3—1 score
bottom-margin annotation says vry difficut to prove what are purely morphological characters

lines 8—6 score
bottom-margin annotation ⧟ cases like Kallima
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation in dark brown ink p. 55 Protective resemblance of Butterflies

line 4 score [`bookmark']

lines 1—9 score
top-marginline 9 annotation asserts th dark colour of wings of ♀ Blue Butterfls is certainy a protction—
line 9 at "Dieselben" annotation
lines 9—10 underline "Dieselben ... Flügeln"
lines 10—24 annotation I think because his wings have been coloured blue the female has not this habit because her wings are brown

line 11 score [`bookmark']

whole-margin annotation He considers Secondary Sexual characters as morphological or indifferent, but I doubt, for so wd be primry sexual charcters

line 1 score [`bookmark']

line 10 underline "V. ichnusa"
lines 10—4 score
lines 10—4 annotation trace of mark in V. ichn
show subjects subjects

lines 11—15 score

line 4 underline "Amixie"
lines 3—2 underline "weil ... gewöhnlich"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation in dark brown ink p. 67    He calls it amixie th non-crssing & acconts for vy local forms by th same «p. 74» proportion of variation not occurng in area stocked by vry few individuals — I shd think slightly differnt conditions wd likewise influence th propagation of variation.— The difference thus gained wd. never exceed th amnt of «individual» differences in species in question

lines 5—9 score
line 9 score
lines 10—12 score
lines 4—17 annotation he assumes taste of ♀ wd. remain constant, wd be affected by [illegible word] colour — We have cases of local vars of Birds in which ♂s alone differ.
show subjects subjects

lines 15—8 score
lines 11—2 annotation → Have I not case of ♂ moths like ♀ in Shetland Islds

line 1 score
lines 5—7 score
top-marginline 25 annotation on his peculiar view isolation cannot make a greter amount of difference than th extrem varieties of parent species — but may be aided by S. Selection
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation in dark brown ink p. 67    He calls it amixie th non-crssing & acconts for vy local forms by th same «p. 74» proportion of variation not occurng in area stocked by vry few individuals — I shd think slightly differnt conditions wd likewise influence th propagation of variation.— The difference thus gained wd. never exceed th amnt of «individual» differences in species in question

lines 18—10 score
lines 28—10 annotation vy slight differences in different countries.
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation in dark brown ink p. 76    cases of extremely slight difference in differt countries of Lepidoptera — ‹many› «most» species do not present any local vars.

lines 1—2 double score

lines 4—26 annotation On effects of crossing vry slow , in slowly moving organism — true — he ignores greatr vigour of crossed ofsprng
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation in dark brown ink p 85 Effects of crossng slight & slow except in locomotive organisms.

line 11 score [`bookmark']

lines 16—22 score
top-marginline 22 annotation But how does he know tht th black ♀ not due to direcly external agencies
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation in dark brown ink 95 97 102 } Does he not ignore effects of conditions long-continued.— p 102 good argumnt against.

lines 5—8 score
line 8 underline "ein ... gelben"
line 8 annotation (a)
top-margin annotation I think so if cause of variation preponderant
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation in dark brown ink 95 97 102 } Does he not ignore effects of conditions long-continued.— p 102 good argumnt against.
show subjects subjects

line 9 score [`bookmark']

line 8 score [`bookmark']

lines 11—13 score
lines 12—13 underline "die ... Stammart"

line 10 score [`bookmark']

lines 9—6 score
lines 10—6 annotation on islands
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation in dark brown ink 106. Cause of richness of endemic forms on islands in part due to such when once formed not spreading to other areas.

line 16 underline "Corsica ... Sardinien"
lines 11—7 score
line 10 underline "italienischen"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation in dark brown ink 107. local form of Butterflies has never spred from Corsica to mainland of Italy.