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Principles of geology. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation Mississippi, New Madrid, & Caraccas } 46

annotation in pale pencil Albite Volcanic Rock V. Buch p. 175

annotation Necker on curves Mag. & Mountain chains p. 326
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annotation horizontally crossed Exert. m
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annotation (Exemplify the force of pebbles knocking together)
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annotation Beach. is only cause of sedimnt on whole of Peru, — as far as granite so far same sediment
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annotation [drawing]
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annotation p. 336 trees touching ground
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annotation p. 218 Dolomieu Calabria

annotation The great difficult appears, that though some animals long domesticated change not indefinite (Do we know this), but most domesticated animals are hereditary monsters. Yet we should have expected some race, which would have showed a slight repugnance to breed with our animals.— /

annotation X 2d. The changes apparently being rapidly superinduced. «in domesticated animals» NB. The vry character of species is ‹very› character being hereditary, & as we know we can give forms not hereditary, some that are; we might expect gradation

annotation [continues on page 442] X Argument 2d.    Excellent argument sheep do not get big tails in Africa or cattle long horn or cow bump on back, or dogs like fox in Australia or — or — or— — yet whole breed being so. it must be effect of country yet exciting, or else Nature would have altered back — XXX

annotation [continues on end-note] XXX Now if in course of ages (having shown time is requisite) offspring differed as much from Indian Cattle & long horned «as Buffalo. near.»t01 & as these do now from common stock , then would they perish.—
     (These insensible changes may explain extinction thy might act on some important organ & become heredtry like diseases)
t01 - `as Buffalo. near.' in brown ink

annotation p. 215
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annotation cancelledin pale pencil 187 Ask Captain about earth parting from solid Rock / [drawing]t01
t01 - `[drawing]' in pale pencil
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annotation ----------------

annotation (Beechey is he authority of Concepcion? — No, Lesson? — no)
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annotation (Stokes height of any land near Concepcion ?)

annotation (Sulphur passing from solfatara like veins, analogy)
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annotation (Abich bulletin of Geological Society «of France» Leucite infusible in specks. Galapagos VII — lines 1835—1836)
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annotation Von Buch. Canary Isld.
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annotation ----------------

annotation [left and right sides, drawings]
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annotation 12
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annotation The two kinds of Elevation going on together
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annotation in dark pencil ----------------

annotation Error in Constant Prevost. p. 154
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annotation in dark pencil p [?]304 [illegible phrase]
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annotation p 323
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