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Die Bastardbefruchtung im Pflanzenreich. : [Supplementary material in Charles Darwin's copy]
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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation Charles Darwin Esqre. with kind regard from — the author.

annotation cancelled The most striking case given of constitutional weakness of Hybrids

annotation Full Abstract) (1t01t02
          Max Wichura
t01 - `(1' in pencil
t02 - `Full Abstract (1' in Darwin's hand
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annotation S. 24 Willows have great power of combining into complex hybrids; he has united 6 species into one hybrid.

annotation [alongside next annotation] in Darwin's hand, in pencil / see Back p 2 /
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annotation S. 28. Thinks Gärtner's reversions due to parent pollen: Naudin's results point to opposite extreme. Does not Gärtner say that cultivated vars. revert more than wild species? Does this not account for difference between Naudin & Wichura?

annotation S. 29. The 6 fold hybrids cd not live —

annotation p 31. Says generally that Hybrids are not so strong & healthy.—

annotation S. 30 Gradation in sterility of Hybrid willows which «in extreme point of scale» t01 ends in death of young plants.
t01 - `« in extreme ... scale» ' in Darwin's hand, in pencil
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annotation S. 35. Gradation in potency of pollen.

annotation 38 pollen gets worse & worse in offspring of Hybrids inter se & in (p. 39) the more complex hybrid.

annotation S 41. Luxuriance in hybrid willows is by no means the rule rather the reverse.
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annotation (3t01
t01 - `(3' in Darwin's hand, in pencil

annotation p. 83 Explains sterility of hybrids by combined organization being ill-fitted for conditions. I give this view p. 288 / 3rd ed. of Origin; but contradicted if offspring from homomorphic unions are sterile.

annotation p 85. Explains increasing sterility of successive generations of hybrids inter se by inter-breeding like I do.

annotation p 85 The crossed Triticum & Aegilops which increased in fertility had 3/4 of Triticum blood.
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annotation p 89 cultivated plants which vary most often have irregular pollen and seems to think there is some analogy between variability & hybridism.
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annotation p. 92 Cultivated plants like hybrids, are in a state of dis-accommodation & he gives Kohlreuters view on this point

annotation S. 42. Cases of weakly hybrid willows
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annotation S 43. Believes in Kohlreuters view that luxuriance of hybrids results from sterility, ;false from mongrels —

annotation |t01 S. 43 & 44 Number of «individuals of either» t02 sexes modified in hybrid willow. there are more females & see p. 63.
t01 - `|' in Darwin's hand, in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `« individuals of either» ' in Darwin's hand, in dark pencil
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annotation S. 50. Never saw a prepotent type & «therefore» doubts Gärtner.

annotation S 56 variabilityt01 in hybrid willows when hybrid pollen used;— uniformityt02 when pure pollen used.
t01 - underlined in Darwin's hand, in dark pencil
t02 - underlined in Darwin's hand, in dark pencil
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annotation S. 58 ; 66 difft kind of hybrid willow found wild
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annotation S. 64. Gives proportion of hybrids to pure species in different districts — in some places more hybrids than pure plants —

annotation p. 65 Ingeniously explains how they abound on certain spots from rapid Germination of seed . —t01
t01 - `of seed ... —' in Darwin's hand, in dark pencil
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annotation p. 80. gives case of species very like each other yet do not unite easily. —t01
t01 - `—' in Darwin's hand, in dark pencil

annotation Gärtner p. 474, & 582 on Revrsion occurrng chiefly in cultivated Plants —
     Naudin who «used» cultivated plants goes to one extreme & ‹M› Wichura who experimted on wild willows goes to other extreme

annotation p. 22
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annotation p 43 — Var. under Domstictn
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annotation 89.    do — Look over — allude to thery of non-accomodation — will not do if Primula & Linum are sterile. —
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