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Book Title
Handbook to The birds of Australia
Publication Details
London Publishe by the author 1865
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copy-specific Information
Supplementary material in Darwin's copy
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation (Gould) Vol It01
t01 - `Vol I' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects concepts

annotation 97 ♀ larger & brightert01
t01 - `♀ larger ... brighter' horizontally crossed

annotation horizontally crossed 118    Merops    Young
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation ----------------

annotation alongside next 6 annotations How are young in species in which tail differs in colour. [illegible word] neck.

annotation vertically crossed 124    Dacelo    Y & sexes
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 130    Halcyon Y       [several pin-holes]
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation alongside next 3 annotations Kingfishers
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 135 — good case Kingfisher with sexes curiously differnt — yng male like female
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 136 sexes rathr differnt .. Kingfisher
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 140 Y
show subjects concepts

annotation ----------------

annotation vertically crossed [When adult obscure & like I think yong always alike]    no

annotation vertically crossed     Sexual Selection
show subjects concepts

annotation    145 Y.
show subjects concepts

annotation    193 Y complex changes

annotation    200 sexes

annotation    210— males conspicuous & shyt01 (Q)
t01 - `— males ... shy' horizontally crossed

annotation    213 2d year males assume plumage

annotation    215 Y
        256 sexes & Y

annotation    260 . sexes alike yng differt
        266 do

annotation    278t01 Nt02
t01 - `278' in dark brown ink
t02 - `N' in blue crayon
show subjects concepts

annotation 300 Menura visits same mounds
show subjects subjects

annotation 310 tail & nest of Menura
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 317 Nt01 Nest dome — yet ♀ obscure — strng against Wallace
     splndid Birds drg Bredng seasont02
t01 - `N' in blue crayon
t02 - `splndid Birds ... season' in brown ink

annotation vertically crossed (I have [?]reused recently all marks— I must look over volumes.)

annotation vertically crossed [I may put th case that mny Birds which differ sexually build doomd [ie `domed'] nests.— & mny which do not differ & are not brilliant also build such nests.]—
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 395 ♀ less than half size of males (Q)t01t02
t01 - `395 ♀ ... (Q)' horizontally crossed
t02 - `✔' in reddish-orange crayon

annotation vertically crossed horizontally crossed 419 castanotis .
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed horizontally crossed 442    Bower Bird — Give figure    to 461
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation vertically crossed 457 Beauty causing shynesst01 (Q)
t01 - `457 Beauty ... shyness' horizontally crossed

annotation vertically crossed    471    Corcorax displayng himself to utmst advntget01t02
t01 - `471 Corcorax ... advntge' horizontally crossed
t02 - `✔' in reddish-orange crayon
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed horizontally crossed { It wd be well to look apropos of nest, whether mny of Hony-suckers are bright —
show subjects subjects

annotation vertically crossed 597 peculiar noise made by wings by malest01t02
t01 - `597 peculiar ... males' horizontally crossed
t02 - `✔' in reddish-orange crayon

annotation vertically crossed horizontally crossed 602    ♀ never beautiful
     [In same genus «with» sexes alike, & young either like or unlike adults. ?]

annotation vertically crossed     All abut Sexual Selction
show subjects concepts

annotation 145    variation in nests